Catalog Field Names

Table 1 shows the catalog field names.
Table 1. Catalog Field Names
Rep Type Length Name Description
no Character 36 ACTOKEN Active compression dictionary token
no Fixed 2 AKEYPOS The relative position in the data record of this AIX® key. Only applicable for catalog entry types of AIX. Note that the field is only valid if the component type is "D" and the record type is for a alternate index.
no Fixed 8 AMDCIREC Control interval size for 4 bytes and maximum record size for 4 bytes
no Fixed 4 AMDKEY Relative position of KSDS key for 2 bytes and key length of KSDS key for 2 bytes
yes Character 45 ASSOC A repeating list of catalog records associated with this entry. Consists of a 1-byte value similar to field name ENTYPE, followed by the 44-byte name of the association. If the name contains system symbolics, the name and type are resolved before being returned.
Note: Start of changeIf the symbolicrelate name can be resolved, meaning the symbolic exists in the SYS1.PARMLIB member IEASYMxx and the name formed by the resolved symbolic is in the catalog, then the correct type, 'U' for user catalog connector or 'A' for nonVSAM, is returned with the resolved name. If the name cannot be resolved, then the type is defaulted to 'A' and the name with the symbolic, the one containing the "&", is returned.End of change
no Bitstring 1 ASSOCSYB Indicates whether the entry is a symbolic.
  • X'00' - The entry is not a symbolic
  • X'80' - The entry is a symbolic
yes Character 45 ASSOCSYM A repeating list of catalog records associated with this entry. Consists of a 1-byte value similar to field name ENTYPE, followed by the 44-byte name of the association. If the name contains system symbolics, they are not resolved.
no Bitstring 1 ATTR1 Attributes:
  1... ....     Speed
  .1.. ....     Unique
  ..1. ....     Reusable
  ...1 ....     Erase
  .... 1...     ECSHARING - ICF catalogs only
  .... .1..     Inhibit update
  .... ..1.     Temporary export
  .... ...1     Track overflow
no Bitstring 1 ATTR2 Share attributes
  11.. ....     Region (00 = 1, 01 = 2, 10 = 3, 11 = 4)
  ..11 ....     System (00 = 1, 01 = 2, 10 = 3, 11 = 4)
  .... xxxx     Reserved
no Fixed 2 BUFND The number of buffers requested for Data
no Fixed 2 BUFNI The number of buffers requested for Index
no Fixed 4 BUFSIZE Start of changeBUFFERSPACE parameter on a DEFINE CLUSTER statementEnd of change
Start of changenoEnd of change Start of changeFixedEnd of change Start of change4End of change Start of changeCACHEDLTEnd of change Start of changeNumber of records deleted from the cache (Z entry type only) End of change
Start of changenoEnd of change Start of changeFixedEnd of change Start of change4End of change Start of changeCACHEFNDEnd of change Start of changeCurrent number of cache hits (Z entry type only)End of change
Start of changenoEnd of change Start of changeFixedEnd of change Start of change4End of change Start of changeCACHESCHEnd of change Start of changeNumber of cache hits (Z entry type only)End of change
Start of changenoEnd of change Start of changeBitstringEnd of change Start of change2End of change Start of changeCATFLAGSEnd of change Start of change(Z entry type only)End of change
Start of change End of change Start of changeFirst ByteEnd of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change
Start of change End of change Start of change1... ....End of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeCatalog is openEnd of change
Start of change End of change Start of change.1.. ....End of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeCatalog is the master catalog on this system End of change
Start of change End of change Start of change..1. .... End of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeCatalog is active In-Storage CacheEnd of change
Start of change End of change Start of change...1 ....End of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeCatalog is active in VLF End of change
Start of change End of change Start of change.... 1...End of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeCatalog is ECS-activeEnd of change
Start of change End of change Start of change..... .1..End of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeCatalog is open in RLS modeEnd of change
Start of change End of change Start of change.... ..1.End of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeCatalog is deletedEnd of change
Start of change End of change Start of change.... ...1End of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeCatalog is lockedEnd of change
Start of change End of change Start of changeSecond ByteEnd of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change
Start of change End of change Start of change1... ....End of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeCatalog is suspendedEnd of change
Start of change End of change Start of xxxx End of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeReservedEnd of change
no Address 4 CATUCB UCB pointer for volume the catalog is on (Z entry type only)
no Fixed 2 CATACT Catalog Activity count (Z entry type only)
no Bitstring 2 CATFLAGS (Z entry type only)
  First Byte      
  1... ….     Catalog is open
  .1.. ….     Catalog is the master catalog on this system
  ..1. ….     Catalog is active in In-Storage Cache
  ...1 ….     Catalog is active in VLF
  .... 1...     Catalog is ECS-active
  .... .1..     Catalog is open in RLS mode
  .... ..1.     Catalog is deleted
  .... …1     Catalog is locked
  Second Byte      
  xxxx xxxx     Reserved
no Bitstring 1 CATTR Attributes for pagespace and swapspace
  xxxx xx..     Reserved
  .... ..1.     Swap=1, noswap=0
  .... ...1     Data set is a pagespace
no Bitstring 1 COMPIND Compression indicator.
