Identifying modules, components, and products

This topic contains information to help you identify module, component, and product information that is related to where an error is occurring.

Use Table 1 to relate a module prefix to its component name, product identifier (ID), component ID, and product name. If a prefix is not listed in the table, check the SMP/E data base. It has information on other IBM® products, such as application programs. See z/OS SMP/E User's Guide for information on using SMP/E.
Table 1 contains the following sections:
  • Module prefix: The module prefix is the first three or more characters in:
    • CSECT name
    • Entry point name
    • Macro name
    • Module name

    The name of a module or macro that is owned by IBM usually begins with the characters A through I. There are a few exceptions beginning with S or X.

  • Component name: The component name shows the component that is associated with the module prefix. In some cases, this section shows the name of a command or macro.
  • Product ID: The product ID is a number that identifies the product that a component is associated with. Each separately orderable product has a unique product ID.
  • Component ID: The component ID is an alphanumeric identifier unique for each component. For component identifiers of products that are not shown in this table, see the programming support manual for the product or subsystem or use SMP/E reports.
  • Product, element name, or optional feature: Some of the products and subsystems are:
    DFSMS includes the following functional components:
    Data Facility System Managed Storage DFP
    DFSMS Data Set Services
    DFSMS hierarchical storage manager
    DFSMS removable media manager
    DFSMS Transactional VSAM Services
    Environmental Record Editing and Printing program
    Job entry subsystem 2
    Job entry subsystem 3
    Control program for MVS
    Resource Access Control Facility
    Resource Management Facility
    System Modification Program Extended
    Time Sharing Option Extensions
    Virtual Telecommunications Access Method
Table 1. Relating a module prefix to component and product
Module prefix Component name Product ID Component ID Product, element name, or optional feature
ADF TSO and TSO/E session manager 5650-ZOS 566528505 TSO/E
ADR DFSMSdss 5650-ZOS 5695DF175 DFSMSdss
ADY Dump analysis and elimination (DAE) 5650-ZOS 5752SC143 MVS
AFH Fortran Library 5650-ZOS 568819804 Language Environment®
AHL Macros for GTF (formerly AMDPRDMP macros) 5650-ZOS 5752SC113 MVS
AHL - AHLC Generalized trace facility (GTF) 5650-ZOS 5752SC111 MVS
AHLF - AHLMC Generalized trace facility (GTF) 5650-ZOS 5752SC111 MVS
AHLMF - AHLW GTFTRACE subcommand of IPCS 5650-ZOS 5752SC118 MVS
AIR-AIRH Predictive Failure Analysis (PFA) 5650-ZOS 5752SCPFA MVS
AKJL LINK/LOADGO prompter 5650-ZOS 5695PMB01 Program Management
AMA AMATERSE service aid 5650-ZOS 5752SC112 MVS
AMA Problem Documentation Upload Utility (PDUU) 5650-ZOS 5752SC112 MVS
AMA SPZAP service aid 5650-ZOS 5752SC112 MVS
AMB LIST service aid (AMBLIST) 5650-ZOS 5695PMB01 Program Management
AMD Stand-alone dump (SADMP) 5650-ZOS 5752SC115 MVS
AMS System Availability Management (SAM) of the Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) 5650-ZOS 566527404 RMF
ANT System data mover 5650-ZOS 5695DF117 DFSMSdss
AOM Device Support Services (AOM) 5650-ZOS 5695DF113 DFSMSdfp
ARC DFSMShsm 5650-ZOS 5695DF170 DFSMShsm
ASA MVS reuse 5650-ZOS 5752SCASA MVS
ASB Advanced Program-to-Program Communication (APPC) scheduler 5650-ZOS 5752SCACB MVS
ASE Address space services 5650-ZOS 5752SCASE MVS
ASR Symptom record (SYMREC) services 5650-ZOS 5752SCASR MVS
ATB Advanced Program-to-Program Communication (APPC) 5650-ZOS 5752SCACB MVS
ATR Resource recovery services 5650-ZOS 5752SCRRS MVS
AVF Availability manager 5650-ZOS 5752SCAVM MVS
AXR System REXX 5650-ZOS 5752SCAXR MVS
BCD z/OS® Batch Runtime 5650-ZOS 5752SC1BC MVS
BCF Base Crypto Function 5650-ZOS 566505101 MVS
BCN SMP/E Planning and Migration Assistant 5650-ZOS, 5655-G44 566894902 SMP/E
Start of changeBHIEnd of change Start of changez/OS Hyperswap InterfaceEnd of change Start of change5650-ZOSEnd of change Start of change5752SC1C3End of change Start of changeMVSEnd of change
BLR Interactive problem control system (IPCS) 5650-ZOS 5752SC132 MVS
BLS Interactive problem control system (IPCS) 5650-ZOS 5752SC132 MVS
BLW Loadwait/Restart 5650-ZOS 5752SCLWT MVS
BOP z/OS UNIX (z/OS UNIX System Services) support 5650-ZOS 5752SCPX6 MVS
BPX z/OS UNIX System Services 5650-ZOS 5695SCPX1 MVS
CBD Hardware configuration definition (HCD) 5650-ZOS 5695SC1XL MVS
CBD Interactive storage management facility (ISMF) and Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) 5650-ZOS 5695DF161 DFSMSdfp
CBP MVS configuration program (MVSCP) 5665 29105 MVS
CBPUS01 - CBPUSnn Input/output supervisor (IOS) unit information module (UIM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C3 MVS
CBQ Runtime Library Extensions 5650-ZOS 56551210D MVS
CBR Object Access Method (OAM) 5650-ZOS 5695DF180 DFSMSdfp
CDA Runtime Library Extensions 5650-ZOS 56551210D MVS
CDS Open Cryptographic Services Facility 5650-ZOS 565506804 Cryptographic Services
CEA Common Event Adapter 5650-ZOS 5752SCCEA MVS
CEE Language Environment 5650-ZOS 568819801 Language Environment
CEH Language Environment 5650-ZOS 568819801 Language Environment
CEJ Language Environment 5650-ZOS 568819801 Language Environment
CEL Language Environment 5650-ZOS 568819801 Language Environment
CEQ Language Environment
Note: CEQ excludes CEQA, CEQL, and CEQN, which belong to Open Cryptographic Enhanced Plug-ins.
