EZA2564W Open of dsname failed.


The data set cannot be opened.

System action

The requested operation is terminated. FTP continues.

Operator response

Rerun the FTP with tracing turned on. Contact the system programmer.

System programmer response

Look at the trace and find one of the following trace entry sequences:
  • seq_open_file: xyz  -> ...
    seq_open_file: failed (aa): bbbb
    The first line describes open mode with values x, y, and z that are defined as follows:
    x = I --> Input
    x = O --> Output
    y = S --> Stream I/O
    y = R --> Record I/O
    z = B --> Binary stream
    z = T --> Text stream
    The second line describes the error that occurred. aa is the errno value returned from the fopen of file. bbbb is the text associated with the errno value. See the following values and text that could be observed:
    (61): Error trying to define file
    The file is already opened.
  • seq_open_file: Using BSAM, I, SYS00006, , 29          
       0, 0, 0                                
    seq_open_file: BSMOP returned NULL, rc xxx, reason yyy

    The second line describes the error which occurred on the open. Use the return code (rc) and reason code to determine why the error occurred.

    For return code 80a, reason code 10, or return code 4, FTP was unable to obtain storage to open the data set. Increase the region size for the FTP job or user.
