AC: Authorization code option

You can assign an authorized program facility (APF) authorization code to an output program module. It determines whether the module can use restricted system services and resources.

Guideline: Use the EXTATTR option in additional to the AC option to set the APF flag in a z/OS® UNIX file. For example:
You can assign an authorization code on the PARM field by using the AC parameter as follows:

The authorization code n must be an integer between 0 and 255. The authorization code assigned in the PARM field is overridden by an authorization code assigned through the SETCODE control statement. If you do not assign an authorization code, it is set to 0 in the output program module.

A nonzero authorization code has an effect only if the program resides in an APF-authorized library defined by your system programmer. See z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for more information on APF and system integrity.