Software requirements for running z/OS 3.1

Careful planning is needed to ensure that you run the appropriate software with z/OS 3.1 on your target system. This topic lists software requirements to consider.

If you are upgrading from an earlier release of z/OS®, you can use the product levels on z/OS 3.1 that you used on your prior z/OS release. The product levels must be service-supported, with the following exceptions:
  • If you use any of the IBM products in Table 1, you must use the product levels shown.
  • If you use any of the z/OS functions in Table 2, and those functions have dependencies on IBM® middleware or application products, you must use the product levels that are shown, unless the minimum is indicated.
  1. This topic does not describe the software requirements that are related to systems in a sysplex that use the coupling facility. For more information, see IBM z/OS Parallel Sysplex.
  2. With the exception of Java, the software requirements that are listed in this topic reflect the minimum levels. For Java, the indicated level is the level that is specifically required by the element or component.
  3. Some IBM products and z/OS elements and features have comparable non-IBM equivalents. This topic reflects only IBM software.
  4. z/OS does not support service for client systems for which the service has been withdrawn by the operating system manufacturer.

Java dependencies for z/OS elements and components

Start of changeStart of changeIn z/OS 3.1, the following level of Java is required for z/OS components and elements:End of change
  • IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 17 (5655-UA1).
End of change

Start of changeThe Semeru 17 software development kit (SDK) supports the Java Standard Edition 17 language specification, which enables Java 17-compliant applications to be ported to and deployed on IBM z/OS.End of change

For more information, see z/OS Java home page.

Start of changeFor z/OS 3.1 orders, Semeru 17 is available as a bypassable requisite when you order z/OS 3.1 through Shopz (as product 5655-UA1).End of change

Start of changeFor your applications, z/OS 3.1 also supports the use of Java 11 and Java 8 and will continue to do so over the lifecycles for these Java releases. Specifically, your applications can continue to use the following levels of the IBM SDK, while these levels are still supported:
  • IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 11 (5655-DGJ)
  • IBM 64-bit SDK for z/OS, Java Technology Edition, V8 (5655-DGH)
  • IBM 31-bit SDK for z/OS, Java Technology Edition, V8 (5655-DGG)
End of change

Start of changeTo use Semeru 17, you must update the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the proper location. By default, the SDK resides in the following directory on your system: /usr/lpp/java/J17.0_64End of change

Start of changeIf you installed the SDK in another location, be sure to update the JAVA_HOME location for the z/OS functions that use Java. See the z/OS product publications for the functions used and the location for specifying the JAVA_HOME environment variable.End of change

Start of changez/OS provides support for Java in the form of program temporary fixes (PTFs). To find the PTFs for Semeru 17, use the following SMP/E fix category: IBM.TargetSystem-RequiredService.Semeru.17End of change

The following z/OS elements and components use Java™:
  • Base Control Program (BCP):
    • Predictive Failure Analysis (PFA)
    • System Management Facilities (SMF)
    • Subcapacity Reporting Tool (SCRT)
    • Workload Management (WLM)
    • z/OS XML System Services (z/OS XML)
  • Capacity Provisioning Manager (CPM)
  • Common Information Model (CIM)
  • DFSMS:
    • DFSMShsm
  • IBM Tivoli® Directory Server (TDS)
  • IBM z/OS Liberty Embedded
  • IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF)
  • Infoprint Server
  • PKI services
  • SDSF
  • Security Server RACF®
  • SMP/E

Start of changeFor the specific Java dependencies for each z/OS element, see Table 2. The Java dependencies must be followed for proper functioning of z/OS.End of change

Start of changeIn general, the z/OS elements and components require IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 17 (5655-UA1). However, at the time of publication, the following BCP components require an earlier level of Java, IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 11 (5655-DGJ):
  • Capacity Provisioning Manager (CPM)
  • Predictive Failure Analysis (PFA)
  • XML System Services.
End of change

Start of changeInfoprint Server requires IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 11 (5655-DGJ). For more details, see the Infoprint Server entry in Table 2.End of change

Determine which PTFs are needed for z/OS 3.1

Determine which PTFs are required for minimum support on z/OS 3.1, and which PTFs are required to use specific functions in z/OS 3.1.

To do so, follow these steps:
  1. Identify the PTFs for both minimum support and functional support with the following fix category (FIXCAT) in enhanced HOLDDATA:
    • IBM.TargetSystem-RequiredService.z/OS.3.1

    The HOLDDATA type FIXCAT is used to associate an APAR to a particular category of fix for target system PTFs identified as levels.

