Return and Reason Codes

When control returns from IXCARM:
  • GPR 15 (and retcode, if you coded the RETCODE parameter) contains a return code.
  • GPR 0 (and rsncode, if you coded the RSNCODE parameter) contains a reason code, if GPR 15 contains a non-zero return code.
The IXCYARM macro provides equate symbols for the return and reason codes. The equate symbols associated with each hexadecimal return code are as follows:
Table 1. Return and Reason Codes for the IXCARM Macro
Return Code
Reason Code
Equate Symbol
Meaning and Action
00 None. Equate Symbol: None.

Meaning: IXCARM completed successfully. If this was a REGISTER request, this was the first time the element registered with automatic restart management.

On a DEREGISTER request, the request was either performed successfully, or the caller attempted to deregister an element that was either not valid or no longer registered.

Note: This return code could also be received if a timeout occurred during restart processing. Automatic restart management considers this the initial registration of this element.

Action: None. However, if this element had been deregistered due to an error during restart processing, some cleanup may be necessary.

04 104 Equate Symbol: IXCARMPERJCL

Meaning: IXCARM REQUEST=REGISTER was issued by an element that is being restarted with the same JCL or command text that was used for the previous start of this job.

Action: None; however, the element might need to perform some cleanup to continue processing.

04 108 Equate Symbol: IXCARMNEWJCL

Meaning: IXCARM REQUEST=REGISTER was issued by an automatic restart management element that is being restarted with JCL, command text that was provided by an automatic restart management exit or by the automatic restart manager policy, or start text that was specified on the original IXCARM REQUEST=REGISTER.

Action: None; however, the element might need to perform some cleanup to continue processing.

04 204 Equate Symbol: IXCARMPREDTIMEOUT

Meaning: IXCARM REQUEST=WAITPRED was issued but the predecessor element did not issue an IXCARM REQUEST=READY within its specified time interval.

Action: None required. However, if your program cannot run without the predecessor element, then some installation-defined action may be necessary.

04 304 Equate Symbol: IXCARMREADYTIMEOUT

Meaning: The IXCARM REQUEST=READY completed but a predecessor of this element did not issue an IXCARM REQUEST=READY within its specified time interval. This reason code is issued only if the caller did not issue IXCARM REQUEST=WAITPRED previously, but has predecessor elements defined in the automatic restart manager policy.

Action: None required. However, if your program cannot run without the predecessor element, then some installation-defined action may be necessary.

08 14 Equate Symbol: IXCARMNOTREG

Meaning: Program error. Either the caller is not a registered element of the automatic restart manager or the element represents an abstract resource (the element registered with ELEMBIND=CURSYS) and did not specify a valid RMTOKEN on an IXCARM READY, WAITPRED, ASSOCIATE, or DEREGISTER request. Note that for elements that represent jobs or started tasks (the element registered with ELEMBIND=CURJOB), specifying RMTOKEN on a READY, WAITPRED, and ASSOCIATE request is not allowed and results in this reason code. Specifying RMTOKEN on a DEREGISTER request is not allowed and results in this reason code unless the request is issued from the master address space.

A registered element could have been deregistered for any of the following reasons:
  • IXCARM DEREGISTER request issued for the element.
  • An internal ARM error occurred processing a prior IXCARM request. The prior IXCARM request would have completed with IXCARMRC16/IXCARMARMERR.
  • The element was deregistered via the SETXCF FORCE,ARMDEREGISTER operator command.

Action: A request other than IXCARM REQUEST=REGISTER was issued out of sequence. Ensure that your program issues an IXCARM REQUEST=REGISTER prior to requesting any other functions from the automatic restart manager.

08 18 Equate Symbol: IXCARMINVANSADDR

Meaning: Program error. The system cannot access the answer area provided with this request. The element was successfully registered, but the answer data could not be returned.

Action: Ensure that:
  • The answer area address has not been overlaid.
  • If IXCARM was called in AR mode:
    • The SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR macro was issued prior to this macro.
    • If the answer area address was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated accordingly.
    • This area is either in the primary address space or in an address/data space that is addressable through a public entry on the caller's DU-AL.

