Defining your systems to z/OSMF

A system definition specifies the settings required for z/OSMF to access the systems in your installation. Specifically, the system definition contains information about the system, the sysplex where it resides, the JES subsystem running on the system, and the z/OSMF instance that is running in the same sysplex.

The system definitions that are defined to z/OSMF are displayed on the Systems page. To display this page, expand the z/OSMF Settings category and select Systems.

By default, z/OSMF provides a system definition for the z/OS® system that hosts the z/OSMF instance to which your Web browser is connected, and it provides a system definition for the systems that belong to the same JES2 multi-access spool (MAS) or JES3 complex as the z/OSMF host system. If you are performing an action that requires z/OSMF to interact with other systems, you must create the corresponding system definitions.

You can use the Systems page to perform various actions against systems. For more details, see Actions for systems, CPCs, groups, and sysplexes. You can also organize the system definitions by CPC (central processor complex), Group, or Sysplex (default). To do so, select the desired view from the View systems by menu. For a description of the columns in each view, see the following sections:

Columns in the Systems table when viewing by CPC

Table 1. Columns in the Systems table when viewing by CPC
Column Description
CPC / System Name Name of the CPC or system. The tree has the following structure:
  • CPC. Name of the CPC to which the system is assigned. Any system definitions that are not assigned to a CPC are listed under the parent node labeled <Not Specified>.
    • System Name. Name specified for the system on the SYSNAME parameter in the IEASYSxx parmlib member. If you click the name link, the View System page is displayed.
CPC Serial Serial number of the CPC.
Nickname Unique name assigned to the system definition.
Sysplex Name of the sysplex where the z/OS system is a member. The name is the value specified for the SYSPLEX parameter of the cross-system coupling facility (XCF) couple data set format utility.
Description Additional information about the system or group.
z/OSMF Host System Target system for handling z/OSMF requests from the system. The z/OSMF host system must reside in the same sysplex and must be running a z/OSMF server. If the system to be added is running a z/OSMF server, you do not need to specify it as its own z/OSMF host system. Instead, leave the z/OSMF Host System field empty (" "), which is the default.
URL URL used to access the z/OSMF instance that resides in the same sysplex as the system identified in the System Name column. Or, the URL used to access the application server that is hosting the server-side code for imported plug-ins that are not hosted on the z/OSMF server.
z/OS Version and Release Version and release of the z/OS image installed on the system. The version and release has the format z/OS VxxRyy where V stands for version, xx is the version number, R stands for release, and yy is the release number. For example, z/OS V2R1.
Groups Comma-separated list of the groups to which the system is assigned.
JES Member Name JES2 multi-access spool (MAS) member name or JES3 complex member name that is assigned to the primary job entry subsystem (JES) that is running on the system.
JES Type Type for the primary job entry subsystem running on the system. The type is either JES2 or JES3.
FTP Server Name of the server definition that specifies the settings required to access the FTP or SFTP server that is running on the system.
HTTP Proxy Name of the HTTP proxy definition that specifies the settings required to access the system through an HTTP or SOCKS proxy server.
Activity State of the system definition. If the system definition is being modified, the lock icon and the Being modified link are displayed. Otherwise, this column is blank.

To view the user ID of the user who is modifying the system definition and the date and time the user started modifying it, click the icon or link. To obtain the lock for the system definition, complete the steps provided in help topic Locking objects in z/OSMF.

Single Sign-on Status Indicator of whether the system is enabled for single sign-on (SSO). The status can be one of the following values:
  • Enabled: The system is the primary z/OSMF instance.
  • Enabled with sysplex-name.system-name: The Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) key is synchronized with the key being used by the specified system (sysplex-name.system-name). The key might not be activated. To activate the key, restart the z/OSMF server on the system identified in the Nickname column.
    Tip: For SSO to work, the system identified by sysplex-name.system-name must be the primary system and the date the LTPA key was generated must match the date the key was generated on the primary system. Otherwise, the key for the primary and secondary z/OSMF servers will not match. In which case, SSO will fail and users will be prompted for login credentials.

To display the date on which the LTPA credentials were generated, place your cursor over the status. If the date for the primary and secondary z/OSMF servers do not match, re-enable single sign-on for the secondary z/OSMF servers. Then, restart the secondary z/OSMF servers.

Depending on your security policy, you might be required to regenerate the LTPA key before enabling SSO. For instructions, see Changing the LTPA key used for single sign-on.

If the status is blank, SSO is not enabled for the system.

