Specifying the FTP, SFTP, or PDUU server settings

A server definition specifies the settings required for an FTP, SFTP, or PDUU client to log into the FTP, SFTP, or PDUU server on a system and download or upload files. Specifically, a server definition contains information about the FTP, SFTP, or PDUU server, the transfer method, and the profile needed to navigate the firewall or proxy server that is between the FTP, SFTP, or PDUU server and client.

The server definitions that are defined to z/OSMF are displayed on the FTP Servers page. To display this page, expand the z/OSMF Settings category and select FTP Servers.

By default, z/OSMF provides a server definition for the IBM SFTP and PDUU servers. For a list of the IBM-supplied server definitions, see help topic IBM-supplied SFTP and PDUU server definitions.

Columns in the FTP Servers table

Table 1. Columns in the FTP Servers table
Column Description
Name Name of the server definition. If you click the name link, the View FTP Server page is displayed.
Activity State of the server definition. If the server definition is being modified, the lock icon and the Being modified link are displayed. Otherwise, this column is blank.

To view the user ID of the user who is modifying the server definition and the date and time the user started modifying it, click the icon or link. To obtain the lock for the server definition, complete the steps provided in help topic Locking objects in z/OSMF.

Host Host name or IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the FTP, SFTP or PDUU with HTTPS server on the system.
Path Name Directory in which z/OSMF is to place the files on the system.

The path name is used by the Incident Log task only. It is ignored by other z/OSMF tasks.

Port Number Port number of the FTP, SFTP or PDUU with HTTPS server on the system. If this field is blank, the default FTP, SFTP or PDUU with HTTPS server port defined for the installation is used.
Description Description or purpose of the server.
Transfer Method Method z/OSMF uses to send files to the server. One of the following methods is displayed:
  • FTP. z/OSMF sends the files unencrypted using standard FTP.
  • SFTP. z/OSMF sends the files over an encrypted SSH transport using OpenSSH based secure FTP (SFTP).
  • z/OS® Problem Documentation Upload Utility (PDUU). z/OSMF splits the files into smaller data sets that are compressed, optionally encrypts the data sets, and sends the data sets in parallel to an IBM FTP site using multiple, simultaneous FTP sessions. This utility does not support UNIX files; therefore, z/OSMF always sends UNIX files unencrypted using standard FTP.

    For more information about PDUU, see help topic Using z/OSMF to invoke the z/OS Problem Documentation Upload Utility.

  • z/OS Problem Documentation Upload Utility with HTTPS (PDUU with HTTPS). z/OSMF splits the files into smaller compressed data sets, optionally encrypts the data sets, and sends the data sets in parallel to an IBM HTTPS site using multiple, simultaneous HTTPS sessions. This utility does not support UNIX files; therefore, an error message IZUP661E is displayed when sending UNIX files using PDUU with HTTPS.

    For more information about PDUU with HTTPS, see help topic Using z/OSMF to invoke the z/OS Problem Documentation Upload Utility.

FTP Profile Name of the profile that specifies the FTP, SFTP or PDUU with HTTPS settings for z/OSMF to use when transferring files to the server.
Anonymous Indicator of whether you can use anonymous as the user ID when logging into the server. The value is either Yes (can use anonymous) or No (cannot use anonymous).

The anonymous user ID is used by the Incident Log task only. This value is ignored by other z/OSMF tasks.

Last Modified Date and time the server definition was last modified. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Modified By User ID of the user who last modified the server definition. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Created Date and time the server definition was created. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Created By User ID of the user who created the server definition. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Locked Date and time the server definition was locked. This column is blank if the server definition is not currently locked. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Locked By User ID of the user who locked the server definition. This column is blank if the server definition is not currently locked. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.

Actions for servers

The actions are described in the following tables:

  • Targeted actions. Actions that apply to the selected server definitions. To use a targeted action, select one or more FTP server definitions.
  • General actions. Actions that apply to server definitions. No selection is required.
  • Table actions. Actions that apply to the entire table. No selection is required.
Table 2. Targeted actions
Action Description
Modify Modify the selected server definition. This action is listed in the Actions menu and the context menu only if you are authorized to modify server definitions. To enable this action, select only one server definition.
View View the selected server definition. To enable this action, select only one server definition.
Copy Create a copy of the selected server definition. This action is listed in the Actions menu and the context menu only if you are authorized to copy server definitions. To enable this action, select only one server definition.
Remove Remove the selected server definitions. This action is listed in the Actions menu and the context menu only if you are authorized to remove server definitions. To enable this action, select one or more server definitions.
Associate FTP Profile Associate the selected server definitions with a profile. This action is listed in the Actions menu and the context menu only if you are authorized to associate server definitions with a profile. To enable this action, select one or more server definitions where the transfer method is the same or is a combination of FTP and PDUU.
Table 3. General actions
Action Description
Add Add a new server definition. This action is listed in the Actions menu only if you are authorized to define new server definitions.
FTP Profiles Display the FTP Profiles page so that you can specify the FTP or SFTP settings for z/OSMF to use when transferring files.
Table 4. Table actions
Action Description
Select All Select all of the rows in the table.
Deselect All Deselect all of the selected rows in the table.
Configure Columns Select the columns to display in the table, specify the order of those columns, and designate which columns should be fixed in position when the table is scrolled horizontally.
Hide Filter Row Remove the filter row from view. This action is listed only when the filter row is displayed in the table.
Show Filter Row Display the filter row. This action is listed only when the filter row is not displayed in the table.
Clear Sorts Clear the sort from all of the columns in the table. This action is disabled if no sorting is specified in the table.