Listing Data Set Attributes - LISTDS Command

To display the attributes of specific data sets at your terminal, use the LISTDS command. Each data set you specify must be currently allocated or available from the system catalog, and must reside on a currently-active volume.

Using the LISTDS command, you can display:
  • The volume identifier (VOLID) of the volume the data set resides on
  • The logical record length (LRECL), the block size (BLKSIZE), and for non-VSAM data sets, the record format (RECFM) of the data set
  • The data set organization (DSORG). For an explanation of the possible values for DSORG and their meanings, see Listing the History of a Data Set
  • The date the data set was created
  • The date the data set will expire
  • For non-VSAM data sets, whether the data set is protected
  • File name and disposition
  • The members in a partitioned data set, including any aliases
  • Non-VSAM data set control blocks (DSCBs)
  • The information from the data sets in a particular user catalog
  • A list of information about data sets with a common high-level qualifier

You can specify a list of data set names when using any of the operands of the LISTDS command.