IBM Z Artificial Intelligence Data Embedding Library environment

The IBM Z® Artificial Intelligence Data Embedding Library relies on the IBM Z Artificial Intelligence Optimization Library and IBM® z/OS® OpenBLAS libraries to implement the core numerical computations. When installed, the required libraries can be found by default in the following locations:
  • IBM Z Artificial Intelligence Data Embedding Library: /usr/lpp/IBM/aie/zade
  • IBM Z Artificial Intelligence Optimization Library: /usr/lpp/IBM/aie/zaio
  • IBM z/OS OpenBLAS library: /usr/lpp/cbclib
During runtime, the following environment variables must be set up:

    Specifies the path to search for dynamic link libraries, and must include the path to each of the required libraries, as previously described.


    Specifies the path to search for user-defined classes and packages, and must include the path to the zade.jar file found under the IBM Z Artificial Intelligence Data Embedding Library directory (that is, /usr/lpp/IBM/aie/zade/lib/zade.jar).

  • PATH

    Specifies the path to search for executable programs, and must include the path to the zade_main executable (that is, /usr/lpp/IBM/aie/zade/bin) and the path to the Java™ 8 64-bit executable (for instance /usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64/bin).

In addition, Java 8 64-bit must be used when invoking the available JNI APIs.

The following example shows how to configure your environment for full use of the IBM Z Artificial Intelligence Data Embedding Library:

export PATH=${ZADE_INSTALL_DIR}/bin:${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
Note: If the z/OS OpenBLAS library path is not added, the zAIO library will run in the slower scalar mode.