IEC032I E37-rc,mod,jjj,sss,ddname[-#], dev,ser,diagcode,dsname(member)


The error occurred when an output operation was requested. The data set was on a direct access or magnetic tape device.

In the message text:
Associates this message with system completion code E37 and with the return code.
The job name.
The step name.
DDname (followed by a concatenation number if it is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the concatenation).
The device number.
The volume serial number.
The name of the module in which the error occurred.
The DADSM Extend diagnostic code, if available.
The data set name. Member name if specified.
The values of hex return codes and their meanings are as follows:
Return Code
A data set opened for output used all space available to or on the current volume, and no more volumes were available. Change the JCL to specify more volumes.
  1. Not enough volumes were specified for the data set, through the SER, volume count, or REF subparameter of the VOLUME parameter of the DD statement. When all the volumes were filled, the program attempted to write another record.
  2. For a partitioned data set on a direct access volume or for a VIO data set, all space was filled when the program attempted to write another record. (A partitioned data set or a VIO data set can reside on only one volume with a maximum of 65535 tracks.)
  3. For a partitioned data set on a direct access volume, 16 extents had been used when the program attempted to write another record.
A multi-volume physical sequential data set was being written on a direct access device. All space was filled on the volume, and an attempt was made to obtain space on the next specified volume. Either the space was not available on that volume, the data set already existed on that volume, or there is no space available in the VTOC or the VTOC index. The message contains the volume serial number of the last volume used.
An exit routine (such as IGGPRE00) associated with the IGGPRE00_EXIT preprocessing dynamic exit, rejected the extend request.

System action

The task is ended unless the error is to be ignored as specified in the DCB ABEND exit routine. If the error is to be ignored, the system will attempt to close the DCB before returning to the user.

Operator response

Start a generalized trace facility (GTF) trace, and re-create the problem. Reply to message AHL100A with:
On the DD statement for the data set in error, specify:

System programmer response

If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM® Support Center. Provide the SYSOUT output for the job.

Programmer response

Probable user error. Correct the errors causing the abnormal end as indicated by the return code in the message text as follows:

For return code 04, case 1, specify at least one more volume than the number of volumes previously used for the data set. For case 2, specify a different volume for the partitioned data set or specify more space for the VIO data set.

For case 3, either specify a volume for the data set, use a utility program to reorganize the volume so that data sets will not be fragmented (that is, no more than 16 extents used for this data set), or change the program so that a device will be free when a volume must be mounted.

For return code 08, either specify a new volume to continue the data set or make sure that enough space is available on the volumes already specified. Ensure that the data set does not already exist on the volumes to be used. In all cases, rerun the job.

For return code 0C, consult your installation procedures.




IFG0554P, IGG0210B, IGG0210C

Routing code


Descriptor code