Resource Monitoring task

In the event of system performance issues, you can use the Resource Monitoring task in z/OSMF to drill down to information about connectivity, performance index status, common storage, and more.

The Resource Monitoring task:
  • Provides real time performance data for the following platforms:
    • z/OS® sysplexes: Data is retrieved from a single data server on one system in the sysplex. That data server gathers data from the RMF Monitor III data gatherer on each image in the sysplex. This function is called the Distributed Data Server (DDS). To monitor several sysplexes, ensure that each sysplex has an active DDS.
    • Linux®, AIX®, and Windows system complexes: Data is retrieved from a Cross Platform Distributed Data Server on a z/OS system that gathers data by means of CIM servers from the systems to be monitored. For more details, see help topic Monitoring heterogeneous environments.
    • Grafana: Data is retrieved from Distributed Data Servers, which are added as RMF data sources in the Grafana platform by using the IBM RMF for z/OS Grafana plugin to analyze and visualize RMF for z/OS Monitor III metrics and reports.
  • Allows you to combine the performance metrics of various platforms in the same dashboard so that you can quickly view the overall status of the IBM® z Systems ensembles.
  • Provides predefined monitoring dashboards that you can use to view different performance metrics, which can be grouped and arranged flexibly.
  • Allows you to retrieve and view performance data that the RMF Distributed Data Server has collected in the past for the metric groups contained in a monitoring dashboard.
  • Allows you to export the data collected in monitoring dashboards into CSV format files on your local workstation. Doing so allows you to do further data evaluation using a spreadsheet application.
  • Allows you to define and customize your own monitoring dashboards to create cross references, correlations, and advanced filtering for focused monitoring.
  • Allows you to link directly to tasks or applications that provide WLM-related information. This provides easier navigation and enables a more productive experience for systems programmers, operators, and others using z/OSMF.

Getting started with the Resource Monitoring task

Before you can start using the Resource Monitoring task, in the System Status task, you or another user must define the systems to be monitored. To display the System Status task, expand the Performance category in the navigation area and select System Status. The systems that you define with the System Status task are shared with all users of the Resource Monitoring and System Status tasks.

After the systems to be monitored are defined, open the Resource Monitoring task to view the performance data. To do so, expand the Performance category in the navigation area and select Resource Monitoring. The Resource Monitoring page is displayed.

Table 1 describes the tabs that can be displayed on the Resource Monitoring page. You can display up to 20 tabs at a time.

Table 1. Tabs on the Resource Monitoring page
Tab Description
Dashboards Lists the monitoring dashboards that have been defined in z/OSMF. The Dashboards tab is displayed by default. It cannot be closed. Within this tab, you can define new and modify or open existing dashboards.
New Dashboard Allows you to define a new monitoring dashboard. A New Dashboard tab is displayed when you select New from the Actions menu in the Dashboards tab.
Open Dashboard Allows you to start the selected monitoring dashboard so that you can monitor the specified metrics. You can also add new metrics and groups to the dashboard, specify how to organize and display the metrics and groups, and display real time performance data as bar charts. An Open Dashboard tab is displayed when you select Open or Open in New Browser Tab or Window from the Actions menu in the Dashboards tab. When displayed, the tab name is the same as the dashboard name.