Abstract for ServerPac: Using the Installation Dialog

Purpose of this information: This information explains how to use the CustomPac installation dialog to install a ServerPac order. Included is planning information to help you familiarize yourself with the dialog before you install an order.

The examples in this information highlight the functions of the installation dialog that apply to a ServerPac order. Although the dialog also contains functions to support IBM's CustomPac offerings, such as SystemPac, FunctionPac, ProductPac®, RefreshPac, and Selective Follow-on Services (SFS), these functions are not described in this information. If you install a CustomPac offering, refer to the CustomPac Installation Dialog Reference and Messages information that was shipped with your order in softcopy and hardcopy format.

It is also important that you understand how the following terms are used in this information:
Driving system
The system image (hardware and software) that you use to install the target system.
Target system
The system software libraries and other data sets that you are installing.

If you are installing a subsystem order (CICS®, Db2®, IMS, or NCP), or WebSphere® Application Server, the driving system and target system can be the same system.

Who should read this information? Read this information if you are going to use the CustomPac installation dialog to install a ServerPac order. Included is planning information to help you familiarize yourself with the dialog before you install the order.