5650-ZOS 568819801 Language Environment
CEQA, CEQL, CEQN Open Cryptographic Enhanced Plug-ins 5650-ZOS 565506809 Security Server
CEU Language Environment 5650-ZOS 568819801 Language Environment
CEZ Language Environment 5650-ZOS 568819801 Language Environment
CHS TSO/E Enhanced Connectivity Facility 5650-ZOS 566528507 TSO/E
CIP Utilities (3800 Offline Utility) 5650-ZOS 5695DF114 DFSMSdfp
CLB Runtime Library Extensions 5650-ZOS 56551210D MVS
CLE Runtime Library Extensions 5650-ZOS 56551210D MVS
CNL MVS message service (MMS) 5650-ZOS 5752SCMMS MVS
CNN XL C/C++ Compiler 5650-ZOS 56551210A MVS
CNZ Console Services 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
COF Virtual lookaside facility (VLF) 5650-ZOS 5752SC164 MVS
CRG Context services (Registration services) 5650-ZOS 5752SCCTX MVS
CRT C++ Standard Library 5650-ZOS 568819807 Language Environment
CSF Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility/Trusted Key Entry 5650-ZOS 568505102 Cryptographic Services
CSF Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility (ICSF) 5650-ZOS 568505101 Cryptographic Services
CSR Callable service requests and Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility (ICSF) 5650-ZOS 5752SCCSR MVS
CSV Contents supervision (CSV) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CJ MVS
CTV C/C++ Performance Analyzer 5655-A45, 5650-ZOS 5655A4501 MVS
CTX Context services 5650-ZOS 5752SCCTX MVS
CUN Unicode Services 5650-ZOS 5752SCUNI MVS
CVA Common volume table of contents (VTOC) access facility (CVAF) 5650-ZOS 5695DF133 DFSMSdfp
DGT Interactive storage management facility (ISMF) and Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) 5650-ZOS 5695DF161 DFSMSdfp
EDC C/C++ Library 5650-ZOS 568819805 Language Environment
EDG DFSMSrmm 5650-ZOS 5695DF186 DFSMSrmm
END TSO and TSO/E session manager 5650-ZOS 566528505 TSO/E
ERB Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) 5650-ZOS 566527404 RMF
EUVF Network Authentication Service 5650-ZOS 565506807 Integrated Security Services
EZA Communication Server for z/OS IP Services 5650-ZOS 5655HAL00 Communication Server for z/OS IP Services
EZB Communication Server for z/OS IP Services 5650-ZOS 5655HAL00 Communication Server for z/OS IP Services
EZY Communication Server for z/OS IP Services 5650-ZOS 5655HAL00 Communication Server for z/OS IP Services
EZZ Communication Server for z/OS IP Services 5650-ZOS 5655HAL00 Communication Server for z/OS IP Services
FDBX z/OS UNIX Debugger 5650-ZOS 5695SCPX3 MVS
FOM z/OS UNIX System Services application services 5650-ZOS 5695SCPX4 MVS
FPG Hardware accelerator manager (HWAM) 5650-ZOS 5752SCIQP MVS
FPZ zEnterprise® Data Compression (ZEDC) 5650-ZOS 5752SCIQP MVS
FSUM z/OS Shell and Utilities 5650-ZOS 5695SCPX2 MVS
FXE IBM Function Registry for z/OS 5650-ZOS 5752SCFXE MVS
GFS z/OS Network File System 5650-ZOS 5695DF121 DFSMSdfp
GFU Hierarchical File System (HFS) Adapter 5650-ZOS 5695DF185 DFSMSdfp
GIM SMP/E 5650-ZOS, 5655-G44 566894901 SMP/E
GLD LDAP Server 5650-ZOS 565506803 Integrated Security Server
Start of changeGRB/ERBEnd of change Start of changez/OS Data GathererEnd of change Start of change5650-ZOSEnd of change Start of change566527401End of change Start of changez/OS Data GathererEnd of change
GSK System SSL 5650-ZOS 565506805 Cryptographic Services
GTZ IBM Generic Tracker for z/OS 5650-ZOS 5752SCGTZ MVS
HAS JES2 5650-ZOS 5752SC1BH JES2
HEW Program Management (linkage editor and batch loader) 5650-ZOS 5695PMB01 Program Management
HPD IBM Policy Director Authorization Services for z/OS 5655-F95 5655F9500, 5655F9501 IBM Policy Director Authorization Services for z/OS
HWI Base Control Program internal interface (BCPii) 5650-ZOS 5752SCHWI MVS
HWT z/OS Client Web Enablement Toolkit 5650-ZOS 5752SCHWT MVS
HZR Runtime Diagnostics 5650-ZOS 5752SCRTD MVS
HZS IBM Health Checker for z/OS 5650-ZOS 5752SCHZS MVS
IAR Real storage manager (RSM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CR MVS
IASX External writer (XWTR) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B2 JES2
IAT JES3 5650-ZOS 5752SC1BA JES3
IAX Real storage manager (RSM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CR MVS
IAZ Functional subsystem interface (FSI) 5650-ZOS 5752SC141 JES2
IBM PL/I Library, VA PL/I Library 5650-ZOS 568819803, 568819806 Language Environment
ICA Firewall Technologies 5650-ZOS 5655A2800 Security Server
ICH Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) 5650-ZOS 5752XXH00 RACF
ICK Device Support Facilities 5655-257 565899201 ICKDSF
ICP Input/output configuration program (IOCP) 5650-ZOS 566529101, 566529102 MVS
ICQ TSO/E Information Center Facility (ICF) 5650-ZOS 566528506 TSO/E
ICT Programmed Cryptographic Facility 5740-XY5 5741XY500 Cryptographic Services
ICV Common volume table of contents (VTOC) access facility (CVAF) 5650-ZOS 5695DF133 DFSMSdfp
ICY Media manager 5650-ZOS 5695DF106 DFSMSdfp
