Customizing for CEA

Common event adapter (CEA) is a component of the BCP that provides the ability to deliver z/OS® events to C-language clients, such as the z/OS Common Information Model (CIM) server. A CEA address space is started automatically during initialization of every z/OS system. Additionally, CEA provides instrumentation for various services such as z/OSMF Incident Log and BCPii to run in full function mode or to provide other instrumentation services.

CEA has two modes of operation:
  • Full function mode. In this mode, both internal z/OS components and clients such as CIM providers can use CEA indication functions.
  • Minimum mode. In this mode, only internal z/OS components can use CEA indication functions.

Security setup is required for CEA to run in full function mode; a sample job is provided in SYS1.SAMPLIB(CEASEC) to perform security resource definitions owned by CEA.