Meaning: Program error. The ALET that qualifies the address of the answer area is not associated with a valid entry on the DU-AL.

Action: Ensure that:
  • The SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR macro was issued prior to this macro.
  • If the answer area address was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated accordingly.
  • This area is either in the primary address space or in an address/data space that is addressable through a public entry on the caller's DU-AL.
08 20 Equate Symbol: IXCARMINVRMTADDR

Meaning: Program or environmental error. The system cannot access the RMTOKEN value.

Action: Ensure that
  • The token area has not been overlaid.
  • If IXCARM was called in AR mode:
    • The SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR macro was issued prior to this macro.
    • If the token address was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated accordingly.
    • This area is either in the primary address space or in an address/data space that is addressable through a public entry on the caller's DU-AL.
08 24 Equate Symbol: IXCARMINVRTMALET

Meaning: Program or environmental error. The ALET that qualifies the address of the RMTOKEN is not associated with a valid entry on the DU-AL.

Action: Ensure that:
  • The SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR macro was issued prior to this macro.
  • If the answer area address was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated accordingly.
  • This area is either in the primary address space or in an address/data space that is addressable through a public entry on the caller's DU-AL.

Meaning: Program error. For IXCARM REQUEST=REGISTER, the name specified for ELEMENT was not valid. For IXCARM REQUEST=ASSOCIATE, the name specified for TELEMENT was not valid.

Action: Verify that the element name was not inadvertently overlaid. The element name must adhere to the rules listed under the description of the ELEMENT parameter.

For REQUEST=ASSOCIATE, TELEMENT must be the name of an element that is already registered with automatic restart management.


Meaning: Program error. An IXCARM request for an element registered with or defaulted to ELEMBIND=CURJOB is already being processed for this address space. The IXCARM request cannot be issued until a previous IXCARM request from this address space has been completed.

Action: An IXCARM request cannot be issued until all previous IXCARM requests from this address space have completed. Check your protocol to determine how two requests could be outstanding at the same time.

08 34 Equate Symbol: IXCARMAMODE24

Meaning: Program error. The IXCARM macro was issued in 24-bit addressing mode.

Action: IXCARM must be invoked in 31-bit addressing mode. Correct the problem and rerun the program.

08 40 Equate Symbol: IXCARMRSVNOT0

Meaning: Program error. A reserved field in the parameter list is not zero.

Action: Verify that:
  • The parameter list was not inadvertently overlaid.
  • The parameter list was initialized.
  • Your program was assembled with the correct macro library for the release of MVS™ your program is running on.
  • The PLISTVER specified is correct.
08 A0 Equate Symbol: IXCARMINVR0

Meaning: System error.

Action: Make sure your program was assembled with the correct macro library for the release of MVS your program is running on. If the macro version is correct, retry the request at least once. If the problem persists, record the return and reason code, and supply them to the appropriate IBM® support personnel.

08 A4 Equate Symbol: IXCARMR0TYPECONFL

Meaning: System error.

Action: Verify that:
  • The parameter list was not inadvertently overlaid.
  • The parameter list was initialized.
  • Your program was assembled with the correct macro library for the release of MVS your program is running on.
  • If IXCARM was called in AR mode:
    • The SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR macro was issued prior to this macro.
    • If the parameter list address was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated accordingly.
    • This area is either in the primary address space or in an address/data space that is addressable through a public entry on the caller's DU-AL.

If everything is verified, retry the request at least once. If the problem persists, record the return and reason code, and supply them to the appropriate IBM support personnel.

08 100 Equate Symbol: IXCARMINVPLISTALET

Meaning: Program error. The ALET that qualifies the address of the parameter list is not associated with a valid DU-AL entry.

