Management Services Catalog task

The z/OS Management Services Catalog task helps different levels of system programmers easily share their knowledge and learn from each other.

IBM® z/OS Management Services Catalog improves how z/OS system programmers manage their z/OS environment that uses services. Services can streamline repetitive and frequent tasks in addition to complex, infrequent tasks. Associated institutional knowledge and processes are embedded in services, which help z/OS system programmers adhere to best practices and internal standards.

z/OS Management Services Catalog administrators create services. When the services are published to the Catalog, you can repeatedly run them to manage your z/OS.

Reference the following links to learn how to use z/OS Management Services Catalog:

What are services

Services help you more easily perform management tasks on a z/OS system. For more information, see What are services.

Administrator and non-administrator user roles

Administrators create services and publish services to the Catalog for everyone to run. For more information, see Administrator and non-administrator user roles.

Using the Catalog

See published services, start service submissions, and find your drafts in the Catalog. For more information, see Using the Catalog.

Managing the Catalog

Administrators manage how services appear in the Catalog. For more information, see Managing the Catalog.

Creating services

Administrators create services to complete z/OS management tasks. For more information, see Creating services.

Managing services

Administrators can manage services and determine which ones are published to the Catalog. For more information, see Managing services.

Submitting services to complete z/OS tasks

Submit published services to complete z/OS management tasks. For more information, see Submitting services to complete z/OS tasks.

Monitoring service submissions

Monitor service submissions in Activity. For more information, see Monitoring service submissions.


Use settings to customize your experience. For more information, see Settings.

Terms you should know

Understand terminology in z/OS Management Services Catalog. For more information, see Terms you should know.