  x..x xxxx     Reserved
  .1.. ....     Data set is extended format
  ..1. ....     Data set is compressible
no Fixed 8 COMUDSIZ Compressed user data size
no Bitstring 1 DATABASE VSAM database types.
Start of change End of change Start of changexxx. ....End of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeReserved, may be onEnd of change
Start of change End of change Start of change...1 ....End of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeBSON documentEnd of change
Start of change End of change Start of change.... 1...End of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeJSON documentEnd of change
Start of change End of change Start of change.... .xxxEnd of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeReserved, may be onEnd of change
no Character VL DATACLAS SMS data class
Start of changenoEnd of change Start of changeCharacterEnd of change Start of changeVLEnd of change Start of changeDBALTKEYEnd of change Start of changeList of alternate key names specified on the ALTKEYS or ALTKEYSU parameter of an IDCAMS DEFINE ALTERNATEINDEX command.End of change
Start of change End of change Start of changeFixedEnd of change Start of change2End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeLength of the full listEnd of change
Start of change End of change Start of changeFixedEnd of change Start of change2End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeTotal number of alternate key names.End of change
Start of change End of change Start of changeCharacterEnd of change Start of change2000End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeBeginning of a 2000-byte area for the alternate key names specified; one following structure per specified alternate key.End of change
Start of change End of change Start of changeCharacterEnd of change Start of change1End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeThe specified sort order of the ALTKEY: A (ascending) or D (descending).End of change
Start of change End of change Start of changeFixedEnd of change Start of change1End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeThe length of the alternate key name.End of change
Start of change End of change Start of changeCharacterEnd of change Start of changeVLEnd of change Start of change End of change Start of changeAlternate key name in UTF-8 format.End of change
Start of changenoEnd of change Start of changeCharacterEnd of change Start of changeVLEnd of change Start of changeDBALTKY1End of change Start of changeThe first alternate key name.End of change
Start of change End of change Start of changeFixedEnd of change Start of change1End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeLength of the first alternate key specified in a DEFINE AIX ALTKEYS or ALTKEYSU command.End of change
Start of change End of change Start of changeCharacterEnd of change Start of changeVLEnd of change Start of change End of change Start of changeAlternate key name in UTF-8 format.End of change
yes Fixed 4 DEVTYP UCB device type
yes Fixed 3 DSCBTTR TTR of format-1 DSCB for non-VSAM data set
no Start of changeDateEnd of change Start of change4End of change DSCRDT2 Creation date. Packed decimal YYDDDF for 3 bytes appended with one byte century indicator. If the century byte is 00 then add 1900 to get the year; if 01, add 2000.
no Start of changeDateEnd of change 4 DSEXDT2 Expiration date. Packed decimal YYDDDF for 3 bytes appended with one byte century indicator. If the century byte is 00 then add 1900 to get the year; if 01, add 2000.
no Binary 1 EATTR Data set attribute for controlling allocation of VSAM data sets (note that EATTR for non-VSAM data sets is not carried in the catalog information for such data sets). The value of EATTR is as follows:
  • X'00' - EATTR not specified. Defaults for EAS eligibility should apply.
  • X'01' - EATTR=NO specified. The data set cannot have extended attributes have and cannot reside in EAS.
  • X'02' - EATTR=OPT specified. The data set can have extended attributes and can optionally reside in an EAS.
  • X'03' - Not used. EATTR value treated as not specified.
Start of changenoEnd of change Start of changeBinaryEnd of change Start of change1End of change Start of changeENCNPBLKEnd of change Start of changeBlocks do not have prefixes. Set only for basic and large format data sets.
  • X'00' - Encrypted with block prefixes.
  • X'01' - Encrypted with no block prefixes.
  • X'FF' - Not encrypted.
End of change
no Binary 1 ENCRYPTF The field name for the encryption flag.
  • X'00' - Not encrypted.
