Links page

The Links page allows you to add links to external resources, as needed by the z/OSMF users at your installation. From this page, you can display the links for your installation and select actions to manage links (add, remove, or modify them).

For a description of the columns in the Links table, see Table 1. For a description of the actions that you can take for links, see Actions for links.

Columns in the Links table

Table 1. Columns in the Links table
Column Description
Name Name of the link. Specify a value of up to 30 characters. This value must consist of Unicode characters only.

The name you select must be unique across z/OSMF categories. Choose a name that will be easily understood by users. For easier administration of links, avoid names that might be confused with other links or tasks in z/OSMF.

If you click the Name link, the Properties for link page is displayed.

Location of the link. Specify a valid Internet or intranet address, for example:

The URL can be up to 4000 characters, including alphanumeric characters (A-Z a-z 0-9), blanks, mathematical symbols (+ - = | ~ ( ) { } \), punctuation marks (? , . ! ; : ' " / [ ]), and the following special characters: %, $, #, @, ^, *, and _.

z/OSMF performs limited syntax checking of the specified URL.

SAF Resource Name

SAF resource name for the link. This value is preset with the SAF profile prefix that was specified by your installation during the z/OSMF configuration process, for example, IZUDFLT, followed by ZOSMF.LINK.

To create a unique resource name for the link, specify a unique suffix, for example:

You can specify a suffix of up to 220 alphanumeric characters (A-Z a-z 0-9) and the following special characters: underscore (_), dash (-), period (.). The use of a period in a resource name is treated as a qualifier. As such, the first character after a period must be A-Z or a-z.

You must provide a unique SAF resource name suffix for each link. z/OSMF uses the resource name for locating and identifying links.


Category to which the link is assigned. You can assign the link to any valid category, or you can select No Category to have the link added outside of the categories. If assigned to a category, the link is sorted alphabetically with the other links and tasks in the category. If added outside of the categories, the link is placed on the z/OSMF desktop, sorted alphabetically with any other uncategorized links.

Open Link in Launch behavior for the link. You can specify how the link opens in the user's z/OSMF session: As a new browser window or tab, or as a tab in the z/OSMF work area.
Authorizations Authorizations for the link. In z/OSMF, a link is treated as a protected resource and is therefore access controlled through the security product on your system. By default, any SAF authorized user can access the link. Additionally, your installation can choose to make a link available to authenticated guests, unauthenticated guests, or both.

More information about creating authorizations for links is provided in IBM z/OS Management Facility Configuration Guide.