ISF005I INVALID IDEST FOR userid entry reason


During initialization for userid, SDSF found an error processing entry in the ISFNTBL macro named in the IDEST parameter of the ISFGRP macro. The ISFGRP macro is in the ISFPARMS module.

The values for reason are:
means that a logic error exists in SDSF. Follow your local procedure for calling IBM®. Have the following documentation of the problem ready:
  • A description of the panel being used and the operation being performed when the message was received
  • A record of the message
  • The name of the module that issues the message
means that the destination name is invalid for this system. If the name is an installation-defined name, the error could be caused by the JES system not being active during the installation of SDSF.
At SDSF initialization, SDSF found the user was not authorized to access one or more destination names specified in the ISFNTBL macro for the IDEST parameter in the user's ISFGRP macro. If both the IDEST and DEST parameters are coded, the destination names in the IDEST ISFNTBL macro must also be in the DEST ISFNTBL macro in order for the user to be authorized.
If this is not the problem, a logic error might exist in SDSF. Follow your local procedure for calling IBM and have the following documentation of the problem ready:
  • A description of the panel being used and the operation being performed when the message was received
  • A record of the message
  • The name of the module that issues the message
During SDSF initialization or DEST command processing, SDSF did not find any authorized destination names. The user is not authorized to access all destinations, therefore, a valid authorized destination list is required. nnnn is the number of destinations.

This message also appears in response to a destination query command (DEST ?) if no destination names are authorized.

The system programmer or security administrator should either add an IDEST parameter to the user's ISFGRP macro, or authorize the user to access the ISFOPER.ANYDEST.jesx resource. If these conditions are not met, the user's destination filter is set to blanks or the character string QQQQ, and no jobs appear on the panels.

means that the number specified after the destination name in the ISFNTBL macro is not 1. This number must be 1 in ISFNTBL macros that are named in the IDEST parameter.
means that more than four destination names were specified. No more than four destination names can be specified in ISFNTBL macros that are named in the IDEST parameter.

User response

The system programmer should check the ISFNTBL macros named in the IDEST parameter of the user's ISFGRP macro. The ISFGRP macro is described in Group authorization parameters (GROUP or ISFGRP).

The system programmer might also want to put the installation-defined names last in the ISFNTBL macros, as the installation-defined names can be the most likely to cause an error. When SDSF encounters an error in the destination names during initialization, it continues initialization with the destination names that were successfully processed before the error.