  • X'01' - Encrypted.
no Fixed 2 ENCRYPTT A 2 byte integer for the encryption type. It is initialized to x'0100'. If the data set is not encrypted, hex 'FFFF' is returned. Encryption type is intended for possible future types of encryption.
no Character 96 ENCRYPTA All of the encryption fields as one field. It returns 96 bytes of information as formatted in the encryption cell:
  • 2 bytes for the encryption type
  • 64-byte key label
  • 8 bytes for the saved ICV (first half)
  • 1 byte for the encryption mode
  • 16 bytes for a verification value
  • Start of change1 byte verification flagsEnd of change
  • Start of change1 byte flag containing flag for block prefixes (see macro)End of change
  • Start of change3 bytes reserved

    If the data set is not encrypted, 96 bytes of x'FF's are returned.

    End of change
  • Start of changeA mapping macro, IGGCSIF, is available for the above fields SYS1.MACLIB. Refer to IGGCSIF mapping macro for details regarding the mapping macro.End of change
no Character 44 ENTNAME The name of the entry
no Character 1 ENTYPE Entry type. For example, 'C' is cluster and 'A' is non-VSAM.
no Character 8 EXCPEXIT Exception exit
yes Fixed 2 FILESEQ File sequence number
no Character 1 FSDSFLAG File System data set flag
Start of changeX'00'  - Not a zFS-initialized data set
X'80'  -  zFS-initialized data set data set
End of change
no Start of changeDateEnd of change 4 GDGALTDT Last alteration date. Packed decimal YYDDDF for 3 bytes appended with one byte century indicator. If the century byte is 00 then add 1900 to get the year; if 01, add 2000.
no Bitstring 1 GDGATTR Generation data group attributes
  0... ....     Delete oldest GDS when GATLIMIT exceeded
  1... ....     Delete all GDSs when GATLIMIT exceeded
  .0.. ....     Do not scratch data set when rolled off
  .1.. ....     Scratch data set when rolled off if volume mounted
  ..0. ....     Allocate GDSs in LIFO order
  ..1. ....     Allocate GDSs in FIFO order
  ...0 ....     GDS NOPURGE
  ...1....     GDS PURGE
  .... 0...     GDG Classic
  .... 1..     GDG Extended
no Fixed 1 GDGLIMIT Maximum number of generation data sets allowed in the GDG
no Fixed 2 GDGLIMTE Maximum number of generation data sets allowed in the GDG or GDG extended (GDGE)
Note: The use of the GDGLIMIT field name will be tracked by z/OS Generic Tracker when GDGLIMITE is not also present. The usage can be displayed with the DISPLAY GTZ,TRACKDATA console command when GDZTRACK is active. IBM recommends only using GDGLIMTE.
yes Character 4 GENLEVEL GDG generation level — 1 for each active generation in EBCDIC format c'0000'
yes Fixed 4 HARBA High-allocated RBA
no Fixed 4 HARBADS Data set high-allocated RBA
yes Character VL HIKEYV High Key on volume
no Fixed 4 HILVLRBA RBA of High Level Index Record
yes Fixed 4 HKRBA RBA of data control interval with high key
yes Fixed 4 HURBA High-used RBA for the volume requested
no Fixed 4 HURBADS Data set high-used RBA
no Fixed 2 INDXLVLS Number of Index Levels
yes Bitstring 1 ITYPEXT Type of extent
  1... ....     Sequence set with data, IMBED
  .1.. ….     Extents not preformatted
  ..1. ....     Converted VSAM data set volume
  ...x xxxx     Reserved
no Character 64 KEYLABEL The field name for key label and the data returned is 64 characters in length. If the data set is not encrypted, 64 bytes of hex 'FF's are returned. Start of changeThis is the same key label as found in ENCRYPTA.End of change
no Character 16 LOCKSTNM Data Set Lock Structure Name (RLS eligible data sets only)
no Binary 1 LOGPARMS
Value of LOG parameter set
X'00' - never set
X'01' - LOG(NONE)
X'02' - LOG(UNDO)
X'03' - LOG(ALL)            
no Character 26 LOGSTRID Value of LOGSTREAMID parameter set by IDCAMS DEFINE/ALTER
yes Character VL LOKEYV Low Key on volume
no Fixed 4 LRECL Average logical record size
no Fixed 8 LTBACKDT Last backup date in TOD format.
no Character VL MGMTCLAS SMS management class
yes Character 44 NAME The name of an associated entry
yes Fixed 2 NOBLKTRK Number of physical blocks per track. This is the value reported by IDCAMS LISTCAT as PHYRECS/TRK
yes Fixed 4 NOBYTAU Number of bytes per allocation unit
yes Fixed 4 NOBYTTRK Number of bytes per track
yes Fixed 1 NOEXTNT Number of extents. This is the value reported by IDCAMS LISTCAT as EXTENTS.
