MVS system commands reference

This topic describes the functions, syntax, and parameters of all the MVS™ base control program (BCP) system commands. You can use these commands to control both the system itself and multiple console support (MCS), HMC multiple console support (HMCS) or SNA multiple console support (SMCS) consoles.

Table 1 summarizes the MVS BCP system commands and their functions. The table shows the operator command groups for each command and tells whether you can enter the command from the job stream, an MCS, HMCS or SMCS console, or an extended MCS console session. An extended MCS console session is established either by the TSO/E CONSOLE command as an interactive TSO/E session or by a program issuing the MCSOPER macro so the program can receive messages and issue commands. See z/OS TSO/E System Programming Command Reference for information about the TSO/E CONSOLE command. See z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference LLA-SDU for information about the MCSOPER macro.

An installation can use RACF® to control which consoles and commands operators can use. For more information, see z/OS MVS Planning: Operations.

Operator commands may contain the following characters:
  • A to Z
  • 0 to 9
  • ' # $ & ( ) * + , - . / ¢ < | ! ; ¬ % _ > ? : @ " =
The system translates characters that are not valid into null characters (X'00').
You can enter operator commands in uppercase or lowercase. Unless enclosed in apostrophes, lowercase letters are converted to uppercase. Therefore, when a lowercase response is required, you must enclose the text in apostrophes. Also, when an apostrophe appears in the text of a command and the text is enclosed in apostrophes, you must enter two apostrophes in the text. For example, you would enter:
SEND 'Your job''s done'
You can enter system commands through a multiple console support (MCS) console, HMC multiple console support (HMCS) console, SNA multiple console support (SMCS) console, extended MCS (EMCS) console or through the input stream (submitted JCL). Table 1 indicates from which types of consoles a command is accepted. Superscripts denote footnotes that can be found at the end of the table. All examples show the format for MCS, HMCS and SMCS console entry.
  1. If you enter a system command through a submitted JCL in a JES2 system, enter $VS,‘system command’ when you enter the command between jobs, and enter //b system command when you enter the command within a job.
  2. Do not use the JES backspace character within a system command.
Following Table 1 is a topic on command syntax and format. The syntax rules are shown in How to read syntax conventions.

The rest of this topic consists of a description of each command in more detail. The descriptions are in alphabetical order by command name. Each description lists the functions that the command performs followed by the command’s syntax and parameters. The syntax and parameters of complex commands follow subsets of the listed functions. Descriptions of the parameters and keywords appear in the order in which they appear in the syntax.

Table 1. System command summary
Command (abbreviation) Function Acceptable from Command group
ACTIVATE Build the interface to and invoke the hardware configuration definition (HCD) application program interface. MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
CANCEL (C) Cancel a MOUNT command

Cancel a time-sharing user

Cancel a cataloged procedure

Cancel a job in execution

Cancel a started catalog procedure

Cancel an external writer allocation

Cancel the writing of a SYSOUT data set by an external writer session

Cancel a running APPC/MVS transaction program

Cancel a z/OS UNIX System Services process

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 SYS
CHNGDUMP (CD) Override dump options specified in parmlib, on the ABEND, CALLRTM, and SETRP macros, and in the SDUMP parameter list MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 SYS
CMDS DISPLAY or SHOW information about commands that are executing or waiting for execution

ABEND, FORCE or REMOVE executing commands or commands waiting for execution

DUMP the address space where commands typically run (Master and Console)

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 INFO



CONFIG (CF) Place processors online or offline

Place central storage elements online or offline

Place amounts of central storage online or offline

Place ranges of central storage online or offline

Place channel paths online or offline

Place Vector Facilities online or offline

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles2 MASTER
Change display area specifications

Delete certain messages

Halt printing of a status display

Control area displays

Remove information from the screens

Activate, deactivate, or display the status
of the action message retention facility

Change or display the number of allowed
message and reply buffers

Change or display message deletion or format

Change or display the status of WTO user

Define commands for PFKs

Purge message queue of a console.

