This section describes documents for TSO/E.

z/OS TSO/E Administration
Describes ways to define users to TSO/E through the ACCOUNT command and through the Information Center Facility services. It also provides detailed information about maintaining the Information Center Facility services.
Contains information about creating, structuring, and executing CLISTs.
z/OS TSO/E Command Reference
Contains syntax information for non-authorized TSO/E commands and Session Manager tasks. Authorized commands are described in z/OS TSO/E System Programming Command Reference.
z/OS TSO/E Customization
Contains the information necessary to customize and maintain a TSO/E system.
z/OS TSO/E General Information
Contains an overview of the TSO/E element of z/OS®. It explains the purpose and benefits of TSO/E, the functions and tools available to end users and programmers, and introduces the customization, administration, and diagnosis aspects of TSO/E.
z/OS TSO/E Messages
Contains descriptions and the detecting module for TSO/E messages that are displayed on the screen.
z/OS TSO/E Primer
Explains simple concepts and leads new users through basic TSO/E tasks, such as logon, use of panels and data sets, and sending and receiving information. It shows them how to use the Information Center Facility, issue line mode TSO/E commands, and access ISPF/PDF.
z/OS TSO/E Programming Guide
Explains how to write application programs that run under TSO/E, such as CLISTs, REXX execs, command processors, servers, and callable programs.
z/OS TSO/E Programming Services
Describes TSO/E services including the parse service routine, I/O service routines, space management service, table look-up service, printer support CLISTs, and the TSO/E environment service. It also explains how to access the Information Center Facility names directory from an application program.
z/OS TSO/E REXX Reference
Describes the structure and general syntax of the REXX language including expressions and operators, clauses, and assignments and symbols.
z/OS TSO/E REXX User's Guide
Explains how to design, write, and run REXX execs.
z/OS TSO/E System Diagnosis: Data Areas
Contains mappings of data areas that are used by two or more components or programming interfaces, or are needed for debugging and diagnosis. It provides information for debugging installation-provided programs or diagnosing IBM®-provided programs.
z/OS TSO/E System Programming Command Reference
Describes authorized TSO/E commands including ACCOUNT, CONSOLE, CONSPROF, OPERATOR, and PARMLIB.
z/OS TSO/E User's Guide
Reinforces basic concepts introduced and gives additional details. It also describes more complex tasks such as preparing and running programs in the foreground or background, customizing the terminal session, and using Session Manager.