Tape subsystem (device pool) limitation

With the system-managed tape library support, each scratch allocation (through the ACS routines) will assign one or more tape storage groups and each tape storage group can be associated with 1 to 8 tape libraries. As a result of this, there can be many tape subsystems (and devices) that are considered eligible for each scratch request. A limitation exists today on the number of tape subsystems (device pools) that SMS and MVS allocation can support on a scratch allocation request. Prior to z/OS V2R2, this limit was 253 tape subsystems or 4048 devices (253 x 16 devices). With z/OS V2R2 or later (also z/OS V1R13 and V2R1 with SMS APAR OA44354), this limit can be doubled to 506 tape subsystems or 8096 devices (506 x 16 devices) for JES2 or JES3 managed devices by using the DEVSUPxx enablement indicator GREATER_253. If GREATER_253=YES is specified, SMS will detect and limit the number of eligible tape subsystems (device pools) to the first 506 subsystems (returned by OAM) and will ignore the tape subsystems beyond 506. By default, this enablement indicator is disabled (GREATER_253=NO). The DEVSUP PARMLIB member can be updated outside of an IPL using the SET DEVSUP=xx operator command.

Attention: Before enabling the GREATER_253 indicator, ensure that all systems in the sysplex can support the increased limit (starting with z/OS V2R2, or z/OS V1R13 and V2R1 with SMS APAR OA44354). If GREATER_253=YES is specified and some systems in the sysplex do not have the required support installed, job abends could occur.

If an installation is using the TS7700 Virtualization Engine and assigns SGTAPE to the allocation request and SGTAPE is associated with several multi-cluster grids, the number of eligible subsystems can be quite large. As a result, having multiple grids and clusters within the grid being eligible for a scratch allocation request could grow beyond the previous subsystem limit of 253. If there are more than 506 tape subsystems that are considered eligible for the scratch request, SMS will only return the first 506 tape subsystems to MVS allocation. As you start using the TS7700 Virtualization Engine and have more and more tape subsystems being eligible, review your ACS routines and the number of tape libraries, and subsystems, being used for your scratch allocations to ensure that you fall within the 506 tape subsystem limit and that you have the GREATER_253=YES enablement indicator specified as appropriate. It is important to note that tape subsystems that are connected and offline are still counted towards this subsystem limit. The main eligibility criteria being whether we are able to talk to the device to understand its characteristics and the characteristics of the device matching what is requested on the allocation request.