Action: Ensure that:
  • Your program is not intended to run in primary ASC mode.
  • The SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR macro was issued prior to this macro.
  • If the parameter list address was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated accordingly.
  • The parameter list is either in the primary address space or in an address/data space that is addressable through a public entry on the caller's DU-AL.
08 104 Equate Symbol: IXCARMBADVERSION

Meaning: Program error. The version number specified in the IXCARM parameter list is not valid for the release of MVS this program is running on.

Action: Ensure that your program:
  • Specified the correct version on the PLISTVER parameter.
  • Did not overlay the parameter list storage.
  • Was assembled with the correct macro library for the release of MVS your program is running on.
08 108 Equate Symbol: IXCARMBADREQUEST

Meaning: Program error. The function specified on the REQUEST parameter of the IXCARM macro is not valid.

Action: Verify that:
  • The parameter list was not inadvertently overlaid.
  • Your program was assembled with the correct macro library for the release of MVS your program is running on.
08 10C Equate Symbol: IXCARMPARMERR

Meaning: Program error. An error occurred when the system tried to access the parameter list.

Action: Take one or more of the following actions:
  • Ensure that the parameter list address has not been overlaid.
  • Ensure that the correct parameter list storage area was specified.
  • If your program is running in AR ASC mode:
    • Ensure that you specified SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR before issuing the IXCARM macro.
    • If the parameter list address was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated accordingly.
    • This area must be either in the primary address space or in an address/data space that is addressable through a public entry on the caller's DU-AL.
  • Ensure that the parameter list storage area was not inadvertently freed by your program.
  • Ensure that your program was assembled with the correct macro library for the release of MVS on which your program is running.
08 110 Equate Symbol: IXCARMSTARTERR

Meaning: Program error. An error occurred when the system tried to access the start text.

Action: Ensure that:
  • The start text address has not been overlaid.
  • The correct STARTTXT address was specified.
  • The STARTTXT storage area was not inadvertently freed by your program.
  • If IXCARM was called in AR mode:
    • The SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR macro was issued prior to this macro.
    • If the start text address was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated accordingly.
    • The start text is either in the primary address space or in an address/data space that is addressable through a public entry on the caller's DU-AL.
08 114 Equate Symbol: IXCARMSTARTLEN

Meaning: Program error. The length of the start text is not valid.

Action: Ensure that the parameter list was not inadvertently overlaid. Valid lengths for the start text are from 0 through 126.

08 118 Equate Symbol: IXCARMNOTTASKMODE

Meaning: Program error. The caller is not running in task mode.

Action: Correct your program so that it issues IXCARM only while in task mode.

08 11C Equate Symbol: IXCARMNOTENABLED

Meaning: The caller is not enabled.

Action: Correct your program so that it does not issue IXCARM while it is disabled.

08 120 Equate Symbol: IXCARMHASLOCK

Meaning: Program error. The caller of IXCARM holds a lock.

Action: Correct your program so that it does not issue IXCARM while it is holding a lock.

08 124 Equate Symbol: IXCARMHASEUTFRR

Meaning: Program error. The caller of IXCARM has an EUT FRR established.

Action: Correct your program so that it does not issue IXCARM while it has an EUT FRR established. An ESTAE should be used if recovery needs to be established for this program.

08 128 Equate Symbol: IXCARMJESERR

Meaning: Program error. A REGISTER request failed because of an error in JES.

Action: Analyze problem with JES.

08 12C Equate Symbol: IXCARMJOURNAL

Meaning: Program error. The caller is a candidate for checkpoint/restart and is not eligible to be restarted by automatic restart management.

Action: If you want to use automatic restart management to restart your jobs, you cannot use a checkpoint/restart.

08 130 Equate Symbol: IXCARMINVELEMTYPE

Meaning: Program error. The name specified for the element type was not valid.

Action: Make sure the element type specified adheres to the rules outlined under the description of the ELEMTYPE parameter.


Meaning: Program error. The caller was neither a started task nor a batch job, but specified a bind to the current batch job or started task.

Action: Register the element with a bind to the current system.

08 138 Equate Symbol: IXCARMCANCELLED

Meaning: Environmental error. A register request was received from a program that is in an address space that is being cancelled. The CANCEL command was issued without the ARMRESTART parameter, therefore, the registration of this element is not allowed.