  2. To identify the PTFs on your current system that would be needed for your upgrade to z/OS 3.1, run the SMP/E command REPORT MISSINGFIX.
    You might, for example, use a command such as the following to identify PTFs for the CICS® CSI:
  3. To determine what PTFs are needed and not yet installed, run the command REPORT MISSINGFIX against the global zones that you use to support your middleware and application products.

Determine the required product or functional release levels for z/OS 3.1

IBM middleware and application products require a specific release to run on z/OS 3.1. You cannot use the FIXCAT support to determine these release levels. Instead, you can refer to the tables in this section.

Table 1 lists the IBM middleware and application products that require a specific version of the product to run on z/OS 3.1.

Table 1. IBM middleware and application products that require a specific version to run on z/OS 3.1
If you use this IBM product... You need this product level (usually achieved with PTFs)
IBM Security zSecure Suite:
  • IBM Security zSecure Adapters for QRadar® SIEM (5655-AD8)
  • IBM Security zSecure Admin (5655-N16)
  • IBM Security zSecure Audit (5655-N17)
  • IBM Security zSecure Command Verifier (5655-N19)
  • IBM Security zSecure Visual (5655-N20)
  • IBM Security zSecure Alert (5655-N21)
IBM Security zSecure products require Start of changezSecure Suite 3.1End of change Start of changeat a minimumEnd of change.
IBM Tivoli Event Pump for z/OS (5698-B34) IBM Tivoli Event Pump for z/OS, Version 4.2.2 (with PTF UA92963 for APAR OA51799) Start of changeor laterEnd of change.

Table 2 lists the functions of z/OS 3.1 that require specific optional features, IBM middleware products, or IBM application products.

Table 2. Functions of z/OS 3.1 that require specific z/OS optional features or IBM products
z/OS element or feature Required z/OS optional features or IBM products (by function)
Alternate Library for REXX None.
Base Control Program (BCP) For requirements related to software support for the Start of changeIBM z16™™, IBM z15®™, IBM z14®, and z14 ZR1 serversEnd of change, see the z/OS Upgrade Workflow.

Db2® Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ supports Java Batch Container function with PTF UK69734 and UK69742 (FMID JDB9912)

Dynamic APF requirements:
  • The z/OS Security Server feature is required if you want to use the RACF data security monitor program (DSMON) to produce reports for APF-authorized programs.
BCP (continued)
FICON® requirements:
  • To simplify configuration definition tasks when you are migrating to FICON, use the z/OS HCM feature.
  • To report on the measurement data that is generated for FICON CHPIDs, use the z/OS RMF feature.
  • To use the architecture enhancements, use the following:
    • PSF for z/OS V4 (5655-M32) Start of changeor laterEnd of change
    • Tivoli System Automation for z/OS V3 (5698-SA3) or later
    • IMS V12 (5635-A03) or later.
IEAVFTED REXX exec requirements:
  • The IBM supplied IEAVFTED REXX exec is used to produce a Timed Event Data Report in either a TSO or IPCS environment. The exec is a compiled REXX program that requires the full REXX compiler runtime libraries (at least [5695-014] REXX LIBR BASE V1.4 (FMID HWJ9140) installed. IEAVFTED does not work with the z/OS base element, REXX Alternate Runtime Library z/OS Base (FMID HWJ9143).
Java requirements:
  • Capacity Provisioning Manager (CPM) requires IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 11 (5655-DGJ).
  • Predictive Failure Analysis (PFA) requires IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 11 (5655-DGJ).
  • XML System Services requires IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 11 (5655-DGJ).
  • Start of changeOther BCP components require IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 17 (5655-UA1).End of change
Job support for started tasks requirements:
  • z/OS Security Server feature is required if you plan to use dynamic security control for started tasks. You can do this by using the STARTED class to assign RACF identities to started procedures and jobs dynamically with the RDEFINE and RALTER commands.
Messages that are displayed in non-English languages:
  • The z/OS Security Server feature is required if you use this function because RACF is used to obtain language information for users.
Operations log (OPERLOG) requirements:
  • SDSF is required if you want to use the log browser facility for the OPERLOG log stream.
TSO/E consoles used as extended MCS consoles:
  • The z/OS Security Server feature is required if you want to use this function because RACF is used to obtain console security attributes.
z/OS UNIX kernel requirements:
  • The z/OS Security Server feature is required if any address space must call a z/OS UNIX kernel service.
Common Information Model (CIM)
Common Information Model (CIM) requires the following level of Java:
  • IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 17 (5655-UA1)
Communications Server IP Services has the following software requirements:
  • For SNMP NetView® client support: Tivoli NetView for z/OS V5R4 (5697-ENV) or later, if it is service-supported.
  • For file access protection for FTP: z/OS Security Server feature
  • For FTP Db2 query: A supported Db2 level is required.
  • For user-written programs in Pascal that interface to a TCP, UDP, or IP boundary: IBM VS Pascal Compiler and Library (5668-767)
  • For user-written programs in C that interface to an X Window System client, Remote Procedure Call, TCP or UDP protocol boundary, DPI, IP, or z/OS UNIX feature (Rcommands, RPC, or X Window System), you require the z/OS XL C/C++ feature.
  • z/OS XL C/C++ feature is required for TCP/IP functions that are written in C, such as the following:
    • C sample programs
    • Network Database System client and server
    • Network Computing System
    • Remote Procedure Call
    • Non-z/OS UNIX X Window System
    • z/OS UNIX features (ONC/RPC, X Window System).
SNA Services has the following software requirements:
  • For High Performance Routing (HPR) Border Node and HPR network management:
    • Tivoli NetView for z/OS V5R4 (5697-ENV) Start of changeor laterEnd of change
  • If you are running z/OS as a guest under z/VM®, you require the PTF for VM APAR VM64789.
Cryptographic Services None.
Data set encryption
Ensure that ICSF is started early in the IPL process so that encryption services are available to the system initialization functions that use encryption. This consideration is especially important if you plan to encrypt zFS file systems, SMF data sets, or other data sets that are used during z/OS initialization.