IDA VSAM base 5650-ZOS 5695DF106 DFSMSdfp
IDA VSAM RLS 5650-ZOS 5695DF122 DFSMSdfp
IDA VIO 5650-ZOS 5695DF102 DFSMSdfp
IDC Access Method Services (AMS) 5650-ZOS 5695DF103 DFSMSdfp
IDD Basic access methods (Virtual I/O (VIO)) 5650-ZOS 5695DF102 DFSMSdfp
IDYTSLIB TSOLIB command 5650-ZOS 566528502 TSO/E
IEA Serviceability level indicator processing (SLIP) 5650-ZOS 5752SCSLP MVS
IEAALxxx Program Call authorization (PC/AUTH) service routines 5650-ZOS 5752SCXMS MVS
IEAASxxx - IEACSxxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEACVxxx Mapping macros of supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC101 MVS
IEAExxxx Program Call authorization (PC/AUTH) service routines 5650-ZOS 5752SCXMS MVS
IEAFIxxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAFTxxx Recovery termination manager (RTM) 5650-ZOS 5752SCRTM MVS
IEAHxxxx Supervisor Control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAIHxxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAIPCSP Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAIPL08, IEAIPL18, IEAIPL88 Allocation/unallocation 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B4 MVS
IEAIPxxx Initial program load (IPL) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C9 MVS
IEALCxxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEALIxxx Virtual storage management (VSM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CH MVS
IEALSxxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAMLTxx Device support 5650-ZOS 5695DF106 DFSMSdfp
IEAMLxxx Input/output supervisor (IOS) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C3 MVS
IEAMSDxx Recovery termination manager (RTM) 5650-ZOS 5752SCRTM MVS
IEAMSWxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAMTLxx Input/output supervisor (IOS) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C3 MVS
IEAPAxxx Mapping macros of supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC101 MVS
IEAPSxxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEARxxxx Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEASCFxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEASCVxx Mapping macros of supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC101 MVS
IEASMxxx System management facilities (SMF) 5650-ZOS 5752SC102 MVS
IEASRxxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEASSAxx Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEASSRxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEASTCxx Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEASTKxx Program Call authorization (PC/AUTH) service routines 5650-ZOS 5752SCXMS MVS
IEASVxxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEASYxxx Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C8 MVS
IEATCxxx Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEATDxxx - IEATExxx Timer supervision 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CV MVS
IEATLxxx System management facilities (SMF) and SMF scheduler 5650-ZOS 5752SC100 MVS
IEATPxxx Timer supervision 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CV MVS
IEATSxxx - IEATTxxx Timer supervision 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CV MVS
IEAV1443 Console Services 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVADxx Dumping Services 5650-ZOS 5752SCDMP MVS
IEAVALxx Program Call authorization (PC/AUTH) service routines 5650-ZOS 5752SCXMS MVS
IEAVAPxx Initial program load (IPL) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C9 MVS
IEAVARxx - IEAVAXxx Region control task (RCT) of address space control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CU MVS
IEAVBLWT Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVBLxx Virtual storage management (VSM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CH MVS
IEAVBNLK Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVBTxx Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEAVBWxx Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVC6xx Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVC7xx Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVCBxx - IEAVCRxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVCVxx Mapping macros of supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC101 MVS
IEAVD2x - IEAVD3x Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVDExx Virtual storage management (VSM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CH MVS
IEAVEACx Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEAVEADx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVEAT Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEAVEBxx - IEAVECBx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVECH Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEAVECMx - IEAVEDxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVEEDx Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEAVEEEx - IEAVEFxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVEGLT Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEAVEGLU - IEAVEMIx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVEMPx Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEAVEMRx - IEAVEMSx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVENxx Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C8 MVS
