Resource management services

The resource management services are an application programming interface (API), which is implemented through industry standard Representational State Transfer (REST) services. These services allow the caller to get and list domains, tenants, and resource pools that were defined in support of IBM Cloud Provisioning and Management for z/OS.

Table 1 lists the operations that the resource management services provide.

Resource management services

Table 1. z/OSMF resource management services: operations summary
Operation name HTTP method and URI path
Get a domain
GET /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/domains/<object-id>
Get a domain history
GET /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/domains/<domain-id>/history
List the domains
GET /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/domains/
Create a tenant
PUT /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/domains/<domain-id>/tenants
Get a tenant
GET /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<object-id>
Get a tenant history
GET /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<tenant-id>/history
List the tenants
GET /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/
Delete a tenant
DELETE /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<tenant-id>
Assign CPU properties to a tenant
POST /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<tenant-id>/actions/assign-cpu-capping-properties
Assign memory capping properties to a tenant
POST /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<tenant-id>/actions/assign-memory-capping-properties
Assign a solution ID
POST /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<tenant-id>/actions/assign-solution-id
Disable CPU capping
POST /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<tenant-id>/actions/disable-cpu-capping
Disable memory capping
POST /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<tenant-id>/actions/disable-memory-capping
Disable metering
POST /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<tenant-id>/actions/disable-metering
Enable CPU capping
POST /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<tenant-id>/actions/enable-cpu-capping
Enable memory capping
POST /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<tenant-id>/actions/enable-memory-capping
Enable metering
POST /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<tenant-id>/actions/enable-metering
Add tenant consumer
POST /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<tenant-id>/consumers/actions/add
Remove tenant consumer
POST /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<tenant-id>/consumers/actions/remove
Add tenant description
POST /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<tenant-id>/description/actions/add
Add tenant groups
POST /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<tenant-id>/groups/actions/add
Remove tenant groups
POST /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<tenant-id>/groups/actions/remove
Get a resource pool
GET /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<tenant-id>/rdp/<rdp-id>
Get a domain resource pool
GET /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/domains/<domain-id>/rdp/<rdp-id>
Get a resource pool history
GET /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/rdp/<rdp-id>/history
List the resource pools
GET /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<tenant-id>/rdp/
List domain resource pools
GET /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/domains/<domain-id>/rdp/
Start of changeList template resource poolsEnd of change Start of change

GET /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/domains/<domain-id>/template/<template-name>/rdp
End of change
Update the security state for a tenant
POST /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/tenants/<tenant-id>/state/actions/update
Get security resources
GET /zosmf/resource-mgmt/rest/<version>/security-resources

Authorization requirements

Use of the Resource Management services API requires the client to be authenticated. For information about client authentication in z/OSMF, see Authenticating to z/OSMF.

In addition, the user’s z/OS® user ID may need access to other resources, including those that define roles such as the provisioning administrator and domain administrator. The specific requirements for each resource management service are described in the topic for that service. For an overview of the security requirements for cloud provisioning roles, see Authorization requirements. For details, see Steps for setting up security in IBM z/OS Management Facility Configuration Guide.

HTTP status codes

The following HTTP status codes are valid:
The request succeeded. A response body is provided, which contains the results of the request.
HTTP 400 Bad request
There is a missing field in the request body.
HTTP 401 Not authorized
The request cannot be processed because the client is not authorized.
HTTP 403 Cannot access
The client does not have access rights to the content (they are not authorized). As a result, the server is not returning the expected.
HTTP 404 Not found
The requested resource does not exist.
HTTP 409 Conflict
The request cannot be processed because of conflict in the request, such as an edit conflict between multiple updates.
HTTP 500 Server error
The server encountered an error when it processed the request.