To ensure that ICSF is started early, place the command S CSF,SUB=MSTR (or the appropriate PROC name) early in the COMMNDxx member. This action can help to minimize delays in mounting zFS file systems and initializing OMVS, and prevent delays in z/OS initialization. On the command, the specification SUB=MSTR is used to start ICSF before JES.

Otherwise, if you use automation to start ICSF, it is not started early enough for encryption to be available to initialization functions.

Similarly, during z/OS system shutdown, ensure that ICSF is one of the last features to be terminated so that dependent functions are not impacted. ICSF can be terminated after the OMVS and JES address spaces are terminated and SMF halt processing is started. When ICSF is brought down after SMF is halted, an SMF record is not created for ICSF termination.

Tip: If your ICSF startup procedure specifies a CSFLIST data set, you can remove this specification. ICSF no longer uses a CSFLIST data set, and ignores it if specified.
Note: ICSF can be started automatically during IPL. This option allows callers of ICSF to take advantage of ICSF functions during IPL. To start ICSF automatically during IPL, the ICSFPROC and ICSF system parameters must both be specified.

For more information about the z/OS data set encryption enhancements, see z/OS DFSMS Using the New Functions.

EzNoSQL adds Java support to the existing C and native APIs. For more information, see the EzNoSQL content solution webpage: EzNoSQL for z/OS.
PDSE member generations with ISPF
For full support in using PDSE member generations with ISPF, IBM Data Set Commander V8.1 (5635-ISP) is beneficial. This product can display a member list with all member generations, from which users can browse, edit, copy, delete, and restore PDSE member generations both online and in batch.
VSAM record level sharing (RLS):
To use this function, you need the following:
  • z/OS Security Server feature (RACF component)
  • CICS TS for z/OS V3.1 (5655-M15) or later
  • Appropriate levels of COBOL, PL/I, FORTRAN, and Language Environment® runtime libraries for batch applications that use VSAM RLS data access.

IMS backup-while-open support: To use this function, the Database Manager feature of IMS V12 (5635-A03) or later is required.


To use control data set (CDS) or record level sharing (RLS), you require global resource serialization or an equivalent function.

The DFSMShsm component requires the following level of Java:
  • IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 17 (5655-UA1)



To apply forward recovery logs to a restored copy of a data set, you need CICS VSAM Recovery for z/OS V4 (5655-P30).

To back up data sets while they are open, you require the z/OS features DFSMShsm and DFSMSdss.

DFSORT DFSORT Performance Booster for The SAS System requires enabling support from SAS Institute Inc.
EREP None.
FFST None.
GDDM None.

