An introduction to extended addressability

Over the years, MVS™ has changed in many ways. Two key areas of growth and change are addressability and integrity. The concept of an address space is an integral part of both. An address space, literally defined as the range of addresses available to a computer program, is like a programmer's map of the virtual storage available for code and data. An address space provides each programmer with access to all of the addresses available through the computer architecture.

Because it maps all of the available addresses, an address space includes system code and data as well as user code and data. Thus, not all of the mapped addresses are available for user code and data. This limit on user applications was a major reason for System/370 Extended Architecture (370-XA) and MVS/XA. Because the effective length of an address field expanded from 24 bits to 31 bits, the size of an address space expanded from 16 megabytes to 2 gigabytes. An MVS/XA address space is 128 times as big as an MVS/370 address space.

A 2-gigabyte address space, however, does not, in and of itself, meet all of programmers' needs in an environment where processor speed continues to increase, where applications must support hundreds of users with instant response time requirements, and where businesses depend on quick access to huge amounts of information stored on DASD.

With z/OS®, the MVS address space expands to a size so vast that we need new terms to describe it. Each address space, called a 64-bit address space, is 16 exabytes in size; an exabyte is slightly more than one billion gigabytes. The new address space has logically 264 addresses. It is 8 billion times the size of the former 2-gigabyte address space that logically has 231 addresses. The number is 16 with 18 zeros after it: 16,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes, or 16 exabytes. If you are coding a new program that needs to store large amounts of data, a 64-bit address space might work for you. See Using the 64-bit address space.

If, however you need more than a large address space, other extended addressability techniques meet that need. Extended addressability allows programmers to extend the power of applications through the use of additional address spaces or data-only spaces. The data-only spaces that are available for your programs are called data spaces and hiperspaces. These spaces are similar in that both are areas of virtual storage that your program can ask the system to create. Their size can be up to 2 gigabytes, as your program requests. Unlike an address space, a data space or hiperspace contains only user data; it does not contain system control blocks or common areas. Program code cannot run in a data space or a hiperspace.

The following diagram shows, at an overview level, the difference between an address space and a data space or hiperspace.


Both the architecture and the system protect the integrity of code and data within an address space. Various techniques, like storage protect key and supervisor state requirements, provide protection that is almost like a wall around an address space, and this wall is basically a good thing from the point of view of the work going on inside that individual address space.

The programming techniques that provide extended addressability permit programs to break through but still preserve the wall that protects the address space.

Whether your application is one that can use extended addressability depends on many factors. One basic factor is the amount of central, expanded, and auxiliary storage available at your installation to back up virtual storage. Extended addressability frequently requires additional amounts of virtual storage, which means that your installation must have sufficient central and auxiliary storage, and some of the techniques work most efficiently only when expanded storage is available.

The goals for the design of a particular application are equally important in the decision-making process. These goals might include:
  • Performance. For an application with large numbers of online end users, achieving the best possible response time is always a significant design goal.
  • Efficient use of system resources, such as storage, and efficient use of the DASD resources.
  • Ability to randomly access very large amounts of data.
  • Data integrity and isolation. Data in an address space is generally available to all tasks (or TCBs) running in that address space; access to data in a data space or hiperspace can be restricted. Code running in an address space can inadvertently overlay data; because of its isolation, data in a data space or hiperspace is less likely to be overlaid.
  • Independence from individual device characteristics, from record-oriented processing, and from data management concerns in general. Extended addressability can allow an application to focus on controlling data as information in contrast to controlling data as records in data sets stored on DASD volumes.
  • Reduction in the size and complexity of the programming effort required to develop a new application.

Achieving these goals depends to a very great extent on choosing a way to extend addressability that meets your needs. You need to understand, at a very high level, basic concepts related to each technique and how you might apply extended addressability to specific programming situations.

At the detailed technical level, extended addressability can mean learning new programming techniques, or new ways of applying existing techniques. At a higher level, extended addressability can open completely different solutions to programming problems. With extended addressability, virtual storage, backed by expanded storage, can become, conceptually, a high-performance medium for application data. It is also important to note that you should think of extended addressability techniques as ones you can use to modify existing applications as well as code new ones.

To use an example of how extended addressability can open up new solutions, assume you need to write an application to sort 5000 records.
  • If you can hold only 50 records in storage, you must use DASD for intermediate workfile processing.
  • If you can hold 500 records in storage, the solution is still the same, though it requires fewer I/O operations.
  • If you can hold all 5000 records in storage, the original solution still works, but it is now possible to devise a completely different solution, one, for example, that does not depend on a DASD workfile. This new solution could both improve performance and reduce the effort required for program development.

This simple example illustrates how extended addressability can both improve the performance of existing solutions and open the possibility of new solutions. The large amounts of virtual and processor storage now available to an application can allow totally new solutions and simplify the entire process of application development.