Displaying real storage memory statistics
Use the MODIFY AXR,IAXDMEM command to display real storage
memory statistics. The IAR049I message displays the following information:
- Memory utilization statistics in the 1M LFAREA
The 1M LFAREA is defined by the LFAREA parameter in the IEASYSxx member of parmlib. For details, see the LFAREA information in z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.
- Memory utilization statistics in the 2G LFAREA
The 2G LFAREA is defined by the LFAREA parameter in the IEASYSxx member of parmlib. For details, see the LFAREA information in z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.
- Memory utilization statistics in the PLAREA
The PLAREA is defined by the system and contains a pool of pageable 1M frames that can be used to satisfy pageable 1M page requests.
- General memory utilization statistics
The syntax to invoke the IAXDMEM exec is:
The parameters are:
- The name of the REXX exec that displays the real storage utilization statistics.
The IAXDMEM exec takes no arguments.