IEAVEOxx Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEAVEPCx - IEAVEPDx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVEPS Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEAVEQxx - IEAVESSE Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVEREx Loadwait/Restart 5650-ZOS 5752SCLWT MVS
IEAVESSI Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEAVESTx - IEAVESVx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVETAx - IEAVETCK System trace 5650-ZOS 5752SC142 MVS
IEAVETCL Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVETCV - IEAVETVx System trace 5650-ZOS 5752SC142 MVS
IEAVEVAx - IEAVEVSx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVEWxx Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEAVEXxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVFRCx Virtual storage management (VSM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CH MVS
IEAVFRLx- IEAVGSxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVGTxx Virtual storage management (VSM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CH MVS
IEAVGxxx- IEAVHxxx Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVIDxx Contents supervision (CSV) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CJ MVS
IEAVINxx - IEAVLxxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVMAxx - IEAVMExx Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVMFIH Service processor interface (SPI) 5650-ZOS 5752SCSPI MVS
IEAVMFRx- IEAVMNxx Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVMOxx Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEAVMQxx Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVMSFx Service processor interface (SPI) 5650-ZOS 5752SCSPI MVS
IEAVMSGx Virtual storage management (VSM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CH MVS
IEAVMVxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVMWxx- IEAVM9xx Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVN1xx, IEAVN6xx, IEAVN7xx, IEAVN800, IEAVQxxx Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVNIxx Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C8 MVS
IEAVNP00 Reconfiguration 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CZ MVS
IEAVNP01- IEAVNP03 Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C8 MVS
IEAVNP04 Auxiliary storage manager (ASM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CW MVS
IEAVNP05 Contents supervision (CSV) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CJ MVS
IEAVNP06 - IEAVNP08 Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C8 MVS
IEAVNP09 Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVNP10 System resources manager (SRM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CX MVS
IEAVNP11 Catalog 5650-ZOS 5695DF105 DFSMSdfp
IEAVNP12 Catalog 5650-ZOS 5695DF105 DFSMSdfp
IEAVNP13 Master scheduler of command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEAVNP14 Auxiliary storage manager (ASM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CW MVS
IEAVNP15 Allocation/unallocation 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B4 MVS
IEAVNP17 Generalized trace facility (GTF) 5650-ZOS 5752SC111 MVS
IEAVNP18 Master scheduler of command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEAVNP19 Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C8 MVS
IEAVNP1A Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) 5650-ZOS 5695DF106 DFSMSdfp
IEAVNP1B Catalog 5650-ZOS 5695DF105 DFSMSdfp
IEAVNP1F System resources manager (SRM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CX MVS
IEAVNP20 - IEAVNP21 Timer supervision 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CV MVS
IEAVNP23 Global resource serialization 5650-ZOS 5752SCSDS MVS
IEAVNP24 Basic access method (BAM) 5650-ZOS 5695DF102 DFSMSdfp
IEAVNP25 Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVNP26 Storage management subsystem (SMS) 5650-ZOS 5695DF115 DFSMSdfp
IEAVNP27 Reconfiguration 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CZ MVS
IEAVNP33 Global resource serialization 5650-ZOS 5752SCSDS MVS
IEAVNP47 Event notification facility (ENF) of scheduler services 5650-ZOS 5752BB131 MVS
IEAVNP51 System trace 5650-ZOS 5752SC142 MVS
IEAVNP57 Dumping Services 5650-ZOS 5752SCDMP MVS
IEAVNP76 Outboard recording (OBR) of logrec error recording 5650-ZOS 5752SCOBR MVS
IEAVNPA1 Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVNPA2 Input/output supervisor (IOS) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C3 MVS
IEAVNPA5 Contents supervision (CSV) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CJ MVS
