Under the z/OS Shell

Under z/OS® UNIX System Services, use the iconv command to invoke the iconv utility. The invocation syntax for the iconv command is as follows:

iconv [–sc] –f oldset –t newset [file …]


iconv –l [–v]

The iconv utility converts characters in file (or from stdin if you do not specify a file) from one code page set to another. It writes the converted text to stdout. See The inconv utility in z/OS XL C/C++ Programming Guide for more information about the code sets that are supported for this command.

If the input contains a character that is not valid in the source code set, iconv replaces it with the byte 0xff and continues, unless the –c option is specified.

If the input contains a character that is not valid in the destination code set, the behavior depends on the iconv() function of the system. See z/OS XL C/C++ Runtime Library Reference for more information about the character that is used for converting incorrect characters.

You can use iconv to convert single-byte data or double-byte data.


Characters that contain conversion errors are not written to the output. By default, characters not in the source character set are converted to the value 0xff and written to the output.
–f oldset
oldset can be either the code set name or a pathname to a file that contains an external code set. Specifies the current code set of the input.
Lists code sets in the internal table. This option is not supported.
Suppresses all error messages about faulty encodings.
–t newset
Specifies the destination code set for the output. newset can be either the code set name or a pathname to a file that contains an external code set.
Specifies verbose output.