Action: None; however, you should make sure that your program is not issuing the IXCARM macro with the REQUEST=REGISTER parameter from a recovery routine or resource manager.

08 13C Equate Symbol: IXCARMRACRFAIL

Meaning: Environmental error. The issuer of the IXCARM macro does not have the required SAF authorization.

Action: Determine why the program issuing the IXCARM macro does not have the proper SAF authorization. If this program was restarted with new command text (specified in the policy, on the STARTTXT parameter of the IXCARM macro, or in the element-restart installation exit), verify that the command text did not cause this problem.

08 140 Equate Symbol: IXCARMINVTERMTYPE

Meaning: Program error. The TERMTYPE value specified is not valid.

Action: Ensure that:
  • The parameter list address has not been overlaid.
  • If your program is running in AR ASC mode:
    • Your program specified SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR before issuing the IXCARM macro.
    • If the parameter list address was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated accordingly.
    • This area is either in the primary address space or in an address/data space that is addressable through a public entry on the caller's DU-AL.
  • The parameter list storage area was not inadvertently freed by your program.
  • Your program was assembled with the correct macro library for the release of MVS your program is running on.

Meaning: Program error. The RESTARTTIMEOUT value specified is not valid.

Action: Ensure that:
  • The parameter list address has not been overlaid.
  • If your program is running in AR ASC mode:
    • Your program specified SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR before issuing the IXCARM macro.
    • If the parameter list address was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated accordingly.
    • This area is either in the primary address space or in an address/data space that is addressable through a public entry on the caller's DU-AL.
  • The parameter list storage area was not inadvertently freed by your program.
  • Your program was assembled with the correct macro library for the release of MVS your program is running on.
08 148 Equate Symbol: IXCARMSAVEFAIL

Meaning: Environmental error. Register request prohibited by JES.

Action: This element cannot be restarted by automatic restart management.


Meaning: Program error. An element registering under a batch job with a bind to the job specified STARTTXT with its register request.

Action: Do one of the following:
  • If you have a batch job that needs different JCL if it is restarted, then use the policy to point to this information.
  • Code an automatic restart manager element restart exit that will point to the different JCL if it is restarted.

Meaning: Program error. The element name specified for this REGISTER request is already registered.

Action: Element names must be unique across a sysplex. To determine what element names are already in use, you could issue the IXCQUERY macro and request ARMSTATUS. This will provide you with a list of element names that are already in use. A system operator may want to issue the DISPLAY XCF,ARMSTATUS command to verify that the name is really being used. If the element has not been deregistered by ARM when the bind to the element has been broken, an operator can issue the SETXCF FORCE,ARMDEREGISTER command to deregister the element and allow a new registration.

08 154 Equate Symbol: IXCARMADDRSPACEDUP

Meaning: Program error. An element with a bind to the batch job or started task is already registered with the automatic restart manager. Only one element per batch job or started task can register with a bind specification of CURJOB.

Action:Ensure that the application is not registering more than once or use the ELEMBIND=CURSYS keyword option if appropriate.

08 158 Equate Symbol: IXCARMEXITPARM

Meaning: Program error or environmental error. The system cannot access the event exit parameter list specified in the EVENTEXITPL parameter.

Action: Ensure that:
  • The parameter list address has not been overlaid.
  • The correct parameter list address was specified.
  • The parameter list storage area was not inadvertently freed by your program.
  • If IXCARM was called in AR mode:
    • The SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR macro was issued prior to this macro.
    • If the parameter list address was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated accordingly.
    • The event exit parameter list is either in the primary address space or in an address/data space that is addressable through a public entry on the caller's DU-AL.
08 15C Equate Symbol: IXCARMEXITLEN

Meaning: Program error. The value specified in EXITPLLEN has exceeded the maximum length.

Action: See the description of the EXITPLLEN parameter for the limits on this length.