IEAVNPA6 Recovery termination manager (RTM) 5650-ZOS 5752SCRTM MVS
IEAVNPA8 Virtual storage management (VSM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CH MVS
IEAVNPB1 Master scheduler of command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEAVNPB2 Input/output supervisor (IOS) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C3 MVS
IEAVNPB8 Virtual storage management (VSM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CH MVS
IEAVNPC1- IEAVNPC4 Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C8 MVS
IEAVNPC5 Contents supervision (CSV) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CJ MVS
IEAVNPC6 Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVNPC7 - IEAVNPC8 Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C8 MVS
IEAVNPCA Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVNPCD Reconfiguration 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CZ MVS
IEAVNPCF Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C8 MVS
IEAVNPD1 - IEAVNPD2 Dumping services 5650-ZOS 5752SCDMP MVS
IEAVNPD5 Contents supervision (CSV) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CJ MVS
IEAVNPD6 Recovery termination manager (RTM) 5650-ZOS 5752SCRTM MVS
IEAVNPD8 Real storage manager (RSM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CR MVS
IEAVNPE2 Security access facility (SAF) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1BN MVS
IEAVNPE5 Contents supervision (CSV) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CJ MVS
IEAVNPE6 Service processor interface (SPI) 5650-ZOS 5752SCSPI MVS
IEAVNPEx, IEAVNPFx, IEAVNPMx, IEAVNPXx Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C8 MVS
IEAVNSxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVNUCM Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C8 MVS
IEAVNWTO Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVR601 Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVRxxx Timer supervision 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CV MVS
IEAVSExx Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEAVSI00 Master scheduler of command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEAVSPDM Service processor interface (SPI) 5650-ZOS 5752SCSPI MVS
IEAVSPIP Contents supervision (CSV) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CJ MVS
IEAVSSxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVSTA0 - IEAVST0x Recovery termination manager (RTM) 5650-ZOS 5752SCRTM MVS
IEAVSTA2 Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVSTAA Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVSVxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVSWxx Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVTABx Dumping Services 5650-ZOS 5752SCDMP MVS
IEAVTACR Alternate CPU recovery (ACR) 5650-ZOS 5752SCACR MVS
IEAVTBxx Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEAVTCxx - IEAVTESPx Recovery termination manager (RTM) 5650-ZOS 5752SCRTM MVS
IEAVTEST Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEAVTEXx - IEAVTPEx Recovery termination manager (RTM) 5650-ZOS 5752SCRTM MVS
IEAVTJBN Started task control of address space services 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CU MVS
IEAVTPMx Virtual storage management (VSM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CH MVS
IEAVTRxx Recovery termination manager (RTM) 5650-ZOS 5752SCRTM MVS
IEAVTSxx Dumping Services 5650-ZOS 5752SCDMP MVS
IEAVTSxx Recovery termination manager (RTM) 5650-ZOS 5752SCRTM MVS
IEAVTTxx Task management 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IEAVTVxx Dumping Services 5650-ZOS 5752SCDMP MVS
IEAVVCxx Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVVJxx - IEAVVMxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVVRxx Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVVSxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVVTxx Timer supervision 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CV MVS
IEAVVWxx Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVWxxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEAVX6xx - IEAV2xxx Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEAVXAxx Program Call authorization (PC/AUTH) service routines 5650-ZOS 5752SCXMS MVS
IEAVXD0x - IEAVXTxx Program Call authorization (PC/AUTH) service routines 5650-ZOS 5752SCXMS MVS
IEAXPxxx Extended floating point 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CP MVS
IEAXSxxx Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IEC Basic (non-VSAM) access methods (BAM) 5650-ZOS 5695DF102 DFSMSdfp
IEC Device Support: DASD (ERP)

DASD error recovery program (ERP)

5650-ZOS 5695DF111 DFSMSdfp
  • Device Support: Tape/Unit record (SIO Exits)
  • Device Support: DASD (SIO Exits)
  • Start I/O (SIO) exits
5650-ZOS 5695DF110, 5695DF111 DFSMSdfp
IEC Device Support Services (AOM)

Asynchronous operations manager (AOM)

5650-ZOS 5695DF113 DFSMSdfp
