Abstract for MVS System Codes

Purpose of this information

This information describes the system completion codes and wait state codes issued by components, products, and subsystems of a z/OS® system. The information helps you interpret and respond to the system completion codes and wait state codes.

Note: System completion codes are also called abend codes.

Who should use this information

z/OS MVS System Codes is for anyone who receives abend and wait state codes from the system. This includes system operators, system programmers, and application programmers who do any of the following tasks:
  • Initialize the operating system and its subsystems.
  • Keep the system running correctly.
  • Diagnose and correct system problems.
  • Diagnose and correct errors in problem programs.

How to use this information

z/OS MVS System Codes contains:
  • An introduction to the format of system and user completion codes and of wait state codes
  • Descriptions of system completion codes issued by system components, products, and subsystems
  • Descriptions of wait state codes loaded during system operation
  • Descriptions of wait state codes loaded during operation of a stand-alone dump program

Code descriptions

Each type of code is arranged in hexadecimal order in a topic. The description of each code:
  • Explains why the code was issued
  • Identifies the component, subsystem, or product issuing the code
  • Describes the actions taken by the system
  • Suggests actions that the operator, user, application programmer, or system programmer can take, if appropriate, in response to the code

The system programmer responses assume that the programmer has performed the customary diagnosis described in z/OS Problem Management.

Location of user completion codes

z/OS MVS System Codes does not contain the 4-digit decimal user completion codes that some IBM-provided components, subsystems, or products issue. These codes appear in information for the component, subsystem, or product that issues the codes. Codes issued by installation-provided programs do not appear in IBM® information.