General description

The fcntl() function performs various actions on open file descriptors.

The argument fildes is a file descriptor for the file you want to manipulate. action is a symbol indicating the action you want to perform on fildes. These symbols are defined in the <fcntl.h> header file. If needed, “” indicates a third argument. The type of the third argument depends on action, and some actions do not need an additional argument.

Behavior for sockets: The operating characteristics of sockets can be controlled with the fcntl() call. The operations to be controlled are determined by cmd. The arg parameter is a variable with a meaning that depends on the value of the cmd parameter.
The socket descriptor.
The command to perform.
The data associated with cmd.
The action argument can be one of the following symbols:
Closes a range of file descriptors. A third int argument must be specified to indicate the upper limit for the range of the file descriptors to be closed, while fildes specifies the lower limit. If -1 is specified for the third argument, all file descriptors greater than or equal to the lower limit are closed.
Duplicates the file descriptor. A third int argument must be specified. fcntl() returns the lowest file descriptor greater than or equal to this third argument that is not already associated with an open file. This file descriptor refers to the same file as fildes and shares any locks. The flags FD_CLOEXEC and FD_CLOFORK are turned off in the new file descriptor, so that the file is kept open if an exec function is called.
Note: If fildes is an XTI endpoint, there must be at least one available file descriptor greater than or equal to the third argument and less than 65536.
Duplicates the file descriptor. A third int argument must be specified to indicate which file descriptor to use as the duplicate. This file descriptor is closed if already open and then used as the new file descriptor. The new file descriptor refers to the same file as fildes and shares any locks. The flag FD_CLOEXEC is turned off in the new file descriptor, so that the file is kept open if an exec function is called.
  1. If the third argument refers to the same file descriptor as fildes, the file descriptor is not closed and is FD_CLOEXEC is not turned off.
  2. If fildes is an XTI endpoint, the third argument must not exceed the limit of 65535.
Obtains the file descriptor flags for fildes. fcntl() returns these flags as its result. For a list of supported file descriptor flags, see File flags.
Sets the file descriptor flags for fildes. You must specify a third int argument, giving the new file descriptor flag settings. fcntl() returns 0 if it successfully sets the flags.
Obtains the file status flags and file access mode flags for fildes. fcntl() returns these flags as its result. For a list of supported file status and file access mode flags, see File flags.

Usage of the F_GETFL action will return the setting of O_LARGEFILE status flag when fcntl() has been enabled to operate on large files

Behavior for sockets: This command gets the status flags of socket descriptor socket. With the _OPEN_SYS feature test macro you can query the FNDELAY flag. With the _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED 1 feature test macro you can query the O_NDELAY flag. The FNDELAY and O_NDELAY flags mark socket as being in nonblocking mode. If data is not present on calls that can block, such as read(), readv(), and recv(), the call returns with -1, and the error code is set to EWOULDBLOCK.

Sets the file status flags for fildes. You must specify a third int argument, giving the new file descriptor flag settings. fcntl() does not change the file access mode, and file access bits in the third argument are ignored. fcntl() returns 0 if it successfully sets the flags.

Behavior for sockets: This command sets the status flags of socket descriptor socket. With the _OPEN_SYS feature test macro you can set the FNDELAY flag. With the _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED 1 feature test macro you can set the O_NDELAY flag.

Obtains locking information for a file. See File locking
Sets or clears a file segment lock. See File locking
Sets or clears a file segment lock; but if a shared or exclusive lock is blocked by other locks, fcntl() waits until the request can be satisfied. See File locking
Behavior for sockets: Obtains the PID for the filedes and returns this value. The value returned will be either the process ID or the process group ID that is associated with the socket. If it is a positive integer, it specifies a process ID. If it is a negative integer (other than -1), it specifies a process group ID.
Behavior for sockets: Sets either the process ID or the process group ID that is to receive either the SIGIO or SIGURG signals for the socket associated with filedes. The SIGURG signal is generated as a result of receiving out-of-band data. Refer to send(), sendto(), sendmsg(), and recv(), recvfrom() and recvmsg() for more information on sending and receiving out-of-band data.

You must specify a third int argument, giving the PID requested. This value can be either a positive integer, specifying a process ID, or a negative integer (other than -1), specifying a process group ID. The difference between specifying a process ID or a process group ID is that in the first case only a single process will receive the signal, while in the second case all processes in the process group will receive the signal.

