Comparison of POPULATECF function and REALLOCATE process

Table 1 shows a comparison of the POPULATECF and REALLOCATE functions:

Table 1. Comparison of POPULATECF and REALLOCATE
POPULATE function REALLOCATE process
Use SETXCF commands or IXLREBLD macro to start or stop. Use SETXCF commands to start or stop.
Only supports simplex structures. Supports both simplex and duplexed structures.
Uses the position of the specified coupling facility in the preference list of a structure to select it as a candidate structure. Evaluates current location of structure instance(s) based on structure allocation criteria to select it as a target structure.
No structure-level control to preclude selection as a candidate structure. ALLOWREALLOCATE(NO) specified on STRUCTURE definition in the CFRM policy provides structure-level control to preclude selections as a target structure.
Predetermines the set of simplex structures which are marked pending rebuild and lists them in message IXC540I. Each candidate structure will be processed serially to completion before the next structure is processed. The serial nature of the processing allows even XCF signalling structures to be selected. Does not predetermine the set of structures but selects a target structure, takes necessary steps, then proceeds to examine next allocated structure. The serial nature of the processing allows even XCF signalling structures to be selected.
Only a single step (rebuild which can be user-managed or system-managed) is used to relocate the structure. The number of steps used to adjust the location is based on whether the structure is simplex or duplexed.
Only the specified coupling facility is considered for allocating the new instance. The relocated instance(s) may be allocated in any in-use coupling facility which is selected based on the structure allocation criteria.
Does not process a structure when the only reason for processing it would be to cause a pending CFRM policy change to take effect. Processes a structure even when the only reason for processing it is to cause a pending CFRM policy change to take effect (that is, attempts to clear all pending CFRM policy changes for allocated structures).