Workload Management task

The Workload Management task in z/OSMF provides a browser-based user interface that you can use to manage z/OS® Workload Manager (WLM) service definitions and to provide guidelines for WLM to use when allocating resources.

Getting started

To get started with the Workload Management task, select and double-click the Workload Management task from the z/OSMF desktop. The Overview tab on the Workload Management page is displayed.

The Overview tab is the launch point for the actions that your user ID is authorized to access within the task. Select one of the actions listed.

Important: If this is your first time using the Workload Management task, open the Settings tab and verify that the time zone and code page specified for your sysplex is correct and customize other settings as needed.

Key features

With the Workload Management task, you can:
  • Define, modify, view, copy, import, export, and print WLM service definitions.
  • Install a service definition into the WLM couple data set for the sysplex.
  • Activate a service policy.
  • View the status of WLM on each system in the sysplex.

For more details about the features provided in the Workload Management task, see Table 1 or view the z/OSMF Workload Management demonstration, which is provided on the IBM® Education Assistant website.

For more information about WLM or workload management concepts, see z/OS MVS Planning: Workload Management.

Table 1. Key features of the Workload Management task
Feature Description
Customize settings for the Workload Management task. The Workload Management task allows you to specify the settings to use for the task. Customizable settings include:
  • Suppressing or displaying information messages.
  • Indicating how long to keep the service definition history.
  • Enabling consistency checking between z/OSMF and z/OS WLM.
  • Specifying the time zone, backup sequential data set, and code page for your sysplex.

To display the Settings tab, on the Overview tab, click Settings.

Import existing service definitions. The Workload Management task allows you to manually import service definitions that reside in a file on your local workstation or in a data set on the z/OSMF host system.
Note: The Workload Management task automatically imports the service definition that is installed in the WLM couple data set.

For information that explains how to import a service definition, see help topic Importing service definitions from the local workstation or Importing service definitions from a host data set.

Work with service definitions in editable tables. The Workload Management task allows you to edit service definition items directly in the table. The key advantage of this feature is that you can edit an item and, simultaneously, view the properties of that item and other items listed in the table.

For example, this feature allows you to modify a service class and view the goals that were specified for other service classes in the service definition.

For information that explains how to edit a service definition, see help topic Modifying service definitions.

Experience real time error checking and view built-in recommendations for service definitions. The Workload Management task performs automatic error checking as you edit service definition items, and provides immediate feedback on data validation errors. The Workload Management task also provides built-in recommendations that give you tips on how to optimize service definitions and reduce common specification errors.

Data validation errors and recommendations are indicated by an icon that is displayed near or in the field. If present, click the icon to view the validation errors or built-in recommendations.

Preview and print formatted service definitions and policies. The Workload Management task allows you to view and print an HTML formatted version of a service definition and service policy with overrides applied.

For information that explains how to print a service definition, see help topic Printing service definitions.

Install service definitions and activate service policies. The Workload Management task provides a wizard that guides you through the steps required to install a service definition into the WLM couple data set and activate a service policy.

For information that explains how to install a service definition and activate a service policy, see help topic Installing service definitions.

Manage the service policies in the installed service definition. The Workload Management task allows you to activate, print, or view the service policies that are defined in the installed service definition. For information that explains how to activate, print, or view a service policy, see the following help topics:
Monitor the WLM policy activation status. The Workload Management task allows you to monitor the WLM policy activation status, to view the status of WLM on each system in the sysplex, and to view details about the installed service definition and the active service policy.

To display the WLM Status tab, on the Overview tab, click WLM Status.