Sets the file tag for the file referred to by file descriptor fildes.

The third argument ftag is the address of a populated file_tag structure.

If the ftag argument supplied to fcntl(F_SETTAG) does not have the ft_deferred bit set ON, fcntl() will immediately set the file's File Tag with the provided ftag's ft_ccsid and ft_txtflag values.

If the ftag argument supplied to fcntl(F_SETTAG) has the ft_deferred bit set ON, fcntl() will not set the file's File Tag until first write to the file. The CCSID used to tag the file will be the current Program CCSID at the time of first write, regardless of the ftag ft_ccsid value, however the ft_txtflag value will be used.

If the ft_ccsid of the specified file_tag differs from the Program CCSID, automatic file conversion will occur, provided:
  • The ft_txtflag is set to ON.
  • Environment variable _BPXK_AUTOCVT is ON or ALL; or if _BPXK_AUTOCVT is unset, the BPXPRMxx member AUTOCVT is either ON or ALL.
Restriction: When _BPXK_AUTOCVT is ON, automatic conversion can only take place between IBM-1047 and ISO8859-1 code sets. Other CCSID pairs are not supported for automatic text conversion. To request automatic conversion for any CCSID pairs that Unicode service supports, set _BPXK_AUTOCVT to ALL.

If AUTOCVT(OFF) and _BPXK_AUTOCVT=OFF, the file will be tagged with the specified file_tag's ft_ccsid and ft_txtflag values, but automatic conversion will not occur. See the “Using Environment Variables” chapter in z/OS XL C/C++ Programming Guide for more information about the _BPXK_AUTOCVT environment variable.

If the ftag argument supplied to fcntl(F_SETTAG) has the ft_deferred bit set ON, pipes and FIFOs are tagged from the write end with the Program CCSID of the first writer.

Controls or queries the conversion status of the open file referred to by file descriptor fildes. Conversion control is generally used to provide CCSID information for untagged files or untagged programs.

Character set conversion between a program and a file, pipe or other I/O stream can be enabled or changed with F_CONTROL_CVT. A pair of CCSID's is specified or defaulted, one for the program and one for the data. As the program reads and writes data, the system will convert from one CCSID to the other.

The third f_cnvrt argument is the required address of an f_cnvrt structure. This structure is defined in <fcntl.h> and includes the following members:
Table 1. Struct f_cnvrt Element Descriptions
Element Data Type Description
pccsid short The Program CCSID - This is output from query and input to setting conversion ON. A value of 0 on input indicates to use the previously set value or the current Program CCSID.
fccsid short The File CCSID - This is output from query and input to setting conversion ON. A value of 0 on input indicates to use the CCSID from the File Tag as stored in the file, specified on mount, or set by a prior call.
cvtcmd int Conversion Control Command. The following conversion controls are available:
  • Query Conversion - Returns whether or not conversion is in effect and the Program and File CCSIDs being used. On input, cvtcmd is set to QUERYCVT, and on output, it is changed to either SETCVTON, SETCVTOFF, or SETCVTALL to indicate that conversion is currently ON, OFF, or ALL respectively. The current CCSIDs are also returned in their respective positions in the f_cnvrt structure.
  • Set Conversion OFF - Turns OFF any conversion that may be in effect. On input, cvtcmd is set to SETCVTOFF and the rest of the f_cnvrt is ignored. There is no output. A program can use this to override an automatic conversion that might be established by the environment within which it is invoked. If conversion is currently in effect, the CCSIDs being used will be remembered while conversion is turned OFF, so that the prior conversion may be resumed without the program having to remember what the prior CCSIDs were.
  • Set Conversion ON - Turns on enhanced ASCII conversion environment and optionally specifies the CCSIDs to use in place of the Program or File CCSIDs that are currently in effect. On input, cvtcmd is set either to SETCVTON to unconditionally turn on Enhanced ASCII, or to SETAUTOCVTON to turn on it only if _BPXK_AUTOCVT=ON or AUTOCVT(ON) was specified in BPXPRMxx. In this case, automatic conversion can only take place between IBM-1047 and ISO8859-1 code sets. Other CCSID pairs are not supported for automatic text conversion. A value of 0 for the Program CCSID indicates that the current Program CCSID be used. A value of 0 for the file CCSID indicates that no change should be made to the File CCSID. This does not affect the stored File Tag or the current Program CCSID. It only changes the values being used to control conversion on this data stream.
  • Set Conversion ALL - Turns on Unicode conversion environment and optionally specifies the CCSIDs to use in place of the Program or File CCSIDs that are currently in effect. On input, cvtcmd can be set either to SETCVTALL to unconditionally turn on Unicode conversion, or to SETAUTOCVTALL to turn on it only if _BPXK_AUTOCVT=ALL or AUTOCVT(ALL) was specified in BPXPRMxx. SETCVTALL or SETAUTOCVTALL has no effect after the first read or write of the file. In this case, automatic conversion can take place between any code sets that Unicode service supports. A value of 0 for the Program CCSID indicates that the current Program CCSID be used. A value of 0 for the file CCSID indicates that no change should be made to the File CCSID. This does not affect the stored File Tag or the current Program CCSID. It only changes the values being used to control conversion on this data stream.

