Supported data types

ISPF supports partitioned (PDS), sequential (SEQ), and partitioned extended (PDSE) data sets. These data sets can be used in any of the ISPF options, such as Edit and Browse. ISPF does not support:
  • Data sets with a record format of variable block spanned (VBS)
  • Direct access data sets
  • Multivolume data sets for the ISRLEMX program, SCLM, and File Tailoring
  • Generation data group (GDG) base data sets
  • Deletion of data sets allocated with an esoteric device type
  • Member aliases, except under the ISPF Move/Copy utility (option 3.3)
  • Start of changePartitioned data sets as File Tailoring control files (ISPCTLn)End of change
  • Unmovable data sets
    • In the ISPF Move/Copy utility (option 3.3) or using the LMMOVE or LMCOPY service
    • For allocation in the ISPF Data Set utility (option 3.2 option A) or the ISPF Data Set List utility (option 3.4 line command AL)
  • Data sets allocated with the BUFNO parameter (ISPF handles its own buffering)
  • Browse for packed multivolume data sets.

ISPF provides partial support for VSAM data sets and tape data sets.

  • You can create and delete VSAM data sets and obtain VSAM data set information.
  • VSAM data sets are supported for Edit, Browse, and View if the ISPF Configuration table has been customized to enable such support.
  • You can define an interface to an external utility such as DFSMSrmm that the Data Set List utility (Option 3.4) can use to process data sets stored on tape or some other removable media. The interface is configured in the ISPF configuration table. It enables the Data Set List utility to call the tape or removable media interface for these line commands:
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ISPF provides support for z/OS® UNIX directories and files in the ISPF Edit and Browse options as well as in the ISPF services BROWSE, EDIT and VIEW. The z/OS UNIX Directory List Utility (option 3.17) supports processing of directories and files in a z/OS UNIX directory structure.

ISPF requires exclusive enqueues on data sets for many of its functions. If a data set is allocated as SHAREd to a user and then is operated on by one of these functions, the allocation will be converted to OLD by MVS™ dynamic allocation. This allocation of OLD may remain after ISPF frees its enqueue. This is a restriction of the MVS operating system.