Steps for submitting a job

A job consists of job control language (JCL) and data. You can use FTP to submit a job.


Perform the following steps to submit a job using FTP.

  1. Create the JCL and data that you want to submit, using the editor on your client.
    • If the FTP server is set up for JESINTERFACELEVEL 1, to be able to display the status, receive spool output for, and delete a job, the job name in the JCL must be the USERIDx, where x is a 1-character letter or number and USERID must be the user ID you use to log in to the FTP server to submit the job. Otherwise if the job name in the JCL is not USERIDx, the job can be submitted but the DIr subcommand does not display the job, and the GET and DELETE subcommands will not be supported for the job.
    • If the FTP server is set up for JESINTERFACELEVEL 2, the job name can be any name you are authorized to view using the Security Authorization Facility (SAF), such as RACF®. See JESINTERFACELEVEL differences for more information on security and JESINTERFACELEVEL 2.
    You can determine how the FTP server is set up and whether you have authority to view jobs by entering the STAT client command and the SITE command. For JESINTERFACLEVEL 2, the STAT command returns:
    211-JESOWNER is USER1  
    211-JESJOBNAME is USER1*
    If the SITE JESOWNER= completes successfully, then the user has SAF authority to other users' jobs. If the SITE JESJOBNAME= completes successfully, then the user has SAF authority to other jobs.
    Note: The maximum LRecl for the submitted job is 254 characters. JES scans only the first 72 characters of JCL.


  2. Start a session with the FTP server on the MVS™ system to which you want to submit the job.
  3. After you have logged into the server, specify that you want to interface to JES with a site parameter by entering the following:


  4. To submit the JCL file you have created, enter the following:
    PUT filename.filetype



When you are done, the JCL is then submitted to the JES internal reader and waits for an initiator to start the job. The job is submitted under the user ID that you used when you logged on to the system unless a different user ID is specified on the JOB card.

The default for filetype is SEQ, and when you want to go back to normal FTP file transfer mode, enter the following:

See z/OS MVS JCL Reference for more information about using JCL.

Result: If the submitted JCL does not specify the MSGCLASS value on the JOB statement, the default value sysout class A is used.