Submit a job to run on z/OS

You can use the editor to search for JCL objects ("jobs") on your system. When you finish viewing or editing the job, you can submit the job to run directly from the editor.

Submitting a job from the results window

If your search results include a JCL file, you can submit the job directly from the results window. To do so, select the job by right-clicking it, then select Submit As JCL in the menu. For a data set or member, this action is always available. For a UNIX object, this action is available only for a UNIX file (not for a UNIX directory). This function does not validate the JCL. Therefore, you are responsible for ensuring that the object contains valid JCL. If you submit an object with incorrect JCL, an error message is displayed.

Submitting a job from view mode

In view mode, the “Submit As JCL” function is available according to the content. In the view mode, simple checking is used to check whether the content is a JCL, if so, the “Submit As JCL” is available. Otherwise, this function is disabled.

Submitting a job from edit mode

In edit mode, the “Submit As JCL” function is always available, even it’s not a legal JCL. Therefore, you are responsible for ensuring that the object contains valid JCL.

You can edit the JCL and submit it directly without saving. In this case, the updated JCL is submitted.

If you submit a file with incorrect JCL, the editor displays an error message.

Checking the job results

After you submit a job, the editor opens the Job Output window, which shows information about the job, such as owner, status, return code, and other details. To see the latest results, it might be necessary to refresh the window by clicking Refresh in the overflow menu overflow menu.

Using the Job Output service

As an alternative to checking the Job Output window immediately after you submit a job, you can refer to Job Output service in the z/OSMF Desktop. You can view up to 1000 jobs in this window.

In the Job Output service main window, you can sort jobs by job name, job ID, status, owner, or type.

To open to the job output, click the job name. Clicking the DD name opens a new tab in the same window with the output loaded.

The Job Output service uses color coding to indicate job results, as follows:
Return code is blank because the job is still running.
Return code 0
Return code is less than 8.
Return Code is 8 or higher. Or, an error caused the job to fail.
Observe the following usage considerations:
  • You can filter the jobs in the view that you are interested in, by clicking the filter icon. Then, specify a filter keyword and click Go.
  • The filter keyword is case-insensitive and does not support wildcards.
  • The filter keyword applies to all of the columns. For example, if you specify "abc" as the filter keyword, all of the records that contain "abc" in any column are filtered from the view.
  • To clear the current filter, click the filter icon or the clean icon to close the input.
  • The value of the filter is shown in the input box. If you specify multiple filter values, the results are displayed in order, which is separated by the greater-than symbol ('>'). For example, the filter OUTPUT>17 causes the view to be filtered by the keyword “OUTPUT”, then filtered by 17.

If the job you want to view is not shown in the list, you can retrieve it by clicking Retrieve to display the Retrieve Job Output window. Then, specify the details, such as job name, job ID, or owner, and click OK. For more information, see Retrieve job output from the z/OSMF server.

Note: The difference between Retrieve and Filter is that Retrieve retrieves job output from the z/OSMF server, while Filter is used only for viewing jobs. Thus, if you want to filter some specific jobs, ensure that the job output is retrieved from the server first.

Deleting a job

You can delete a job by clicking the Function icon (…) in the Job Output dialog or the related Job dialog. The delete action requires a few seconds to complete. During this time, you might find it necessary to manually refresh the display by clicking Refresh in the Job Output dialog.