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Prerequisites and restrictions for PDUU

With APAR OA55959, PDUU now supports two transmission protocols: FTP and HTTPS. Both require proper configuration of the z/OS® Communications Server to use the preferred protocol.

For HTTPS mode, specify HTTPS mode using the USE_HTTPS=Y SYSIN parameter. You will need a valid configured key store containing the necessary certificates to access the IBM documentation sites. This can be specified by the HTTPS_KEYRING or HTTPS_KEYFILE parameters.

For FTP mode, see the topic on Transferring files using FTP in z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide. The PDUU uses active FTP mode as the default, unless another mode is requested with the corresponding FTP subcommands defined in FTPCMDS data set.

The PDUU supports the following types of input data sets:
  • Members of partitioned data sets (PDS) and partitioned data sets extended (PDSE)
  • Large format (DSNTYPE=LARGE) and traditional sequential data sets
  • Extended format sequential data sets
  • Fixed, variable, and undefined-length, blocked and unblocked, spanned and unspanned record formats (RECFM) = F, FB, FBS, V, VB, VS, VBS, U)
  • Data sets with records containing ISO/ANSI or machine code control characters
  • Data sets in cylinder-managed space.
  • Partitioned data sets (PDS) and partitioned data sets extended (PDSE).
PDUU does not support the following types of input data sets:
  • Large block interface (LBI) (no BLKSIZE value).
  • VSAM and direct (DSORG=DA) data sets
  • Data sets with keys (KEYLEN)
  • z/OS® UNIX files
  • Concatenated data sets of any type
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