IECDAFxx Basic (non-VSAM) access methods (BAM) 5650-ZOS 5695DF102 DFSMSdfp
IECDAxxx Dumping Services 5650-ZOS 5752SCDMP MVS
IECIxxxx, IECLxxxx, IECTxxxx Input/output supervisor (IOS) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C3 MVS
IECVDAxx Execute channel program (EXCP) processor 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C6 MVS
IECVDDxx - IECVERxx Input/output supervisor (IOS) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C3 MVS
IECVEXxx Execute channel program (EXCP) processor 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C6 MVS
IECVFxxx - IECVOIxx Input/output supervisor (IOS) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C3 MVS
IECVOPxx Execute channel program (EXCP) processor 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C6 MVS
IECVPxxx - IECVSxxx Input/output supervisor (IOS) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C3 MVS
IECVTxxx Execute channel program (EXCP) processor 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C6 MVS
IECVXxxx Input/output supervisor (IOS) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C3 MVS
IED TSO terminal input/output controller (TIOC) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1T3 VTAM
IEE Device Independent Display Operator Console Support (DIDOCS) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C4 MVS
IEE70110 System management facilities (SMF) and SMF scheduler 5650-ZOS 5752SC100 MVS
IEE70111 - IEE9 Master scheduler of command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEEAB400 - IEEAB401 Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEEBASEx Master scheduler of command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEECB867 Dumping Services 5650-ZOS 5752SCDMP MVS
IEECB900 - IEECB912 Command processing and master scheduler 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEECB913 System management facilities (SMF) and SMF scheduler 5650-ZOS 5752SC100 MVS
IEECB914, IEECB915 Command processing and master scheduler 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEECB916 System management facilities (SMF) and SMF scheduler 5650-ZOS 5752SC100 MVS
IEECB917 - IEECB923 Command processing and master scheduler 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEECB924 - IEECB925 System trace 5650-ZOS 5752SC142 MVS
IEECB926 Command processing and master scheduler 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEECB927 Reconfiguration 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CZ MVS
IEECB928 - IEECB930 Command processing and master scheduler 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEECBxxx, IEECB801 - IEECB866 Command processing and master scheduler 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEECVxxx, IEEDCCB Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEEDIxxx System resources manager (SRM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CX MVS
IEEDMxxx Reconfiguration 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CZ MVS
IEEJxxx - IEELxxx Master scheduler of command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEEMB803 - IEEMB819 Master scheduler of command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEEMB82x, IEEMB83x, IEEMB842, IEEMB846, IEEMB848 System management facilities (SMF) and SMF scheduler 5650-ZOS 5752SC100 MVS
IEEMB860 Master scheduler of command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEEMB876 - IEEMB880 Command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEEMB881 - IEEMB883 Master scheduler of command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEEMB884 - IEEMB888 Command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEEMPxxx Reconfiguration 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CZ MVS
IEEMSJxx Master scheduler of command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEEMTxxx Reconfiguration 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CZ MVS
IEEPAxxx - IEEPRTxx Master scheduler of command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEEPRTN2, IEEPRWxx Started task control of address space services 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CU MVS
IEERECON Loadwait/Restart 5650-ZOS 5752SCLWT MVS
IEERxxxx - IEESAxxx Reconfiguration 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CZ MVS
IEESCxxx - IEEVxxxx Reconfiguration 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CZ MVS
IEEUxxxx Reconfiguration 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CZ MVS
IEEVDCxx Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEEVESAI, IEEVEXSN Loadwait/Restart 5650-ZOS 5752SCLWT MVS
IEEVIPL Master scheduler of command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEEVJCL, IEEVMNT1, IEEVSTAR Master scheduler of command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEEVSTOP Loadwait/Restart 5650-ZOS 5752SCLWT MVS
