Order of precedence

It is possible for all the methods listed in Methods available for specifying runtime options to be used for a given application. The order of precedence (from highest to lowest) between option specification methods is:

  1. Storage-related options which are set in the storage tuning user exit.
  2. Options specified by the assembler user exit (CEEBXITA).
  3. Options specified on invocation of the application:

    • Batch: PARM=prog args/rto (COBOL) or PARM=rto/prog args (non-COBOL).
    • TSO: progname prog args/rto (COBOL) or progname rto/prog args (non-COBOL).
    • z/OS® UNIX: Set _CEE_RUNOPTS environment variable. For more information, see Passing environment variables to BPXBATCH in z/OS UNIX System Services User's Guide.
    • CEEPIPI: Specified on INIT_SUB, INIT_SUB_DP, or CALL_MAIN. See Using preinitialization services for more information.
    • CICS®: Runtime options cannot be specified at transaction invocation.
  4. Options specified at invocation time through a DD card (DD:CEEOPTS). The CEEOPTS DD is ignored under CICS, SPC, and for programs invoked using one of the exec() family of functions.
  5. Options specified in a CEEUOPT CSECT. There are a few methods available to provide a CEEUOPT CSECT:
    • Assemble a CEEUOPT. For more information, see Creating application-specific runtime option defaults with CEEXOPT.
    • Specify the PL/I PLIXOPT declaration within a source program. The compiler generates the CEEUOPT CSECT from the given options.
    • Specify the C/C++ #pragma runopts() directive within a source program. The compiler generates the CEEUOPT CSECT from the given options.

    If you select PLIXOPT or #pragma runopts(), specify it in one and only one compile unit in the application; for example, in the main routine. If multiple CEEUOPTs are present, binder input ordering determines which CEEUOPT is used in an executable program. Only the first CEEUOPT CSECT linked in an executable program is applied. The binder treats any subsequent CEEUOPTs seen in the input as duplicates and they will be ignored.

  6. Region-level default options defined within CEEROPT.
  7. System-level default options changed after IPL with a SETCEE command.
  8. System-level default options changed after IPL with a SET CEE command.
  9. System-level default options set in a CEEPRMxx parmlib member and identified during IPL by a CEE=xx statement. This statement can be specified either in the IEASYSyy data set or in the IPL parameters.
  10. IBM-supplied defaults.

When the non-overrideable (NONOVR) attribute is specified for a runtime option, all methods of specifying that runtime option with higher precedence are ignored.