Created Date and time the system definition was created. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Created By User ID of the user who created the system definition. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Last Modified Date and time the system definition was last modified. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Modified By User ID of the user who last modified the system definition. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Locked Date and time the system definition was locked. This column is blank if the system definition is not currently locked. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Locked By This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.User ID of the user who locked the system definition. This column is blank if the system definition is not currently locked.

Columns in the Systems table when viewing by Group

Table 2. Columns in the Systems table when viewing by Group
Column Description
Group / System Name Name of the group or system. The tree has the following structure:
  • Group. Name of the group to which the system is assigned. Any system definitions that are not assigned to a group are listed under the parent node labeled <None>.
    • System Name. Name specified for the system on the SYSNAME parameter in the IEASYSxx parmlib member. If you click the name link, the View System page is displayed.
Nickname Unique name assigned to the system definition.
Sysplex Name of the sysplex where the z/OS system is a member. The name is the value specified for the SYSPLEX parameter of the cross-system coupling facility (XCF) couple data set format utility.
Description Additional information about the system or group.
z/OSMF Host System Target system for handling z/OSMF requests from the system. The z/OSMF host system must reside in the same sysplex and must be running a z/OSMF server. If the system to be added is running a z/OSMF server, you do not need to specify it as its own z/OSMF host system. Instead, leave the z/OSMF Host System field empty (" "), which is the default.
URL URL used to access the z/OSMF instance that resides in the same sysplex as the system identified in the System Name column. Or, the URL used to access the application server that is hosting the server-side code for imported plug-ins that are not hosted on the z/OSMF server.
z/OS Version and Release Version and release of the z/OS image installed on the system. The version and release has the format z/OS VxxRyy where V stands for version, xx is the version number, R stands for release, and yy is the release number. For example, z/OS V2R1.
JES Member Name JES2 multi-access spool (MAS) member name or JES3 complex member name that is assigned to the primary job entry subsystem (JES) that is running on the system.
JES Type Type for the primary job entry subsystem running on the system. The type is either JES2 or JES3.
CPC Name Name specified for the central processor complex (CPC) at the support element (SE) of that processor complex.
CPC Serial Serial number of the CPC.
FTP Server Name of the server definition that specifies the settings required to access the FTP or SFTP server that is running on the system.
HTTP Proxy Name of the HTTP proxy definition that specifies the settings required to access the system through an HTTP or SOCKS proxy server.
Activity State of the system definition. If the system definition is being modified, the lock icon and the Being modified link are displayed. Otherwise, this column is blank.

To view the user ID of the user who is modifying the system definition and the date and time the user started modifying it, click the icon or link. To obtain the lock for the system definition, complete the steps provided in help topic Locking objects in z/OSMF.

Single Sign-on Status Indicator of whether the system is enabled for single sign-on (SSO). The status can be one of the following values:
  • Enabled: The system is the primary z/OSMF instance.
  • Enabled with sysplex-name.system-name: The Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) key is synchronized with the key being used by the specified system (sysplex-name.system-name). The key might not be activated. To activate the key, restart the z/OSMF server on the system identified in the Nickname column.
    Tip: For SSO to work, the system identified by sysplex-name.system-name must be the primary system and the date the LTPA key was generated must match the date the key was generated on the primary system. Otherwise, the key for the primary and secondary z/OSMF servers will not match. In which case, SSO will fail and users will be prompted for login credentials.

To display the date on which the LTPA credentials were generated, place your cursor over the status. If the date for the primary and secondary z/OSMF servers do not match, re-enable single sign-on for the secondary z/OSMF servers. Then, restart the secondary z/OSMF servers.

Depending on your security policy, you might be required to regenerate the LTPA key before enabling SSO. For instructions, see Changing the LTPA key used for single sign-on.

If the status is blank, SSO is not enabled for the system.

Created Date and time the system definition was created. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Created By User ID of the user who created the system definition. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Last Modified Date and time the system definition was last modified. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Modified By User ID of the user who last modified the system definition. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Locked Date and time the system definition was locked. This column is blank if the system definition is not currently locked. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Locked By This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.User ID of the user who locked the system definition. This column is blank if the system definition is not currently locked.