Ensure that:
  • The parameter list length has not been overlaid.
  • The correct parameter list length was specified.
  • If IXCARM was called in AR mode:
    • The SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR macro was issued prior to this macro.
    • If the parameter list address was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated accordingly.
    • The event exit parameter list is either in the primary address space or in an address/data space that is addressable through a public entry on the caller's DU-AL.
08 160 Equate Symbol: IXCARMEXITNAME

Meaning: Program error or environmental error. The system cannot access the name of the event exit.

Action: Ensure that:
  • The correct event exit name was specified.
  • The event exit is available on every system in the sysplex that could be the target of a restart by automatic restart management.
  • If IXCARM was called in AR mode:
    • The SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR macro was issued prior to this macro.
    • If the parameter list address was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated accordingly.
    • The event exit parameter list is either in the primary address space or in an address/data space that is addressable through a public entry on the caller's DU-AL.
08 164 Equate Symbol: IXCARMINVEVENTEXIT

Meaning: Program error. The name specified for the event exit routine is not a valid MVS load module name.

Action: Make sure the event exit name specified adheres to the rules listed under the EVENTEXIT parameter description.

08 168 Equate Symbol: IXCARMINVASYNCREQ

Meaning: Program error. An IXCARM request requiring asynchronous processing is invalid in the issuer's address space.

Action: Check your program to ensure that you are issuing the IXCARM request in a valid environment. For example, do not issue IXCARM in an installation restart exit.


Meaning: Program error. The ELEMBIND value specified is not valid, or ELEMBIND=CURSYS was specified with TERMTYPE=ELEMTERM.

Action: Check your program to ensure that it specified a valid value for ELEMBIND and did not specify ELEMBIND=CURSYS with TERMTYPE=ELEMTERM.

08 1A8 Equate Symbol: IXCARMRSVREGFDS

Meaning: Program error. A REGISTER request contained fields that did not apply to REGISTER and were not zero.

Action: Ensure that:
  • The parameter list address has not been overlaid.
  • The correct parameter list address was specified.
  • The parameter list storage area was not inadvertently freed by your program.
  • If IXCARM was called in AR mode:
    • The SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR macro was issued prior to this macro.
    • If the parameter list address was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated accordingly.
    • The parameter list is either in the primary address space or in an address/data space that is addressable through a public entry on the caller's DU-AL.
  • Your program was assembled with the correct macro library for the release of z/OS on which your program is running.

Retry the request at least once. If the problem persists, record the return and reason code, and supply them to the appropriate IBM support personnel. Also supply IBM with the IXCARM macro invocation and/or generated parameter list to diagnose the problem.

08 204 Equate Symbol: IXCARMBADWAITPRED
Meaning: Program or environmental error. An IXCARM REQUEST=WAITPRED was received from an element that is already in an Available or Available-To state. An element is placed in an Available state when the element has successfully completed an IXCARM REQUEST=READY request. An element is placed in an Available-To state when the element was restarted by ARM, reregistered, but did not complete an IXCARM REQUEST=READY within the Automatic Restart Manager policy-defined READY_TIMEOUT value.
  • This is a programming error if the element had already successfully completed an IXCARM REQUEST=READY request.
  • This is an environmental error if the ARM policy did not allot enough time for the element to complete its initialization and an IXCARM REQUEST=READY request.

Action: Continue processing. ARM already considers the element to be in an available state. As such, any predecessor elements would be available as well. Note that elements that are at a higher level than your element might think your services are available prematurely.

Check your program to determine if it had already issued a READY request. Use the IXCQUERY service to determine the current state of the element (AVAILABLE or AVAILABLE-TO). You can also use the DISPLAY XCF,ARM command for manual debugging. If the element has truly timed out (AVAILABLE-TO), consider changing your logic to continue processing.

08 2A8 Equate Symbol: IXCARMRSVWTPFDS

Meaning: Program error. An IXCARM WAITPRED request contained fields not applying to WAITPRED that were not zero.