Use of the CHPID Mapping Tool is recommended for mapping logical CHPIDs to physical channels (PCHIDs) and creating input to HCD/IOCP. The tool is a workstation-based Java application available from the Resource Link home page. It updates the IOCP input file with the PCHID values and can generate reports to help with cabling.

Note: You can verify the active or target configuration by using z/OS discovery and I/O Autoconfiguration (zDAC). This action is possible for a server that supports zDAC, and for a system in the local sysplex that is enabled for dynamic activations. The verification is limited to FICON attached storage devices.
HCM Start of changeA supported level of Windows must be running on the workstation. HCM includes a Java Runtime Environment (JRE), which is packaged with its client installer program.End of change
Host communication:
  • TCP/IP: TCP/IP networking protocol must be installed (delivered with Windows).
  • HCM installation: A method to download the code from the host to the workstation is required, such as FTP or IBM Personal Communications (PCOMM).
HLASM Toolkit None.
IBM HTTP Server A web browser must be installed on a networked workstation.

Communications Server IP connectivity must be established.

IBM Tivoli Directory Server

If IBM TDS uses Db2 to store data for a general LDAP directory server, a supported Db2 level is required.

Db2 is not required in the following situations:
  • If IBM Tivoli Directory Server is used only to provide LDAP access to user, group, connect, and resource profiles stored in RACF.
  • If IBM Tivoli Directory Server uses a file system to store data for a general LDAP directory server.

If IBM Tivoli Directory Server uses a file-based backend (LDBM, file-based GDBM, or CDBM), a z/OS UNIX file system is required for storing this data. IBM Tivoli Directory Server requires a z/OS UNIX System file system for storing the schema backend.

To write application programs that use the Kerberos or GSS-API programming interface, you require the z/OS XL C/C++ feature.

IBM TDS requires the following level of Java:
  • IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 17 (5655-UA1)
IBM z/OS Liberty Embedded IBM z/OS Liberty Embedded requires the following level of Java:
  • IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 17 (5655-UA1)
IBM z/OS Change Tracker None.
IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) z/OSMF requires the following level of Java:
  • IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 17 (5655-UA1)
IBM z/OS Workload Interaction Correlator None.
Infoprint Server The z/OS Security Server feature is required.
Infoprint Central requires the following levels of Java:
  • IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 11 (5655-DGJ)
If you want to use the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) function of Infoprint Server (AOPIPPD), you require the following level of Java:
  • IBM 31-bit SDK for z/OS, Java Technology Edition, V8 (5655-DGG)

IPP for Infoprint Server can use only the 31-bit SDK.

Java 11 can be used for Infoprint Central if your installation does not start AOPIPPD, or both Java 8 and Java 11 are installed on the system.

To use the print management functions that are provided by Infoprint Central, you require:
  • A running IBM HTTP Server base element of z/OS
  • Start of changeIBM XML Toolkit for z/OS, C++ edition, V1.11.0 (5655-J51)
    Note: Starting with z/OS 3.1, XML Toolkit V1.11 is available with z/OS as a base element, FMID HXML1B0.
    End of change

To print output from Infoprint Server with AFP printers, you require PSF for z/OS V4 (5655-M32) Start of changeor laterEnd of change.

Infoprint Server can use the following transform products to convert data streams from one format to another:
  • Infoprint Transforms to AFP V2 for z/OS (5655-N60)
  • Infoprint XT for z/OS (5655-O15)
  • InfoPrint Transform Manager for Linux®
The following transform products can be used to convert data streams from one format to another on z/OS:
  • IBM Print Transform from AFP to PCL for Infoprint Server for z/OS (5655-TF2) Start of changeor laterEnd of change
  • IBM Print Transform from AFP to PostScript for Infoprint Server for z/OS (5655-TF3) Start of changeor laterEnd of change
Accessing Infoprint Central requires one of the following web browsers on workstations with the following tested operating systems:
Windows 10
  • Google Chrome Version 81.0.4044.122 (Official Build) or later (64-bit)
  • Microsoft Edge Version 80.0.0361.54 or later
  • Mozilla Firefox 71.0 or later (64-bit)
Note: Other browsers might work with Infoprint Central, but are not tested. Using untested browsers might result in some Infoprint Central functions that are disabled.
Infoprint Server (continued)
Version 1 Release 2 Mod 2 (V1R2M2) of the following transform product can be used to convert data streams from one format to another on z/OS:
  • IBM Print Transform from AFP to PDF for Infoprint Server for z/OS (5655-TF1)
The transforms can convert:
  • PCL, PostScript, PDF, SAP R/3, and Xerox print data to AFP format for printing by PSF for z/OS V4 (5655-M32) on AFP printers
  • AFP, line data, and XML data streams to PCL, PostScript, or PDF format for printing, e-mailing, or presenting on the web.

