Portable Software Instances page

You can use the Portable Software Instances page in the Software Management task to manage and add new portable software instances. A portable software instance is a portable form for a software instance, including the SMPCSI data sets, all associated SMP/E managed target and distribution libraries, non-SMP/E managed data sets, and meta-data required to describe your software instance.

To display the Portable Software Instances page, click Portable Software Instances on the Software Management page or select Portable Software Instances from the Switch To menu provided on the Deployments page and the Products page. For more information about software instances, see help topic Defining your software to z/OSMF.

The Portable Software Instances table lists the portable software instances that are defined to z/OSMF. For a description of the columns or actions, see Columns in the Portable Software Instances table or Actions for portable software instances.

The method used to define a new portable software instance depends on where the files for the portable software instance resides:
  1. If the files for the portable software instance you want to add are already located on a z/OS system, complete the steps provided in help topic Adding portable software instances from a z/OSMF system.
  2. If the files for the portable software instance you want to add must be uploaded to z/OS from your workstation, complete the steps provided in help topic Adding portable software instances from a local workstation.
  3. If the files for the portable software instance you want to add must be downloaded to z/OS from a server, complete the steps provided in help topic Adding portable software instances from a download server.

Columns in the Portable Software Instances table

Table 1. Columns in the Portable Software Instances table
Column Description
Name Name of the portable software instance. If you click the name link, the View Portable Software Instance page is displayed.
Description Description of the portable software instance.
Activity State of the portable software instance. One of the following values is displayed:
  • Add in Progress The portable software instance is locked because it is currently being added by another user. You cannot modify, remove, or deploy the portable software instance.
  • Being deployed. The portable software instance is locked because it is being deployed in a deployment that is in progress. You cannot modify or remove the portable software instance. To complete these actions, wait until the current deployment is completed or cancel it. To display the message for the activity, click the lock icon or link.
  • Being modified. The portable software instance is locked because it is being modified by another user. You cannot modify, remove, or deploy the portable software instance.

    To view the user ID of the user who is modifying the portable software instance and the date and time the user started modifying it, click the lock icon or the link. To obtain the lock for the portable software instance, complete the steps provided in help topic Locking objects in z/OSMF.

  • Blank. The portable software instance is not being added, modified or deployed.
System z/OSMF host system where the UNIX directory containing the archive and descriptor files for the portable software instance resides. For more information about systems, see help topic Defining your systems to z/OSMF.
File Location The UNIX directory location of the portable software instance files.
Categories Categories to which the portable software instance is assigned.
Locked Date and time the portable software instance was locked. This column is blank if the portable software instance is not currently locked.
Locked By User ID of the user who locked the portable software instance. This column is blank if the portable software instance is not currently locked.
Last Modified Date and time the portable software instance was last modified.
Last Modified by User ID of the user who last modified the portable software instance.
Created Date and time the portable software instance was created.
Created by User ID of the user who created the portable software instance.

Actions for portable software instances

The actions are described in the following tables:

  • Table 2. Actions that apply to the selected portable software instances. To use a targeted action, select one or more software instances.
  • Table 3. Actions that apply to portable software instances. No selection is required.
  • Table 4. Actions that apply to the entire table. No selection is required.
Table 2. Targeted actions
Action Description
Modify Modify the selected portable software instance. To enable this action, select only one portable software instance.
View View the selected portable software instance. To enable this action, select only one portable software instance
Remove Remove the selected portable software instances. To enable this action, select one or more portable software instances.
Open Deployments Deploy the selected portable software instance, and manage its deployments. To enable this action, select only one portable software instance.
Table 3. General actions
Action Description
Add Add a new Portable software instance from a z/OSMF system, Local Workstation, or a Download Server.
Table 4. Table actions
Action Description
Select All Select all of the rows in the table.
Deselect All Deselect all of the selected rows in the table.
Configure Columns Select the columns to display in the table, specify the order of those columns, and designate which columns should be fixed in position when the table is scrolled horizontally.
Modify Filters Modifies the filter of the rows in the table.
Clear Filters Clear the filter from all of the rows in the table. This action is disabled if no filtering is specified in the table.
Modify Sort Modifies sort for the columns in the table.
Clear Sorts Clear the sort from all of the columns in the table. This action is disabled if no sorting is specified in the table.
Export Table Data Select one of the following options:
  • Current View: Export only the rows and columns that are currently included in the table.
  • All Data: Export all the rows and columns that are available for the table.
Print Table Data Select one of the following options:
  • Current View: Print only the rows and columns that are currently included in the table.
  • All Data: Print all the rows and columns that are available for the table.