Steps for ending a specified process

A process is the execution of a program. MVS™ calls the basic unit of execution a job or a task; in UNIX, it's called a process. You can find out whether a process is active, and you can end it.

Before you begin: You need to know which processes you want to end and whether they are active.

Use the DISPLAY OMVS operator command or the ps command to display all active processes.
  1. To list the address space identifiers for processes, issue:
  2. To display a particular ASID, where asid is a specified ASID:
  3. To display information about all accessible processes, providing that you have the appropriate privileges:
    ps -elf

Perform the following steps to end a specified process, where pppp is the process identifier (pid).

  1. Send a SIGTERM signal by using the shell kill command or use the TERM parameter of the MODIFY operator command. For example:
    1. kill -s term pppp 
    2. F BPXOINIT,TERM=pppp

    If the process is not ended, then go to Step 2. Otherwise, you have canceled the process and you are finished.


  2. Send a SIGKILL signal by using the shell kill command or use the FORCE parameter of the MODIFY operator command. For example:
    1. kill -s kill pppp
    2. F BPXOINIT,FORCE=pppp

    If the process is still not ended, then go to Step 3. Otherwise, you have canceled the process and you are all done.


  3. Send a stronger SIGKILL signal by using the shell kill command or use the SUPERKILL parameter of the MODIFY operator command. For example:
    • kill -K pppp

    If the process is still not ended, then go to Step 4. Otherwise, you have canceled the process and you are finished.


  4. If the previous steps did not end the process, then use the CANCEL command. Issue:
    CANCEL jobname,a=asid
    The following example shows how to obtain the ASIDs for a user with the TSO/E user ID JOE and then cancel the user's process that is running the sleep 6000 command.
    display omvs,u=joe
    BPXO001I 17.12.23 DISPLAY OMVS 361
    OMVS      ACTIVE             OMVS=(93)
    JOE      JOE      001D          5          1  1RI   17.00.10     1.203
    JOE      JOE3     001B     131076     262147  1SI   17.00.10      .111
      LATCHWAITPID=          0 CMD=sleep 6000
    JOE      JOE1     0041     262147          5  1WI   17.00.10      .595
      LATCHWAITPID=          0 CMD=-sh
    cancel joe3,a=1b


When you are done, you have ended the specified process.