About event types

An event type is the object the Application Linking Manager task uses to link or connect an event requestor with an event handler. The event type identifies the handlers that can process events of that type and the parameters that event requestors can supply with each event. Event types can be registered (added) by a z/OSMF task, an external application, and users authorized to the Application Linking Manager task.

To display a list of the event types that are defined in z/OSMF, in the navigation area, expand the z/OSMF Administration category and select Application Linking Manager. The event types are listed in the Event Types table.

You can use the actions provided in the Event Types table to define new event types, to view or delete existing event types, and to manage the handlers associated with an event type. For a description of the columns or actions in the table, see Columns in the Event Types table or Actions for event types.

Columns in the Event Types table

Table 1. Columns in the Event Types table
Column Description
ID Unique identifier for the event type. If you click the ID link, the Properties for Event Type page is displayed.
Display Name Name of the event type.
Description Description of the event type.
Registered By ID of the first z/OSMF task or external application that registered the event type. Typically, event types are registered by or on behalf of event handlers. They can also be registered by or on behalf of event requestors.
Default Handler Name of the z/OSMF task or external application identified as the default handler for events of this type.

Actions for event types

The actions are described in the following tables:
  • Targeted actions. Actions that apply to the selected event types. To use a targeted action, you must select an event type.
  • General actions. Actions that apply to event types. No selection is required.
  • Table actions. Actions that apply to the entire table. No selection is required.
Table 2. Targeted actions
Action Description
Properties View the properties of the selected event type, including the event handlers and parameters. Manage the handlers associated with the event type. Specifically, you can define new handlers, view, enable, disable, and delete existing handlers, and make a handler the default handler. To enable this action, select only one event type.
Delete Delete the selected event types. To enable this action, select one or more event types.
Table 3. General actions
Action Description
New Use the New Event Type page to define a new event type.
Import Import a property file to add one or more new event types.
Table 4. Table actions
Action Description
Select All Select all of the rows in the table.
Deselect All Deselect all of the selected rows in the table.
Configure Columns Select the columns to display in the table, specify the order of those columns, and designate which columns should be fixed in position when the table is scrolled horizontally.
Hide Filter Row Remove the filter row from view. This action is listed only when the filter row is displayed in the table.
Show Filter Row Display the filter row. This action is listed only when the filter row is not displayed in the table.
Clear Sorts Clear the sort from all of the columns in the table. This action is disabled if no sorting is specified in the table.