Action: Ensure that:
  • The parameter list address has not been overlaid.
  • The correct parameter list address was specified.
  • The parameter list storage area was not inadvertently freed by your program.
  • If IXCARM was called in AR mode:
    • The SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR macro was issued prior to this macro.
    • If the parameter list address was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated accordingly.
    • The parameter list is either in the primary address space or in an address/data space that is addressable through a public entry on the caller's DU-AL.
  • Your program was assembled with the correct macro library for the release of OS/390® on which your program is running.

Retry the request at least once. If the problem persists, record the return and reason code, and supply them to the appropriate IBM support personnel. Also supply IBM with the IXCARM macro invocation and/or generated parameter list to diagnose the problem.

08 304 Equate Symbol: IXCARMBADREADY

Meaning: Program error. An IXCARM REQUEST=READY was received from an element that had already issued an IXCARM REQUEST=READY.

Action: Check your program to determine why the READY request was issued more than once.

08 3A8 Equate Symbol: IXCARMRSVRDYFDS

Meaning: System error. An IXCARM READY request contained required fields that were not zero.

Action: Ensure that:
  • The parameter list address has not been overlaid.
  • The correct parameter list address was specified.
  • The parameter list storage area was not inadvertently freed by your program.
  • If IXCARM was called in AR mode:
    • The SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR macro was issued prior to this macro.
    • If the parameter list address was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated accordingly.
    • The parameter list is either in the primary address space or in an address/data space that is addressable through a public entry on the caller's DU-AL.
  • Your program was assembled with the correct macro library for the release of OS/390 on which your program is running.

Retry the request at least once. If the problem persists, record the return and reason code, and supply them to the appropriate IBM support personnel. IBM will also need the IXCARM macro invocation and/or generated parameter list to diagnose the problem.

08 404 Equate Symbol: IXCARMDUPASSOC1

Meaning: Program error. An IXCARM REQUEST=ASSOCIATE was issued by an element that was already associated with an element.

Action: An element may be associated only with one other element. Check your program to determine why the ASSOCIATE request was issued more than once from this element.


Meaning: Program error. The element specified by the TELEMENT parameter on an IXCARM REQUEST=ASSOCIATE was not a registered element.

Action: The TELEMENT specified in an ASSOCIATE request must be an element that is already registered with the automatic restart manager. Make sure the element name is correct. You can issue the IXCQUERY macro with the ARMSTATUS parameter for a list of all the elements that have registered with the automatic restart manager.

08 40C Equate Symbol: IXCARMDUPASSOC2

Meaning: Program error. The element specified by the TELEMENT parameter on an IXCARM REQUEST=ASSOCIATE was already associated with another element.

Action: An element may be associated only with one other element. Check your program to determine why the ASSOCIATE request was issued more than once for this element.

08 414 Equate Symbol: IXCARMSELFASSOC

Meaning: Program error. The element specified by the TELEMENT parameter in an IXCARM REQUEST=ASSOCIATE is the same element that issued the ASSOCIATE request.

Action: An element cannot be associated with itself. Correct the TELEMENT value and reissue the request.

08 4A8 Equate Symbol: IXCARMRSVASSFDS

Meaning: System error. An IXCARM ASSOCIATE request contained required fields that were not zero.

Action: Ensure that:
  • The parameter list address has not been overlaid.
  • The correct parameter list address was specified.
  • The parameter list storage area was not inadvertently freed by your program.
  • If IXCARM was called in AR mode:
    • The SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR macro was issued prior to this macro.
    • If the parameter list address was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated accordingly.
    • The parameter list is either in the primary address space or in an address/data space that is addressable through a public entry on the caller's DU-AL.
  • Your program was assembled with the correct macro library for the release of OS/390 on which your program is running.

Retry the request at least once. If the problem persists, record the return and reason code, and supply them to the appropriate IBM support personnel. IBM will also need the IXCARM invocation and/or generated parameter list to diagnose the problem.

08 5A8 Equate Symbol: IXCARMRSVDRGFDS

Meaning: System error. An IXCARM DEREGISTER request contained required fields that were not zero.

