VERIFY operator

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Examines particular decimal fields in a data set and prints a message identifying each invalid value found for each field. From 1 to 10 fields can be specified.

DFSORT is called to copy the indd data set to ICETOOL's E35 user exit. ICETOOL uses its E35 user exit to examine the digits and sign of each value for validity, and for each invalid value found, prints an error message containing the record number and field value (in hexadecimal).

You must not supply your own DFSORT MODS, INREC, or OUTREC statement, because they would override the DFSORT statements passed by ICETOOL for this operator.
  1. Values with invalid decimal digits are also identified for the DISPLAY, OCCUR, RANGE, and STATS operators.
  2. The DISPLAY operator can be used to print a report identifying the relative record number, hexadecimal value, and associated fields for each invalid (and valid) decimal value, as shown in Example 9 under DISPLAY operator.