Change operating mode of console

Select the message levels for a console

Increase the RMAX value

In a sysplex, change the maximum time
MVS waits before aggregating messages
from routed commands
MCS, HMCS and SMCS consoles














DEVSERV (DS) Display current status of devices and corresponding channel paths MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 INFO

Display information about MVS device allocation group locks

Display information about MVS device allocation settings

Display IDGE device allocation information

Display APPC/MVS configuration information

Display ASCH configuration information

Display auxiliary storage information

Display information about the current auto-reply policy and the WTORs being monitored by auto-reply processing

Display the current system level Language Environment® run-time options

Display CONTROL command functions

Display storage and attachment information about coupling facilities

Display console configuration information

Display system information requests

Display the current options that have been set with DIAGxx

Displaying data lookaside facility (DLF) information

Display the status or contents of SYS1.DUMP data sets, captured data sets, and dump options in effect

Display extended MCS information

Display status of external time reference (ETR) ports

Display information about Global resource serialization. Including configuration and usage information, as well as ENQ and Latch contention and dependency analysis

Display Generic Tracker information

Display status of hardware instrumentation services (HIS)

Display status of HyperSwap® function and device pairs in the PPRC configuration

Display ICSF information

Display the data set optimization configuration

Display TSO/E parmlib information

Display IOS configuration

Start of changeDisplay the status of crypto counter set processingEnd of change

Display captured UCB information

Display encryption key manager (EKM) status

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 INFO
DISPLAY (D) (continued)

Display zHPF facility status

Display FICON switch data information

Display the IBM zHyperWrite data replication status

Display MIDAW facility status

Display current MIH time intervals for individual devices, or for device classes

Display current system status

Display information about started tasks

Display information about LLA

Display information about system logger and log stream resources

Display the current logrec error recording medium

Display configuration information

Display information about message flood automation

Display MVS message service and current available languages

Display the messages MPF is processing and color, intensity, and highlighting display options in effect

Display z/OS UNIX System Services information

Display information about operation information (OPDATA) in a sysplex, or display the settings made by the SETCON MONITOR command

Display PCIE information

Display parmlib information

Display commands defined for PFKs

Displays the contents of the Program Properties Table (PPT)

Display information about registered products and the product enablement policy

Display entries in the list of APF-authorized program libraries

Display PROG defaults

Display dynamic exits

Display information about the LNKLST set

Display information about modules dynamically added to the LPA

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 INFO
DISPLAY (D) (continued)

Display the status of the REFRPROT option

Display the status of the TRACKDIRLOAD option

Display system requests and status of the AMRF

Display status information about RRS coordinated transactions

Display SLIP trap information

Display SMF options in effect or SMF data sets

Display the in-storage copy of the SMF limits

Display information about the SMS configuration or the status of SMS volumes or storage groups or SMS trace options

Display information about all subsystems defined to MVS

Display the current static system symbols

Display local and Greenwich mean time and date

Display information about component or transaction trace status

Display device status and allocation

Display Unicode services

Display virtual storage information

Display the status of the active workload management service policy for systems or application environments

Display information about the cross system coupling facility (XCF)

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 INFO
DUMP Request a dump of virtual storage to be stored in a SYS1.DUMP data set MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 MASTER
DUMPDS (DD) Change the system’s list of SYS1.DUMP data sets

Clear full SYS1.DUMP data sets and make them available for dumps

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
FORCE Force termination of:
  • A MOUNT command
  • A job in execution
  • An external writer allocation
  • The writing of a SYSOUT data set by an external writer
  • A non-cancellable job, time-sharing user, or started task
  • A running APPC/MVS transaction program
  • Or a task within one of the above
MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 MASTER
HALT (Z) Record statistics before stopping the system (Must first stop subsystem processing with a subsystem command) MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
IOACTION (IO) Stop or resume I/O activity to DASD MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 MASTER
LIBRARY (LI) Eject a volume from a library of removable storage media.

Reactivate processing for certain installation exits without stopping or restarting the object access method (OAM).

Set or display the media type of scratch volumes that the system places into the cartridge loader of a device within a tape library.

Display tape drive status.