Action: Ensure that:
  • The parameter list address has not been overlaid.
  • The correct parameter list address was specified.
  • The parameter list storage area was not inadvertently freed by your program.
  • If IXCARM was called in AR mode:
    • The SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR macro was issued prior to this macro.
    • If the parameter list address was specified using explicit register notation, the corresponding access register was updated accordingly.
    • The parameter list is either in the primary address space or in an address/data space that is addressable through a public entry on the caller's DU-AL.
  • Your program was assembled with the correct macro library for the release of OS/390 on which your program is running.

Retry the request at least once. If the problem persists, record the return and reason code, and supply them to the appropriate IBM support personnel. IBM will also need the IXCARM invocation and/or generated parameter list to diagnose the problem.


Meaning: The element that has attempted to register has done so in an address space that was created for the restart of another element. Only the restarted element can re-register in the current address space. ARM rejects the registration because as part of restarting the related job or started task address space, ARM propagates resources related to the member from the previous instance of the member. Currently the system symbolic substitution table is the only resource that is propagated. Allowing the element to register with ARM might cause an incorrect resource to be used by the element.

Action: Ensure that:
  • You register with ARM as soon as possible so the condition can be identified.
  • You use the same ELEMENT name when the application is restarted anywhere in the sysplex. For example, using a system name as part of the element name would not work because the element name then would not match when the element was restarted on another system. If the element name was not correct, re-attempt the IXCARM registration with the correct name.
  • You terminate your application and inform the operator that your application element was incorrectly started or restarted by a method other than ARM.

Meaning: The element that has attempted to re-register has done so in an address space other than the one that was created for the re-registering element. The element can only re-register in the address space in which the override restart start text was issued. ARM rejects the registration because as part of restarting the related job or started task address space, ARM propagates resources related to the member from the previous instance of the member. Currently the system symbolic substitution table is the only resource that is propagated. Allowing the element to register with ARM might cause an incorrect resource to be used by the element.

Action: Ensure that:
  • You register with ARM as soon as possible so the condition can be identified.
  • You use the same ELEMENT name when the application is restarted anywhere in the sysplex. For example, using a system name as part of the element name would not work because the element name then would not match when the element was restarted on another system. If the element name was not correct, re-attempt the IXCARM registration with the correct name.
  • You terminate your application and inform the operator that your application element was incorrectly started or restarted by a method other than ARM.

Meaning: The element that has attempted to register has done so in an address space that was created for the restart of another element. However, the element for which the address space was initially created is no longer known to ARM. This is probably due to the restart of the element having timed out. ARM rejects the registration because as part of restarting the related job or started task address space, ARM propagates resources related to the member from the previous instance of the member. Currently the system symbolic substitution table is the only resource that is propagated. Allowing the element to register with ARM might cause an incorrect resource to be used by the element.

Action: Ensure that:
  • You register with ARM as soon as possible so the condition can be identified.
  • You use the same ELEMENT name when the application is restarted anywhere in the sysplex. For example, using a system name as part of the element name would not work because the element name then would not match when the element was restarted on another system. If the element name was not correct, re-attempt the IXCARM registration with the correct name.
  • You terminate your application and inform the operator that your application element was incorrectly started or restarted by a method other than ARM.

Meaning: Users who are both in problem state and problem key cannot specify an event exit keyword on registration.

Action: Remove the EVENTEXIT parameter from the IXCARM invocation and resubmit.


Meaning: Users who are both in problem state and problem key cannot specify a start text keyword on registration.

Action: Remove the STARTTXT parameter from the IXCARM invocation and resubmit.


Meaning: Program error. Users who are both in problem state and problem key cannot specify the RMTOKEN keyword on any request.

Action: Remove the RMTOKEN keyword, or switch to supervisor state or system key before using it.

0C 04 Equate Symbol: IXCARMNOARM

Meaning: Environmental error. The IXCARM macro was issued on a system that does not support the automatic restart manager.

