This section describes documents for DFSORT.

z/OS DFSORT Application Programming Guide
This guide gives you the necessary information to use DFSORT to sort, merge, and copy data sets, including how to prepare DFSORT control statements, how to calculate storage requirements, and how to use the program exits. It also contains examples of DFSORT control statements and program exit routines.
z/OS DFSORT: Getting Started
This document is intended to help you get started using DFSORT to sort, merge, and copy data sets. It also contains step-by-step procedures for writing applications.
z/OS DFSORT Installation and Customization
This guide is intended to help you install and customize DFSORT. It is designed to be used with the DFSORT Program Directory, which contains the installation procedures.
z/OS DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide
This document is intended to help you interpret informational and error messages issued by DFSORT. It contains explanations of and possible responses to these messages. It also contains the return codes and diagnostic messages issued by DFSORT. It shows you how to describe DFSORT program failures with a set of keywords used by the support center.
z/OS DFSORT Tuning Guide
This guide provides you with information about tuning DFSORT. It offers suggestions for reducing the use of system resources and achieving better turnaround time for applications that use DFSORT.