Building a private registry

Since the official Docker registry image does not run on the IBM Z platform, you can build one using a Docker file customized for Z. The following instructions describe how to build a private Docker registry image for zCX.

  1. Create a directory within your home directory on zCX. We recommend naming the directory myregistry.
  2. Download the registry image Docker build file to the directory created in step 1. The build file is available at
  3. Run the build command:
    docker build -t myregistry .
    When the build is complete you will see "Successfully tagged myregistry:latest".
  4. Run
    docker images
    and you should see the Docker image myregistry in the list of images.
Run the following command to start your private registry server that listens to port 5000:
docker run --name myregistry-server -p 5000:5000 -d myregistry
You can run the docker ps command to check that the registry is up and running.

You can find more details on running and restricting access to a secure private registry in the Docker registry resources: