
For information about z/OS® hardware and software prerequisites, see z/OS Planning for Installation.

The z/OS data sets that are required for the z/OS Unicode Services are:
  • SYS1.LPALIB and SYS1.LINKLIB, which contain z/OS Unicode Services program modules.
  • SYS1.SCUNTBL, which contains all of the z/OS Unicode Services tables shipped from IBM® and must be cataloged. You cannot change the name of this data set, and it must be called SYS1.SCUNTBL.
  • SYS1.SCUNLOCL, which contains all the locales of Collation services and must be cataloged. You cannot change the name of this data set, and it must be called SYS1.SCUNLOCL.
  • SYS1.CSSLIB, which contains linkable stub routines.