MVS batch jobs

For MVS™ batch jobs that include RACF® passwords in the job control language (JCL), you can replace the password with a PassTicket. To define the PTKTDATA profile for an MVS batch job, do the following:
  1. Ask the system programmer for the SMF system identifier of the MVS system where the application runs. The SMF identifier is located in SMFPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB and is specified by the SID value.
  2. Determine the high-level qualifier of the PTKTDATA class profile for the MVS batch job by using the characters MVS as a prefix to the system's SMF identifier.
Example of a profile name for an MVS batch job: If the SMF identifier of the system where the application runs is SYS2, the resulting profile name is MVSSYS2. If the profile applies only to RACF users connected to the RACF group PROD, the resulting profile name is MVSSYS2.PROD.
  1. If the SMF identifier contains blanks or characters that are not alphanumeric, omit them before specifying the profile name. For example, if the SMF identifier is SY*6, specify the high-level qualifier of the PTKTDATA class profile as MVSSY6.
  2. Certain batch jobs that are submitted from online TSO sessions can be defined in the PTKTDATA class profile using either the characters MVS or TSO as the prefix to the system's SMF identifier.

    Guideline: Use MVS as the prefix to help administrators distinguish between a batch job and a non-batch job.