Columns in the Systems table when viewing by Sysplex

Table 3. Columns in the Systems table when viewing by Sysplex
Column Description
Sysplex / System Name Name of the sysplex or system. The tree has the following structure:
  • Sysplex. Name of the sysplex where the z/OS system is a member. The name is the value specified for the SYSPLEX parameter of the cross-system coupling facility (XCF) couple data set format utility. Any system definitions that are not assigned to a sysplex are listed under the parent node labeled <Not Specified>.
    • System Name. Name specified for the system on the SYSNAME parameter in the IEASYSxx parmlib member. If you click the name link, the View System page is displayed.
Nickname Unique name assigned to the system definition.
Description Additional information about the system or group.
z/OSMF Host System Target system for handling z/OSMF requests from the system. The z/OSMF host system must reside in the same sysplex and must be running a z/OSMF server. If the system to be added is running a z/OSMF server, you do not need to specify it as its own z/OSMF host system. Instead, leave the z/OSMF Host System field empty (" "), which is the default.
Groups Comma-separated list of the groups to which the system is assigned.
URL URL used to access the z/OSMF instance that resides in the same sysplex as the system identified in the System Name column. Or, the URL used to access the application server that is hosting the server-side code for imported plug-ins that are not hosted on the z/OSMF server.
z/OS Version and Release Version and release of the z/OS image installed on the system. The version and release has the format z/OS VxxRyy where V stands for version, xx is the version number, R stands for release, and yy is the release number. For example, z/OS V2R1.
JES Member Name JES2 multi-access spool (MAS) member name or JES3 complex member name that is assigned to the primary job entry subsystem (JES) that is running on the system.
JES Type Type for the primary job entry subsystem running on the system. The type is either JES2 or JES3.
CPC Name Name specified for the central processor complex (CPC) at the support element (SE) of that processor complex.
CPC Serial Serial number of the CPC.
FTP Server Name of the server definition that specifies the settings required to access the FTP or SFTP server that is running on the system.
HTTP Proxy Name of the HTTP proxy definition that specifies the settings required to access the system through an HTTP or SOCKS proxy server.
Activity State of the system definition. If the system definition is being modified, the lock icon and the Being modified link are displayed. Otherwise, this column is blank.

To view the user ID of the user who is modifying the system definition and the date and time the user started modifying it, click the icon or link. To obtain the lock for the system definition, complete the steps provided in help topic Locking objects in z/OSMF.

Single Sign-on Status Indicator of whether the system is enabled for single sign-on (SSO). The status can be one of the following values:
  • Enabled: The system is the primary z/OSMF instance.
  • Enabled with sysplex-name.system-name: The Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) key is synchronized with the key being used by the specified system (sysplex-name.system-name). The key might not be activated. To activate the key, restart the z/OSMF server on the system identified in the Nickname column.
    Tip: For SSO to work, the system identified by sysplex-name.system-name must be the primary system and the date the LTPA key was generated must match the date the key was generated on the primary system. Otherwise, the key for the primary and secondary z/OSMF servers will not match. In which case, SSO will fail and users will be prompted for login credentials.

To display the date on which the LTPA credentials were generated, place your cursor over the status. If the date for the primary and secondary z/OSMF servers do not match, re-enable single sign-on for the secondary z/OSMF servers. Then, restart the secondary z/OSMF servers.

Depending on your security policy, you might be required to regenerate the LTPA key before enabling SSO. For instructions, see Changing the LTPA key used for single sign-on.

If the status is blank, SSO is not enabled for the system.

Created Date and time the system definition was created. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Created By User ID of the user who created the system definition. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Last Modified Date and time the system definition was last modified. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Modified By User ID of the user who last modified the system definition. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Locked Date and time the system definition was locked. This column is blank if the system definition is not currently locked. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.
Locked By User ID of the user who locked the system definition. This column is blank if the system definition is not currently locked. This column is hidden by default. To display it, use the Configure Columns action.

Actions for systems, CPCs, groups, and sysplexes

The actions are described in the following tables:

