TESTAUTH command

Use the TESTAUTH command to test an authorized program. Most of the functions of the TEST command that are available for testing an unauthorized program are also available through the TESTAUTH command for testing an authorized program. See z/OS TSO/E Command Reference for more information.

However, the TESTAUTH command does not support:
  • The testing of a currently executing program.
  • The testing of object modules.
In addition, do not use the TESTAUTH command to:
  • Modify storage that has a protection key of 0 through 7.
  • Set breakpoints in storage that has a protection key of 0 through 7. (Although TESTAUTH allows you to set a breakpoint, the subsequent execution of a subcommand might give erroneous results.)

Restriction: TESTAUTH allows a user to test AMODE 24 or AMODE 31 programs. Testing programs with any other AMODE has unpredictable results. TSO TESTAUTH does not allow testing of RMODE 64 programs, but 64-bit addresses can be encountered while running under TESTAUTH. If the address 7FFFFBAD appears in a message while operating in the TESTAUTH environment, it is usually denoting the address is a 64-bit address and resides above the bar.

To use TESTAUTH to test a program, ensure that you load the program from an APF-authorized library. The system loads the program above or below 16 MB in virtual storage based on the program's RMODE attribute. The system uses the specified data set (PDS) as a TASKLIB for the program and initializes registers 2 through 12 to X'FFFFFFFF' to allow you to see which registers the program alters.

When you are testing a program, the program can invoke other load modules, if they are members of the same PDS. The services by which one member can invoke another in the same PDS include LINK, LOAD, XCTL, and ATTACH. If the program you are testing attempts to LOAD, LINK, XCTL, or ATTACH another module, the system uses the following search order sequence:

  4. LPA

If the module does not reside in any of those libraries, the system cannot find it. To avoid that situation, bring the module into virtual storage by using the LOAD subcommand of TESTAUTH.

All TESTAUTH subcommands are effective only in the HOME address space.

The syntax of the TESTAUTH command is:

  • TESTAUTH is an authorized command.
  • If RACF® is installed and active, you require either authority to the RACF TESTAUTH resource of the RACF TSOAUTH resource class or authority through the installation exit routine, IKJEGAUI, to issue the command. See z/OS TSO/E Customization for more information about IKJEGAUI.
  • If RACF is not installed or active, you require authority either through an equivalent security product or through the installation exit routine to issue the command.
  • Do not name a program that you want to test:
    • TEST
    • TESTA
    • The same as an existing TSO/E service routine.
The name of the data set that contains the program. Enclose data_set_name in single quotation marks or TSO/E fully qualifies the data set name.
A valid data set name.
Pass a parameter or list of parameters to the program. The maximum length that is allowed for the list of parameters is 100 characters, including delimiters.
A value acceptable to that program.
The program is a command processor
The program is not a command processor
The program is in load module format.

A program in load module format has been processed by the linkage editor and is a member of a partitioned data set (PDS).

When using the TESTAUTH command, you can use:

  1. Any IBM-supplied TEST subcommand. (See z/OS TSO/E Command Reference for the complete syntax and description of all TEST subcommands.)
  2. Any command and subcommand you specify on the TEST statement in the IKJTSOxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB (See z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Guide for information about the IKJTSOxx member and z/OS TSO/E Customization for information about writing TEST subcommands.)