The call fails if a conversion table is not installed for the resulting CCSID pair.

Attention: Flipping the autoconversion mode off and on, or changing the CCSID values when file conversion and/or tagging takes place, or setting the CCSIDs to values that are not compatible with the program or file, can be quite unpredictable.

Large file support for z/OS® UNIX files: Large z/OS UNIX files are supported automatically for AMODE 64 C/C++ applications. AMODE 31 C/C++ applications must be compiled with LANGLVL(LONGLONG) and define the _LARGE_FILES feature test macro before any headers are included to enable this function to operate on z/OS UNIX files that are larger than 2 GB in size. File size and offset fields are enlarged to 63 bits in width. Therefore, any other function operating on the file is required to define the _LARGE_FILES feature test macro as well.

File flags

There are several types of flags associated with each open file. Flags for a file are represented by symbols defined in the <fcntl.h> header file.

The following file descriptor flags can be associated with a file:
If this flag is 1, the file descriptor is closed if the process executes one of the exec function calls. If it is 0, the file remains open.
If this flag is 1 when a fork occurs, the file descriptor will be closed for the child process. If it is 0, the file remains open for the child.
The following file status flags can be associated with a file:
Append mode. If this flag is 1, every write operation on the file begins at the end of the file.
If this flag is 1, then asynchronous I/O will be used for the file.
Start of changeO_CLOEXECEnd of change
Start of changeIf this flag is 1, set the close-on-exec flag for the new file descriptor. This flag is defined by the _XPLATFORM_SOURCE feature test macro.End of change
Start of changeO_DIRECTEnd of change
Start of changeIf this flag is 1, try to minimize cache effects of the I/O to and from this file. This flag is defined by the _XPLATFORM_SOURCE feature test macro.End of change
No blocking. If this flag is 1, read and write operations on the file return with an error status if they cannot perform their I/O immediately. If this flag is 0, read and write operations on the file wait (or “block”) until the file is ready for I/O. For more details, see read() — Read from a file or socket and write() — Write data on a file or socket.
Force synchronous update. If the flag is 1, every write() operation on the file is written to permanent storage. That is, the file system buffers are forced to permanent storage. (See fsync() — Write changes to direct-access storage.) If this flag is 0, update operations on the file will not be completed until the data has been written to permanent storage. On return from a function that performs a synchronous update, the program is assured that all data for the file has been written to permanent storage.
The following file access mode flags can be associated with a file:
The file is opened for reading only.
The file is opened for reading and writing.
The file is opened for writing only.
Two masks can be used to extract flags:
Extracts file access mode flags.
Extracts file status flags and file access mode flags.

File locking

A process can use fcntl() to lock out other processes from a part of a file, so that the process can read or write to that part of the file without interference from others. File locking can ensure data integrity when several processes have a file accessed concurrently. File locking can only be performed on file descriptors that refer to regular files. Locking is not permitted on file descriptors that refer to directories, FIFOs, pipes, character special files, or any other type of files.

A structure that has the type struct flock (defined in the <fcntl.h> header file) controls locking operations. This structure has the following members:
short l_type
Indicates the type of lock, using one of the following symbols (defined in the <fcntl.h> header file):
Indicates a read lock, also called a shared lock. The process can read the locked part of the file, and other processes cannot obtain write locks for that part of the file in the meantime. More than one process can have a read lock on the same part of a file simultaneously.

To establish a read lock, a process must have the file accessed for reading.