  • Targeted actions for systems. Actions that apply to the selected system definitions. To use a targeted action, select one or more system definitions.
  • Targeted actions for CPCs and sysplexes. Actions that apply to the selected CPCs or sysplexes. These actions are available for managing CPCs or sysplexes when you are viewing the Systems table by CPC or sysplex. To switch the table view, select CPC or Sysplex from the View systems by menu. Then, in the Systems table, select one or more CPCs or sysplexes to be managed.
  • Targeted actions for groups. Actions that apply to the selected groups. These actions are available for managing groups when you are viewing the Systems table by group. To switch the table view, select Group from the View systems by menu. Then, in the Systems table, select one or more groups to be managed.
  • General actions. Actions that apply to system definitions and groups. No selection is required.
  • Table actions. Actions that apply to the entire table. No selection is required.
Table 4. Targeted actions for systems
Action Description
Modify Modify the selected system definition. This action is listed in the Actions menu and the context menu only if you are authorized to modify system definitions. To enable this action, select only one system definition.
View View the selected system definition. To enable this action, select only one system definition.
Copy Create a copy of the selected system definition. This action is listed in the Actions menu and the context menu only if you are authorized to copy system definitions. To enable this action, select only one system definition.
Set z/OSMF Host System Select the target system for handling z/OSMF requests from the system. The z/OSMF host system must reside in the same sysplex and must be running a z/OSMF server. To enable this action, select only one system definition.
System Variables Define system variables.
Remove Remove the selected system definitions. This action is listed in the Actions menu and the context menu only if you are authorized to remove system definitions. To enable this action, select one or more system definitions.
Associate HTTP Proxy Associate the selected system definitions with an HTTP proxy definition. This action is listed in the Actions menu and the context menu only if you are authorized to associate system definitions with an HTTP proxy definition. To enable this action, select one or more system definitions.
Enable Single Sign-on Synchronize the LTPA key used on the primary z/OSMF server and the selected z/OSMF server. This action is listed in the Actions menu and the context menu only if you are authorized to enable single sign-on. To enable this action, select only one system definition.
Clear Login Credentials Remove your login credentials for the selected system from the lightweight third-party authentication (LTPA) cache. Doing so allows you to provide a different user ID and password or pass phrase the next time z/OSMF needs to authenticate with the system. To enable this action, select only one system definition.
Table 5. Targeted actions for CPCs and sysplexes
Action Description
Expand Expand the selected parent nodes so that the rows that contain the corresponding child nodes are visible. This action is listed only when you are displaying the tree view of the table. To enable this action, you must select one or more rows that contain collapsed parent nodes.
Collapse Collapse the selected parent nodes so that the rows that contain the corresponding child nodes are hidden. This action is listed only when you are displaying the tree view of the table. To enable this action, you must select one or more rows that contain expanded parent nodes.
Table 6. Targeted actions for groups
Action Description
Modify Modify the selected group. This action is listed in the Actions menu and the context menu only if you are authorized to modify groups. To enable this action, view the Systems table by group and select one group.
View View the selected group. To enable this action, view the Systems table by group and select one group.
Remove Remove the selected group. This action is listed in the Actions menu and the context menu only if you are authorized to remove groups. To enable this action, view the Systems table by group and select one or more groups.
Expand Expand the selected parent nodes so that the rows that contain the corresponding child nodes are visible. This action is listed only when you are displaying the tree view of the table. To enable this action, you must select one or more rows that contain collapsed parent nodes.
Collapse Collapse the selected parent nodes so that the rows that contain the corresponding child nodes are hidden. This action is listed only when you are displaying the tree view of the table. To enable this action, you must select one or more rows that contain expanded parent nodes.
Table 7. General actions
Action Description
Discover Discover:
  • System. Discover systems that are members of the sysplex where z/OSMF is running.
  • CPC. CPCs associated with the systems.
Add Add one of the following items to z/OSMF:
  • System. Add a new system definition. This action is listed in the Actions menu only if you are authorized to define new system definitions.
  • Group. Add a new group to use for organizing systems.
  • CPC. Add a new central processor complex (CPC).
Change LTPA Key Change the password used to protect the LTPA keys file. This action is listed in the Actions menu only if you are authorized to change the password.
HTTP Proxies Display the HTTP Proxies page so that you can specify the settings for z/OSMF to use when traversing the HTTP or SOCKS proxy servers in your installation.
View Topology Display a graphical representation of the systems listed in the Systems table. In the topology, the systems will be grouped according to the value selected in the View systems by field.
Table 8. Table actions
Action Description
Select All Select all of the rows in the table.
Deselect All Deselect all of the selected rows in the table.
Configure Columns Select the columns to display in the table, specify the order of those columns, and designate which columns should be fixed in position when the table is scrolled horizontally.
Hide Filter Row Remove the filter row from view. This action is listed only when the filter row is displayed in the table.
Show Filter Row Display the filter row. This action is listed only when the filter row is not displayed in the table.
Clear Sorts Clear the sort from all of the columns in the table. This action is disabled if no sorting is specified in the table.
Expand All Expand all of the parent nodes in the table so that all of the rows that contain child nodes are visible. This action is listed only when you are displaying the tree view of the table.
Collapse All Collapse all of the parent nodes in the table so that all of the rows that contain child nodes are hidden. This action is listed only when you are displaying the tree view of the table.
Switch to Tree View Display the hierarchical view of the table. This action is listed only when you are displaying the non-tree view of the table.
Switch to Non-Tree View Display the non-hierarchical view of the table. This action is listed only when you are displaying the tree view of the table.