z/OS data set and member utilities

You can use the z/OS data set and member utilities to work with data sets and members. The available operations include: rename data set, rename member, copy data set, copy member, migrate data set, recall a migrated data set, and delete a backup version of a data set.

HTTP method and URI path

Figure 1. 'rename' request
PUT /zosmf/restfiles/ds/<to-data-set-name>
PUT /zosmf/restfiles/ds/<to-data-set-name>(<member-name>)
Figure 2. 'copy' request
PUT /zosmf/restfiles/ds/<to-data-set-name>
PUT /zosmf/restfiles/ds/<to-data-set-name>(<member-name>)
PUT /zosmf/restfiles/ds/-(<to-volser>)/<to-data-set-name>
PUT /zosmf/restfiles/ds/-(<to-volser>)/<to-data-set-name>(<member-name>)
Figure 3. ''hmigrate', 'hrecall', or 'hdelete' request
PUT /zosmf/restfiles/ds/<to-data-set-name>
  • /zosmf/restfiles specifies the z/OS® data set and file REST interface.
  • /ds indicates a data set request.
  • -(<volser>) represents a volume serial. For an uncataloged data set, include this parameter to identify the volume to be searched for data sets or members that match the specified <data-set-name> or <member-name>. The length of the volume serial cannot exceed 6 characters. You cannot use wildcard characters for this parameter. Indirect volume serials are not supported.
  • <to-data-set-name> identifies the target data set name. This parameter is required and must consist of a fully qualified data set name. The length of the data set name that you specify on the request cannot exceed 44 characters.
  • <member-name> identifies the target PDS or PDSE member name.

Custom headers

The header Content-Type: application/json; charset={charset-name} must be specified, too.

This header is optional. Use it to indicate how file auto conversion is handled when using the copy operation to copy text mode data sets to POSIX files. If you omit this header, the system default is taken.
'on' or 'all'
The target file is a candidate for automatic conversion if its TXTFLAG is tagged TEXT and the source data set is type TEXT.
The target file is not a candidate for automatic conversion.
This header is optional; use it to specify how a migrated data set is handled. By default, a migrated data set is recalled synchronously. The following values can be specified, too:
This is the default value. If the data set is migrated, wait for it to be recalled before processing the request.
If the data set is migrated, request it to be recalled, but do not wait.
If the data set is migrated, do not attempt to recall the data set.
Start of changeX-IBM-Target-System = <string>End of change
Start of changeThis header indicates the target system name (nick name) for this request, where the system name (nick name) is defined in the local system Systems table. The target host system must support single-sign-on by using either an LTPA token or a valid X-IBM-Target-System-User and X-IBM-Target-System-Password is provided for the target system. If the target system is the local system, this header is ignored and has no effect.End of change
Start of changeX-IBM-Target-System-UserEnd of change
Start of changeThis header indicates the z/OS user ID that allows the user to access the target system. If the X-IBM-Target-System header is not supplied, this header is ignored. Both X-IBM-Target-System-Password and X-IBM-Target-System-User must be provided together; otherwise, this header is ignored.
If this header is not provided in the current request, the current request uses the authenticated user credentials to access the target system if either of the following conditions are true:
End of change
Start of changeX-IBM-Target-System-PasswordEnd of change
Start of changeThis header indicates the password that is associated with the z/OS user ID. If the X-IBM-Target-System header is not supplied, this header is ignored. Both X-IBM-Target-System-Password and X-IBM-Target-System-User must be provided together; otherwise, this header is ignored.End of change

Request body

A JSON request document (content-type=application/json, character-encoding=UTF-8) must be supplied in one of the following forms:
Table 1. Request
Function Property Description Required
hmigrate request Indicates the function name. Yes
wait:true|false If true, the function waits for completion of the request. If false (default) the request is queued. No
hrecall request Indicates the function name. Yes
wait:true|false If true, the function waits for completion of the request. If false (default) the request is queued. No
hdelete request Indicates the function name. Yes
wait:true|false If true, the function waits for completion of the request. If false (default) the request is queued. No
purge:true|false If true, the function uses the PURGE=YES on ARCHDEL request. If false (default) the function uses the PURGE=NO on ARCHDEL request. No
rename request Indicates the function name. Yes
from-dataset The data set to rename. Yes
The source data set name. This is required.
If renaming a member this is the old member name. This is not required.
enq enq for the "to" data set is only allowed for renaming members. Values can be SHRW or EXCLU.

SHRW is the default or PDS members, EXCLU otherwise.

copy request Indicates the function copy. Yes
from-file The file to copy. You must choose either from-file or from-dataset.
The absolute source file name. This value is required.
One of "binary | executable | text". Default is text. This is not required.
from-dataset The data set to copy.
The source data set. This is required.
Used to specify a member; "*" means all members. This is not required.
Can be specified if dsn is not cataloged. This is not required.
if true, aliases are copied along with main member;if false(default), alias relationships are not maintained. This is not required.
enq Only applicable when from-dataset is specified. With from-file, an error is reported (see note below).This is the enqueue type for the "to" data set. Allowed values are: SHR, SHRW, EXCLU;SHRW is the default for PDS, EXCLU for sequential. The source data set is always enqueued via SHR.
Note: When from-file is specified, the target dsn is opened with DISP=OLD (EXCLU) with one exception: If the target is a PDS and the from-file/type is text, the target PDS is enqueued SHRW. This is not required.
replace:true|false Applicable with from-dataset. When from-file specified,ignored unless from-file/type=text. If true, members in the target data set are replaced. If false(default), like named members are not copied and an error is returned. No
Note: The "to" data set must be a PDS if from-dataset/member is '*' or a <member-name> is specified on the URL. When from-dataset/member is a single member name and the member name is NOT specified on the URL, the 'to' data set is expected to be sequential.

Required authorizations

See Required authorizations.

Usage considerations

Start of changeUsers of the IEBCOPY data set utility might be accustomed to freeing unused space during a data set copy operation for a partitioned data set (PDS). This function is similar to ISPF option 3.1 compress, in which the unused space occupied by deleted or updated members is removed when a PDS is copied. The z/OS data set and member utilities REST API does not offer an equivalent option for a data set copy operation.End of change

For other usage considerations, see Usage considerations for the z/OSMF REST services.

Expected response

On completion, the service returns an HTTP response, which includes a status code that indicates whether your request completed. Status code 200 OK indicates success. A status code of 4nn or 5nn indicates that an error has occurred. For more details, see Error handling.

For errors, the HTTP response includes error information as a JSON error report document. See Error report document.


See Figure 4 for an example of renaming a data set.
Figure 4. Example: Rename MY.OLD.DSN to MY.NEW.DSN
PUT https://zosmf1.yourco.com/zosmf/restfiles/ds/MY.NEW.DSN HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

{"request":"rename", "from-dataset":{"dsn":"MY.OLD.DSN"}} 


See Figure 5 for an example of copying a PDS member.
Figure 5. Example: copy member MYMEM1 from MY.OLD.DSN to MY.NEW.DSN(MYMEM2)
PUT https://zosmf1.yourco.com/zosmf/restfiles/ds/MY.NEW.DSN(MYMEM2) HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

{"request":"copy", "from-dataset":{"dsn":"MY.OLD.DSN", "member":"MYMEM1"}, "replace":true }