IEEXxxxx, IEEZB8xx, IEE0- IEE70109 Master scheduler of command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEF External writer (XWTR) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B2 JES2
IEFAxxxx, IEFBxxxx Allocation/unallocation 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B4 MVS
IEFCNxxx Converter/interpreter 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B9 MVS
IEFD0xxx Dynamic output (DYNOUT) of scheduler services 5650-ZOS 5752BB131 MVS
IEFDBxxx Allocation/unallocation 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B4 MVS
IEFEBxxx Allocation/unallocation 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B4 MVS
IEFENxxx Event notification facility (ENF) of scheduler services 5650-ZOS 5752BB131 MVS
IEFIxxxx Initiator/terminator 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B6 MVS
IEFJSWT Started task control of address space services 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IEFJxxxx Master subsystem/subsystem interface (MSI and SSI) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B6 MVS
IEFMxxxx JES/scheduler services 5650-ZOS 5752SC144 MVS
IEFNxxxx Converter/interpreter 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B9 MVS
IEFQxxxx Scheduler work area (SWA) manager 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B5 MVS
IEFRxxxx Scheduler restart 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B3 MVS
IEFSDxxx Master subsystem/subsystem interface (MSI and SSI) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B6 MVS
IEFSJxxx Scheduler JCL facility (SJF) of scheduler services 5650-ZOS 5752BB131 MVS
IEFSMxxx System management facilities (SMF) and SMF scheduler 5650-ZOS 5752SC100 MVS
IEFSSxx Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEFSSxx Master scheduler/SSI 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B6 MVS
IEFTAxxx - IEFTB71x Scheduler JCL facility (SJF) of scheduler services 5650-ZOS 5752BB131 MVS
IEFTB72x System management facilities (SMF) and SMF scheduler 5650-ZOS 5752SC100 MVS
IEFTB73x - IEFTZxxx Scheduler JCL facility (SJF) of scheduler services 5650-ZOS 5752BB131 MVS
IEFVxxxx Converter/interpreter 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B9 MVS
IEFXxxxx Scheduler restart 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B3 MVS
IEW Program management 5650-ZOS 5752SCLDR MVS
IEWB Binder 5650-ZOS 5752SCLDR MVS
IEZ Communications task (COMMTASK) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CK MVS
IEZ Converter/interpreter 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B9 MVS
IEZ Master scheduler of command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IFA System management facilities (SMF) and SMF scheduler 5650-ZOS 5752SC100 MVS
IFB Environmental Record Editing and Printing (EREP) program 5650-ZOS 565826001 EREP
IFB Logrec error recording 5650-ZOS 5752SCOBR MVS
IFC Environmental Record Editing and Printing (EREP) program 5650-ZOS 565826001 EREP
IFC IFCDIP00 service aid 5650-ZOS 5752SCOBR MVS
IFD Online test executive program (OLTEP) 5650-ZOS 5752SC106 MVS
IFH IFHSTATR utility 5650-ZOS 5695DF110 DFSMSdfp
IGB DFSMS Common Services 5650-ZOS 5695DF104 DFSMSdfp
IGC Basic access methods (BAM) 5650-ZOS 5695DF102 DFSMSdfp
IGC Catalog 5650-ZOS 5695DF105 DFSMSdfp
IGC Checkpoint/restart 5650-ZOS 5695DF109 DFSMSdfp
IGC Common VTOC access facility (CVAF) 5650-ZOS 5695DF133 DFSMSdfp
IGC Data set password 5650-ZOS 5695DF133 DFSMSdfp
IGC Direct access device space management (DADSM) 5650-ZOS 5695DF133 DFSMSdfp
IGC External writer (XWTR) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B2 JES2
IGC Generalized trace facility (GTF) 5650-ZOS 5752SC111 MVS
IGC JES2 5650-ZOS 5752SC1BH JES2
IGC TSO/E TEST 5650-ZOS 566528503 TSO/E
IGC TSO terminal input/output controller (TIOC) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1T3 VTAM
IGC0001G, IGC0003C Input/output supervisor (IOS) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C3 MVS
IGC0003D Command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IGC0005I Online test executive program (OLTEP) 5650-ZOS 5752SC106 MVS
IGC0006A TSO/E TEST 5650-ZOS 566528503 TSO/E
IGC0007F Logrec error recording 5650-ZOS 5752SCOBR MVS
IGC0009G TSO/E TEST 5650-ZOS 566528503 TSO/E
IGC0010{ FIB SVC 100 5650-ZOS 566528502 TSO/E
IGC0403D Command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IGC047 Timer supervision 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CV MVS
IGC116 Supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C5 MVS
IGD Storage management subsystem (SMS) 5650-ZOS 5695DF101 DFSMSdfp
IGE 3890 document processor 5650-ZOS 5752SC1DF DFSMSdfp
IGE Unit record error recovery program (ERP) 5650-ZOS 5695DF110 DFSMSdfp
IGE0025F Logrec error recording 5650-ZOS 5752SCOBR MVS
IGE00xxx Input/output supervisor (IOS) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C3 MVS
IGE0125F Logrec error recording 5650-ZOS 5752SCOBR MVS
IGE066A Dynamic device reconfiguration (DDR) 5650-ZOS 5752BB1CS MVS