Action: Issue the IXCARM macro only on systems that have MVS SP5.2.0 (or higher) and either JES2 SP5.2.0 (or higher), or JES3 SP5.2.1 (or higher), and have access to an ARM couple data set. Consult your system programmer to determine the level of the system you are running on and which systems have connectivity to the ARM couple data set.

0C 0C Equate Symbol: IXCARMNOESTAE

Meaning: System error. The request is not processed.

Action: Retry the request at least once. If the problem persists, record the return and reason code, and supply them to the appropriate IBM support personnel.

0C C0 Equate Symbol: IXCARMFDSERR1

Meaning: Environmental error. Internal error while trying to access the automatic restart manager's couple data set.

Action: Retry the request at least once. If the problem persists, record the return and reason code, and supply them to the appropriate IBM support personnel.

0C C4 Equate Symbol: IXCARMFDSERR2

Meaning: System error. Internal error while trying to access the automatic restart manager's couple data set.

Action: Retry the request at least once. If the problem persists, record the return and reason code, and supply them to the appropriate IBM support personnel.

0C C8 Equate Symbol: IXCARMFDSERR3

Meaning: System error. Internal error while trying to access the automatic restart manager's couple data set.

Action: Retry the request at least once. If the problem persists, record the return and reason code, and supply them to the appropriate IBM support personnel.


Meaning: System error.

Action: Retry the request at least once. If the problem persists, record the return and reason code, and supply them to the appropriate IBM support personnel.

0C 104 Equate Symbol: IXCARMMAXUSERS

Meaning: Environmental error. The maximum number of automatic restart management users has been reached.

Action: Retry the request at least once. If the problem persists, consult your system programmer to determine if the maximum number of elements defined in the automatic restart management couple data set should be increased or if the limit on the number of elements has been reached. Your application should cover cases in which the automatic restart management couple data set has no available room. Before running or installing your application, you should make the system programmer aware of your element's requirements.

0C 160 Equate Symbol: IXCARMNOCDS

Meaning: Environmental error. The system on which the IXCARM macro was issued does not have access to an automatic restart managememt couple data set.

Action: Either contact the system programmer to determine which systems have a couple data set for the automatic restart manager, or retry the request at a later time. The system will issue ENF signal 38 (ENFPC038 ArenQualifier = ArenEventCdsConnect) when the ARM couple data set becomes available.

0C 164 Equate Symbol: IXCARMBADJOB

Meaning: Environmental error. JES could not support automatic restart manager requests for this job. A unit of work other than a normal batch job or started task has attempted to register with automatic restart manager without specifying ELEMBIND=CURSYS. The registration was rejected.

Action: Register the element with a bind to the current system.


Meaning: Environmental error. Problem state and problem key users cannot use IXCARM without having a security profile.

Action: Ensure that the proper IXCARM.elemtype.elemname resource profile for the unauthorized application is defined to RACF® or another security product.


Meaning: Environmental error. The installed security product indicated that the user does not have authorized access to the IXCARM facility or the secure entity. The entity is made up of the element type and element name.

Action: Ensure that the unauthorized application has UPDATE access to the IXCARM.elemtype.elemname resource profile in the FACILITY class.

10 04 Equate Symbol: IXCARMARMERR

Meaning: System error. The element was deregistered due to an internal error.

Action: Retry the request at least once. If the problem persists, record the return and reason code, and supply them to the appropriate IBM support personnel.

10 08 Equate Symbol: IXCARMUNKERR

Meaning: System error. An unexpected error occurred. Automatic restart management will attempt to deregister this element.

Action: Retry the request at least once. If it fails again, try to deregister the element or issue the IXCQUERY macro to determine the state of this element.

If the problem persists, record the return and reason code, and supply them to the appropriate IBM support personnel.

10 A0 Equate Symbol: IXCARMPCCERROR

Meaning: System error. An unexpected error occurred. Automatic restart management will attempt to deregister this element.

Action: Retry the request at least once. If it fails again, try to deregister the element or issue the IXCQUERY macro to determine the state of this element.

If the problem persists, record the return and reason code, and supply them to the appropriate IBM support personnel.