MCS, HMCS and SMCS consoles SYS
LOG (L) Enter comments in the system log MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 INFO
LOGOFF To log off MCS, HMCS and SMCS consoles MCS, HMCS and SMCS consoles INFO
LOGON To access the MCS, HMCS and SMCS consoles MCS, HMCS and SMCS console INFO
MODE Control recording of or suppress system recovery and degradation machine check interruptions on the logrec data set

Control the monitoring of hard machine check interruptions

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
MODIFY (F) Change characteristics of a job by modifying the job parameters

Specify criteria an external writer uses to select data sets for processing

Cause an external writer to pause for operator intervention

Manage the data collection in hardware instrumentation services (HIS)

Build a new LLA directory

Display information about the catalog address space or request the catalog address space to perform a specified service.

Modify TSO/VTAM® time-sharing Rebuild a new LNKLST directory

Display the status of the DLF, or change DLF parameters or processing mode

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 SYS
MONITOR (MN) Continuously display data set status

Continuously display job status

Monitor time-sharing users logging on and off the system

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 INFO
MOUNT (M) Mount volumes MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 I/O
PAGEADD (PA) Add local page data sets

Specify data sets as non-VIO page data sets

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
PAGEDEL (PD) Delete, replace, or drain a local page data set

(PLPA, common page data sets, and the last local page data set cannot be deleted, replaced or drained)

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
QUIESCE Put system in MANUAL state without affecting step timing. MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 MASTER
REPLY (R) Reply to system information requests.

Reply to system requests during recovery processing.

Specify component trace options after issuing TRACE CT.

Specify system parameters.

Set the time-of-day clock.

Specify SMF options.

Specify DUMP options.

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 INFO

Assign work to a new workload management service class. Also, quiesce and resume executing work.

Force a hung console device offline.

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 SYS


ROUTE (RO) Direct a command to another system, to all systems, or to a subset of systems in the sysplex. MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 INFO
SEND (SE) Communicate with other operators.

Communicate with specific time-sharing users.

Communicate with all time-sharing users.

Save messages in the broadcast data set for issuance at TSO LOGON time or when requested.

List messages accumulated in the notices section of the broadcast data set.

Delete a message from the notices section of the broadcast data set.

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 INFO
SET (T) Add modules to, or delete modules from, the LPA dynamically.
  • the local time and date
  • the system resources manager (SRM) parameters
  • the MPF parameters
  • the dump analysis and elimination (DAE) parameters
  • SLIP processing by changing the active IEASLPxx parmlib member
  • SMS parameters by selecting member IGDSMSxx in , start SMS if not started at IPL, or restart SMS if it cannot be restarted automatically
  • available PFK tables
  • MIH time intervals by changing the active IECSIOSxx parmlib member
  • excessive spin-loop timeout interval recovery actions
  • RNLs by selecting new GRSRNLxx parmlib members
  • the APPC/MVS address space information
  • the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler information
  • the PPT information
  • the active console group definitions in the sysplex
  • the MMS parameters
  • the command installation exits the system is to use
  • the product enablement policy the system is to use
  • the Generic Tracker parameters (GTZ).

Restart SMF or change SMF parameters by changing the active SMFPRMxx parmlib member.

Start or stop the common storage and tracking functions.

Start, refresh, or stop MMS.

  • the APF list and dynamic exits
  • the format or contents of the APF list
  • the LNKLKST set for LNKLST concatenation
  • the system logger (IXGLOGR) address space information by changing the active IXGCNFxx parmlib member.

Specify the MSGFLDxx parmlib member for the system to use.

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 SYS

Activate auto-reply processing on a system by specifying the AUTORxx parmlib member that the system is to use.

Add additional MCS console definitions without an IPL.

SETALLOC Modify a Device Allocation parameter that was set at IPL by an ALLOCxx parmlib member or after IPL by a previous SETALLOC command. MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
SETAPPC Dynamically define or modify the APPC/MVS configuration. MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
SETAUTOR Deactivate auto-reply processing on a system or have auto-reply stop monitoring an outstanding WTOR. MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
SETCEE Override system-level Language Environment options. MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
SETCON Set console services mode of operations, control enablement of monitor messages and delete extraneous consoles. MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 MASTER
SETETR Enable external time reference (ETR) ports that have been disabled MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
SETFXE Set the enablement state of individual functions in the IBM Function Registry for z/OS. MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
  • Migrate a currently active global resource serialization ring complex to a global resource serialization star complex
  • Modify the current RESMIL or TOLINT values
  • Set the system values for
    • GRSQ
  • Change the contention notifying system (CNS) in a global resource serialization complex
MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 MASTER
SETGTZ Control the Generic Tracker MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
SETHS Manage HyperSwap. MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 I/O
SETIOS Respecify, add, or delete MIH time intervals, update DCM, enable/disable FICON® statistics, and enable/disable the MIDAW facility, all without changing the active IECIOSxx parmlib member MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
SETLOAD Switch dynamically from one parmlib concatenation to another without having to initiate an IPL, or dynamically update the system symbols on your local system without an IPL. MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
SETLOGR Take action on system logger log stream resources. MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MVS console 2 MASTER
SETLOGRC Change the logrec recording medium. MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 MASTER
SETMF Change the message flood automation state or parameters. MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
SETOMVS Change the options that z/OS® UNIX System Services uses. MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
SETPROG Update APF list

