Creating region-level runtime option defaults with CEEXOPT

Your site might need to set region-level runtime option defaults that are different from the system-level defaults (if present) or the IBM-supplied defaults. For example, one CICS® region (Region A) can be designated to run only AMODE 31 programs, while another region (Region B) runs both AMODE 24 and AMODE 31 programs. This requires Region B to have the ALL31(OFF) option setting while Region A can perform better with the ALL31(ON) option setting. You can accommodate this need by creating separate region-level runtime option load modules for Region A and Region B.

The CEE.SCEESAMP data set contains sample jobs and assembler source files needed to create region-level load modules. In the sample assembler source files, all runtime options are coded with the IBM-supplied default suboption values. When the sample jobs are used to assemble the source files, the CEEXOPT macro is invoked to create the CEEROPT (AMODE31) or CELQROPT (AMODE 64) load modules. The following table summarizes the samples provided in CEE.SCEESAMP:

Table 1. Samples for creating region-level runtime option load modules
Set defaults for Sample job Assembler source
Region-level z/OS® batch/IMS/LRR CEEWROPT CEERDOPT (shown in Sample invocation of CEEXOPT within the CEERDOPT member)
Region-level CICS CEEWROPT CEERCOPT (shown in Sample invocation of CEEXOPT within the CEERCOPT member)
Region-level z/OS batch (AMODE 64) CEEWQROP CELQRDOP (shown in Sample invocation of CEEXOPT within the CELQRDOP member)

The CEEWROPT and CEEWQROP jobs do not use SMP/E to create the region-level load modules, so you can run them several times to create several different load modules, each in their own specific library. The load modules can then be included as part of the STEPLIB concatenation. If a CEEROPT or CELQROPT load module is present in a program search order, Language Environment® loads and merges the specified options. Any region-level options specified will override the system-level defaults (if present and overridable) and the IBM-supplied defaults. Language Environment does not ship a default CEEROPT or CELQROPT load module.

Runtime options are intended to allow programs, both yours and programs that are supplied by software vendors, to configure how they want to run with Language Environment. Marking runtime options as NONOVR might cripple the capabilities of these programs, prevent them from being tuned properly, inhibit their ability to perform First Failure Data Capture, and prevent them from running. With very few exceptions, IBM strongly discourages customers from marking any runtime option as NONOVR.