

A program check occurred. The hexadecimal interruption code is as follows:
A transaction constraint exception occurred.
A square root exception occurred.
An unnormalized operand exception occurred.
Reserved bit positions in an access list entry token (ALET) were nonzero.
An ALET specified an access list entry (ALE) that is not valid.
An ALET specified a previously deleted ALE.
Either an ALE specified a data space that is not valid or there is an ASTE validity check for an address space on an access list.
An ALE refers to a sequence number in the address space second table entry (ASTE). The sequence number is not equal to the number in the ALE.
A private ALE is specified, but the current extended authorization index (EAX) is not authorized to the target address space.
An ASTE-Instance Exception interrupt occurred. An ASTE instance number associated with a PROGRAM TRANSFER WITH INSTANCE instruction, a PROGRAM RETURN instruction, or a SET SECONDARY ASN WITH INSTANCE instruction, does not have the required value.
A stacking instruction was issued when the linkage stack was full.
An unstacking instruction such as PR or EREG was issued when the linkage stack was empty.
A linkage stack specification interrupt occurred.
The hardware or an unstacking operation found a linkage stack entry (LSE) type that is not valid.
A Program Return (PR) instruction was issued against a linkage stack entry that has the unstack suppression bit set. The system sets this bit in a linkage stack entry to prevent SVC routines from unstacking entries they did not add to the stack.
An unexpected interrupt code. A possible cause of this is that the level of MVS™ is not the correct one for the hardware.

System action

The system abnormally ends the task experiencing the program check, unless the task provides recovery to handle the interruption. The system may write a logrec data set error record.

Operator response

If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap:

System programmer response

Do the following:
  1. If a logrec data set error record was not written for the program check, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump.
  2. Look at the program status word (PSW) at the time of error. Use the address in the PSW to identify the module that experienced the X'0E0' program check.
    • For an installation-provided module, continue diagnosis with the module.
    • For an IBM® module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group associated with this module at the IBM Support Center. Provide, if available, the SVC dump and the logrec data set error record.

Programmer response

Do one of the following:
  • For reason code X'30', determine if your program has improperly added entries to the linkage stack. For example, unintentionally executing a BAKR many times can fill the linkage stack. If your program is not improperly adding entries to the linkage stack, then use an LSEXPAND macro to increase the size of the linkage stack.
  • For reason code X'32' or X'33', see Principles of Operation.
  • For other reason codes, determine if the problem program or the system was in error. If the problem program contained an error, correct it, and run the job step again.


Supervisor control