IGF2xxxx Command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IGFDxxxx Dynamic device reconfiguration (DDR) 5650-ZOS 5752BB1CS MVS
IGFPBxxx Initial program load (IPL) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C9 MVS
IGFPMxxx, IGFPTxxx, IGFPXxxx Machine check handler (MCH) 5650-ZOS 5752BB1CT MVS
IGG Catalog 5650-ZOS 5695DF105 DFSMSdfp
IGG Checkpoint/restart 5650-ZOS 5695DF109 DFSMSdfp
IGG Direct access device space management (DADSM) 5650-ZOS 5695DF133 DFSMSdfp
IGG Direct Access Method (DAM) 5650-ZOS 5695DF102 DFSMSdfp
IGG OCR 5650-ZOS 5752SC1D5 MVS
IGG OPEN/CLOSE/EOV (end-of-volume) 5650-ZOS 5695DF107 DFSMSdfp
IGG Partitioned Access Method (PAM) 5650-ZOS 5695DF102 DFSMSdfp
IGG Sequential Access Method (SAM) 5650-ZOS 5695DF102 DFSMSdfp
IGG TSO terminal input/output controller (TIOC) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1T3 VTAM
IGU Device console services 5650-ZOS 28463 DFSMSdfp
IGVAxxxx - IGVDxxxx Virtual storage management (VSM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CH MVS
IGVExxxx Initial program load (IPL) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C9 MVS
IGVFxxxx - IGVLxxxx Virtual storage management (VSM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CH MVS
IGVNxxxx Initial program load (IPL) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C9 MVS
IGVRxxxx - IGVVxxxx Virtual storage management (VSM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CH MVS
IGW SSF 5650-ZOS 5695DF115 DFSMSdfp
IGX Asynchronous operations manager (AOM) 5650-ZOS 5695DF113 DFSMSdfp
IGX Device support 5650-ZOS 5695DF110 DFSMSdfp
IGX DFSMShsm 5650-ZOS 5695DF170 DFSMShsm
IGX System management facilities (SMF) and SMF scheduler 5650-ZOS 5752SC100 MVS
IGX Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) 5650-ZOS 5695DF106 DFSMSdfp
IGX0xxxx TSO and TSO/E scheduler 5650-ZOS 566528502 TSO/E
IGZ COBOL Library 5650-ZOS 568819802 Language Environment
IHA Mapping macros of supervisor control 5650-ZOS 5752SC101 MVS
IHB System macros 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CL MVS
IHJ Checkpoint/restart 5650-ZOS 5695DF109 DFSMSdfp
IKJ TSO/E 5650-ZOS 5665285xx TSO/E
IKJ TSO terminal input/output controller (TIOC) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1T3 VTAM
IKJEHxxx TSO Utilities 5650-ZOS 5695DF114 DFSMSdfp
IKJELxxx Command processing 5650-ZOS 5752SC1B8 MVS
IKJL LINK/LOADGO prompter 5650-ZOS 5695PMB01 Program Management
IKT TSO Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM) 5650-ZOS SC1T9 VTAM
IKY PKI Services 5650-ZOS 5752XXPKI Cryptographic Services
ILR Auxiliary storage manager (ASM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CW MVS
INM TSO/E interactive data transmission facility 5650-ZOS 566528504 TSO/E
IOE z/OS Distributed File Service 5650-ZOS 569694200 Distributed File Service SMB Server
IOE z/OS File System (zFS) 5650-ZOS 5696EFS00 z/OS File System (zFS)
IOS Input/output supervisor (IOS) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C3 MVS
IPX Initial program load (IPL) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1C9 MVS
IQP PCIE services 5650-ZOS 5752SCIQP MVS
IRA System resources manager (SRM) 5650-ZOS 5752SC1CX MVS
IRR Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) 5650-ZOS 5752XXH00 RACF
IRR Security Support 5650-ZOS 5752SC1BN RACF
IRX TSO/E REXX 5650-ZOS 566528508 TSO/E
ISG Global resource serialization 5650-ZOS 5752SCSDS MVS
ISN Service processor interface (SPI) 5650-ZOS 5752SCSPI MVS
IST Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM) 5650-ZOS 569511701 Communication Server for z/OS SNA Services
ITR System trace 5650-ZOS 5752SC142 MVS
ITT Component trace 5650-ZOS 5752SCTRC MVS
ITV Data-in-virtual 5650-ZOS 5752SCDIV MVS
ITZ Transaction trace 5650-ZOS 5752SCTTR MVS
IWM Workload management (WLM) 5650-ZOS 5752SCWLM MVS
IXC Cross-system coupling facility (XCF) 5650-ZOS 5752SCXCF MVS
IXG System logger 5650-ZOS 5752SCLOG MVS
IXL Cross-system extended services (XES) 5650-ZOS 5752SCIXL MVS
IXM XML Toolkit for z/OS 5655-J51 5655D4401, 5655D4403 MVS
IXP Input/output configuration program (IOCP) 5650-ZOS 566529101 MVS
IXX Systems Application Architecture® 5650-ZOS 5665IXX00 TSO/E
IZUC z/OSMF Capacity Provisioning 5650-ZOS 5655S2806 z/OSMF
IZUCA z/OSMF Configuration Assistant 5650-ZOS 5655S28CA z/OSMF
IZUD z/OSMF Software Management 5650-ZOS 5655S2804 z/OSMF
IZUG WebSphere Liberty Profile 5650-ZOS 5655S28WL z/OSMF
IZUG z/OSMF Console UI 5650-ZOS 5655S28CU z/OSMF
IZUG z/OSMF Core Functions 5650-ZOS 5655S28SM z/OSMF
IZUG z/OSMF restfiles 5650-ZOS 5655S28RF z/OSMF
IZUG z/OSMF TSO REST Services 5650-ZOS 5655S28TS z/OSMF
IZUIS z/OSMF ISPF 5650-ZOS 5655S2801 z/OSMF
IZUP z/OSMF Incident Log 5650-ZOS 5655S2805 z/OSMF
IZUR z/OSMF Resource Monitoring 5650-ZOS 5655S2802 z/OSMF
IZUW z/OSMF WLM 5650-ZOS 5655S2803 z/OSMF
SGS Stand-alone dump (SADMP) 5650-ZOS 5752SC115 MVS