The workstation operating system that is required to use the Infoprint Port Monitor is Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2012, or Windows Server 2016.

Integrated Security Services None.
ISPF To use ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager (SCLM), the z/OS Security Server feature is recommended, but not required, to ensure data integrity.

Use of VSAM support (Edit/View/Browse) requires the File Manager for z/OS product.

JES2 To monitor and control jobs, output, devices, and system resources from TSO/E, you require the z/OS SDSF feature.

To use Advanced Function Presentation, you need PSF for z/OS V4 (5655-M32).

Language Environment


Metal C Runtime Library


NFS NFS Client and NFS Server both require:
  • z/OS Communications Server - IP Services
  • z/OS Security Server feature
PKI Services
PKI Services requires the following level of Java:
  • IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 17 (5655-UA1)
RMF The RMF Spreadsheet Reporter requires:
  • Operating system: Windows 10.
  • Spreadsheet program: To use the spreadsheet macros that are included with the Spreadsheet Reporter, you can use one of the following Microsoft Excel products: Excel 2013 or later.
RMF Performance Monitoring (RMF PM) requires:
  • Operating system: Windows 10.
Restricted Use Common Service Area (RUCSA)


Runtime Library Extensions None.
SDSF To use the SAF security feature of SDSF, you require the z/OS Security Server feature.
SDSF requires the following level of Java:
  • IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 17 (5655-UA1)
Security Server To run the RACF remove ID utility (IRRRID00) or the RACF report writer, you require the z/OS DFSORT feature.

If you use Db2 to manage multilevel data, you require a supported Db2 level.

Security Server requires the following level of Java:
  • IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 17 (5655-UA1)
SMP/E SMP/E V3.7 requires the following level of Java:
  • IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 17 (5655-UA1)
Terminal Input Output Controller (TIOC) None.
TSO/E For language support service or for TSO/E to save the user's console command profile, the z/OS Security Server feature is required.
XL C/C++ None.
XML Toolkit None.
z/OS Authorized Code Scanner None.
z/OS Container Extensions (zCX) zCX is an element of z/OS (FMID HZDC7C0) that includes the Linux kernel and Docker Engine as well as the associated z/OSMF workflow. The software has the 3-character prefix AZD. All systems in the sysplex on which you deploy zCX must be at the z/OS V2R4 level or later.

The recommended enablement solution for zCX is to purchase and install IBM Container Hosting Foundation for z/OS, which delivers Monthly License Charge (MLC) pricing. If you have an IBM z14 or IBM z15 processor, as an alternative to IBM Container Hosting Foundation for z/OS, you can purchase and install feature code 0104 through the eConfig Fulfillment Center. Both options include service and support for the underlying Linux kernel and zCX appliance, as well as unlimited zCX usage in the central processor complex (CPC) across all LPARs.

If you have a z14 or later processor, you can enable the zCX trial and experiment with zCX for 90 days. After that, IBM Container Hosting Foundation for z/OS is the recommended enablement solution for zCX Docker.

Start of changez/OS Data GathererEnd of change Start of changeIBM SMF Explorer provides a Python framework for accessing z/OS-based SMF data from your workstation.

IBM SMF Explorer must be installed in a z/OS UNIX environment or in a non-z/OS environment that includes a supported Python interpreter.

To obtain the z/OS UNIX support for IBM SMF Explorer, apply one of the following PTFs:
  • For z/OS 3.1, apply PTF UJ95534 for APAR OA66401
  • For z/OS 2.5, apply PTF UJ95535 for APAR OA66401

For more information about IBM SMF Explorer installation requirements, see IBM SMF Explorer.

End of change
z/OS File System (zFS)

The IP Services component of the z/OS Communications Server base element must be operational.

z/OS Font Collection


z/OS OpenSSH


z/OS Security Level 3 None.

To write application programs that use the C or C++ language application programming interface, you require the z/OS XL C/C++ feature.

3270 PC File Transfer Program Compatible 3270 emulation software is required, such as IBM Personal Communications/3270 and IBM Communications Manager/2.