Indicates a write lock, also called an exclusive lock. The process can write on the locked part of the file, and no other process can establish a read lock or write lock on that same part or on an overlapping part of the file. A process cannot put a write lock on part of a file if there is already a read lock on an overlapping part of the file. To establish a write lock, a process must have accessed the file for writing.
Unlocks a lock that was set previously. An unlock (F_UNLCK) request in which l_len is non-zero and the offset of the last byte of the requested segment is the maximum value for an object of type off_t, when the process has an existing lock in which l_len is 0 and which includes the last byte of the requested segment, is treated as a request to unlock from the start of the requested segment with an l_len equal to 0. Otherwise, an unlock (F_UNLCK) request attempts to unlock only the requested segment.
short l_whence
One of three symbols used to determine the part of the file that is affected by this lock. These symbols are defined in the <unistd.h> header file and are the same as symbols used by lseek():
The current file offset in the file
The end of the file
The start of the file.
off_t l_start
Gives the byte offset used to identify the part of the file that is affected by this lock. The part of the file affected by the lock begins at this offset from the location given by l_whence. For example, if l_whence is SEEK_SET and l_start is 10, the locked part of the file begins at an offset of 10 bytes from the beginning of the file.
off_t l_len
Gives the size of the locked part of the file in bytes. If l_len is 0, the locked part of the file begins at the position specified by l_whence and l_start, and extends to the end of the file. If l_len is positive, the area affected starts at l_start and end at l_start+ l_len-1. If l_len is negative, the area affected starts at l_start+ l_len and end at l_start-1. Locks may start and extend beyond the current end of a file, but cannot extend before the beginning of the file. A lock can be set to extend to the largest possible value of the file offset for that file by setting l_len to 0. If such a lock also has l_start set to 0 and l_whence is set to SEEK_SET, the whole file is locked.
pid_t l_pid
Specifies the process ID of the process that holds the lock. This is an output field used only with F_GETLK actions.
You can set locks by specifying F_SETLK as the action argument for fcntl(). Such a function call requires a third argument pointing to a struct flock structure, as in this example:
struct flock lock_it;
lock_it.l_type = F_RDLCK;
lock_it.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
lock_it.l_start = 0;
lock_it.l_len = 100;

This example sets up an flock structure describing a read lock on the first 100 bytes of a file, and then calls fcntl() to establish the lock. You can unlock this lock by setting l_type to F_UNLCK and making the same call. If an F_SETLK operation cannot set a lock, it returns immediately with an error saying that the lock cannot be set.

The F_SETLKW operation is similar to F_SETLK, except that it waits until the lock can be set. For example, if you want to establish an exclusive lock and some other process already has a lock established on an overlapping part of the file, fcntl() waits until the other process has removed its lock. If fcntl() is waiting in an F_SETLKW operation when a signal is received, fcntl() is interrupted. After handling the signal, fcntl() returns -1 and sets errno to EINTR.

F_SETLKW operations can encounter deadlocks when process A is waiting for process B to unlock a region, and B is waiting for A to unlock a different region. If the system detects that an F_SETLKW might cause a deadlock, fcntl() fails with errno set to EDEADLK.

A process can determine locking information about a file by using F_GETLK as the action argument for fcntl(). In this case, the call to fcntl() should specify a third argument pointing to an flock structure. The structure should describe the lock operation you want. When fcntl() returns, the structure indicated by the flock pointer is changed to show the first lock that would prevent the proposed lock operation from taking place. The returned structure shows the type of lock that is set, the part of the file that is locked, and the process ID of the process that holds the lock. In the returned structure:
  • l_whence is always SEEK_SET.
  • l_start gives the offset of the locked portion from the beginning of the file.
  • l_len is the length of the locked portion.
If there are no locks that prevent the proposed lock operation, the returned structure has F_UNLCK in l_type, and is otherwise unchanged.

A process can have several locks on a file simultaneously but only one type of lock set on a given byte. Therefore, if a process puts a new lock on part of a file that it had locked previously, the process has only one lock on that part of the file: the type of the lock is the one specified in the most recent locking operation.

All of a process's locks on a file are removed when the process closes any file descriptor that refers to the locked file. Locks are not inherited by child processes created with fork().

All locks are advisory only. Processes can use locks to inform each other that they want to protect parts of a file, but locks do not prevent I/O on the locked parts. If a process has appropriate permissions on a file, it can perform whatever I/O it chooses, regardless of what locks are set. Therefore, file locking is only a convention, and it works only when all processes respect the convention.