Requesting dynamic allocation functions

This information explains how to code a dynamic allocation request.

To submit a dynamic allocation request, read the following topics:

To diagnose errors in your dynamic allocation request, see Processing messages and reason codes from dynamic allocation, which describes the return and reason codes, and supplies actions for correcting the error.

To process dynamic allocation messages and reason codes, see Processing messages and reason codes from dynamic allocation, which describes how to set the fields of the request block extension to request message processing, and how to process the messages you receive from dynamic allocation.

If you are unfamiliar with dynamic allocation, or are not sure that dynamic allocation is right for your program or your programming environment, read Dynamic allocation before using this information to code a dynamic allocation request. This information describes allocation, when to use dynamic allocation and when not to, and which dynamic allocation functions are meaningful in a batch or an interactive environment.


BPXWDYN is a text interface to a subset of the SVC 99 (dynamic allocation) and SVC 109 (dynamic output) services. BPXWDYN supports data set allocation, unallocation, concatenation, and the addition and deletion of output descriptors. BPXWDYN is designed to be called from REXX, but it may be called from several other programming languages, including Assembler, C, and PL/I. This interface makes dynamic allocation and dynamic output services easily accessible to programs running outside of a TSO/E environment; however, it also functions in a TSO/E environment. For more information, see z/OS Using REXX and z/OS UNIX System Services.