Update dynamic exits

Update the LNKLST set

Dynamically add modules to, or delete modules from, the LPA.

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
Control RRS processing:
  • SETRRS ARCHIVELOGGING will disable or enable archive logging on a given system
  • SETRRS CANCEL will end RRS processing
  • SETRRS SHUTDOWN will end RRS without resulting in a X'058' abend
MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
SETSMF (SS) Change SMF parameters without changing the active SMFPRMxx parmlib member MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 SYS
SETSMS Change SMS parameters without changing the active IGDSMSxx parmlib member MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
SETSSI Dynamically add, activate or deactivate a subsystem. MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 MASTER
SETUNI Control the Unicode environment. MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console.2 SYS
SETXCF Control the cross-system coupling facility (XCF) MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 MASTER
SLIP (SL) Set SLIP traps

Modify SLIP traps

Delete SLIP traps

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 SYS
START (S) Start a job from a console

Start the advanced program-to-program communication (APPC/MVS) address space

Start the APPC/MVS scheduler (ASCH) address space

Start the data facility storage management subsystem (DFSMS/MVS) license compliance facility

Start the generalized trace facility (GTF)

Start hardware instrumentation services (HIS)

Start of changeStart crypto counter set processing (IEACTRS)End of change

Start the library lookaside (LLA) address space

Start the object access method (OAM)

Start resource recovery services (RRS)

Start the system object model (SOM)

Start TSO/VTAM time-sharing

Start the virtual lookaside facility (VLF) or the data lookaside facility (DLF)

Start an external writer

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 SYS
STOP (P) Stop a job in execution

Stop an address space

Stop an ASCH initiator

Stop an initiator

Stop the data lookaside facility (DLF)

Stop the generalized trace facility (GTF)

Stop hardware instrumentation services (HIS)

Stop the library lookaside (LLA) address space

Stop the object access method (OAM)

Stop the system object model (SOM)

Stop TSO/VTAM time-sharing

Stop the virtual lookaside facility (VLF)

Stop an external writer

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 SYS
STOPMN (PM) Stop continual display of data set status

Stop continual display of job status

Stop monitoring the activity of time-sharing users.

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 INFO
SWAP (G) Move a volume from one device to another MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles 2 I/O
SWITCH (I) Manually switch recording of SMF data from one data set to another MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS
TRACE Start, stop, or modify system trace

Start, stop, or modify master trace

Start, stop, or modify component trace

Display the status of system trace, master trace, or component trace

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console 2 SYS




UNLOAD (U) Remove a volume from system use MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 I/O

Control the hardcopy message set and the hardcopy medium.

Change the status of a console

Change the SMS status of a storage group or volume for one or more MVS systems in the SMS complex

Place I/O devices online or offline

Assign and control consoles

Place I/O paths online or offline

Remove a system from a sysplex

Place I/O paths online after C.U.I.R service

Change a system’s participation in a global resource serialization complex

Change routing codes for a console

Activate a workload management service policy for a sysplex

Control an application environment

Process devices or a path to devices attached to a control unit

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream MASTER, I/O, or CONS1
WRITELOG (W) Schedule printing of system log

Change system log output class

Close the system log and discontinue the log function

Restart system log after closing

MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS consoles or job stream 2 SYS
  1. This command is in a different command authority group depending on the parameters specified on the command. See Table 1 for more information.
  2. An extended MCS console can be either an interactive TSO/E session or a program that issues the MCSOPER macro.