yes Fixed 2 NOTRKAU Number of tracks per allocation unit. This is the value reported by IDCAMS LISTCAT as TRACKS/CA.
no Character 1 NVSMATTR Non-VSAM attribute information
  c'H'     Active GDS
  c'N'     Deferred GDS
  c'M'     Rolled-off GDS
  c'L'     Extended partitioned data set (PDSE)
  c'P'     POSIX data set
  x'00'     Simple non-VSAM data set
  c'I'     Active GDS-PDSE
  c'J'     Deferred GDS-PDSE
  c'K'     Rolled-Off GDS-PDSE
no Bitstring 1 OPENIND Open indicator
  x... ....     Open =1, not open=0, 1 may mean that the data set was not closed properly
  .xxx xxxx     Reserved
no Character 8 OWNERID Owner of the data set
no Fixed 2 PASSATMP Number of attempts to prompt for password
no Character 8 PASSPRMT Password prompt code name
no Character 32 PASSWORD Four 8-byte passwords (VSAM data sets only)
yes Fixed 4 PHYBLKSZ Physical blocksize. This is the value reported by IDCAMS LISTCAT as PHYREC-SIZE.
no Fixed 3 PRIMSPAC Primary space allocation
no Binary 8 RECVTIME Recovery time, TOD value, local
no Binary 8 RECVTIMG Recovery time, TOD value, GMT
no Bitstring 1 RGATTR Alternate index/path attributes
  1... ....     Upgrade=1, noupgrade=0
  .1.. ....     Entry is an alternate index
0=Entry is an alternate index
1=Entry is a path
  ..xx xxxx     Reserved
no Start of changeBitstringEnd of change 1 RLSBWO
Value of BWO parameter set by
xxxx 0000 - Undefined or not set
xxxx 0001 - BWO(TYPECICS)
xxxx 0010 - Reserved
xxxx 0011 - BWO(TYPEIMS)
xxxx 0100 - Reserved            
no Start of changeBitstringEnd of change 1 RLSFLAGS
xxxx 0xxx - Recovery not required
xxxx 1xxx - Recovery required
xxxx x0xx - Catalog is enabled for RLS
xxxx x1xx - Catalog is quiesced for RLS
xxxx xx0x - Catalog is not being used in
RLS mode
XXXX XX1X - Catalog is being used in RLS
Start of changeXXXX XXX1 - Data set is defined with LOGREPLICATEEnd of change
no Fixed 3 SCONSPAC Secondary space allocation
no Bitstring 1 SECFLAGS Security flag information x'80' means the data set has a discrete RACF® profile
no Fixed 4 SEQSTRBA RBA of First Sequence Set Record. RRDS maximum record number if RRDs.
  1... ....     VSAM extended format
  .1.. ....     VSAM compressed format
  ..1. ....     RLS in use
  ...1 ....     RLS VSAM quiesced
  .... xxxx     Reserved
no Bitstring 1 SPACOPTN Equals '01' for record allocation, '10' for track allocation, and '11' for cylinder
  ..xx xxxx     Reserved
no Character VL STORCLAS SMS storage class. When the data set is not SMS-managed, the length will be no longer than 8 and the value will be hexadecimal zeroes.
no Fixed 2 STRIPCNT Striping counts for striped data sets
no Fixed 1 STRNO Number of concurrent requests
yes Fixed 4 TRACKS Total number of tracks per volume. This field pertains only to VSAM data sets.
yes Character 1 TYPE The type of an associated entry
no Fixed 8 UDATASIZ User data size
Restriction: This field is only valid for extended format VSAM and non-VSAM data sets.
no Character VL USERAREC User authorization record
Start of changeyesEnd of change Start of changeBitstringEnd of change Start of change1End of change Start of changeVOLFLGEnd of change Start of changeVolume flagsEnd of change
Start of change End of change Start of change1..x xxxx End of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeprimary volume with space allocatedEnd of change
Start of change End of change Start of change.1.x xxxxEnd of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of changecandidate volume with no spaceEnd of change
Start of change End of change Start of change 1x xxxxEnd of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeoverflow volume (keyrange data set only) with no space allocatedEnd of change
Start of change End of change Start of change…x xxxxEnd of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeReservedEnd of change
yes Character 6 VOLSER Volume serial number. A VOLSER of all asterisks is the IPL volume. For a symbolic value (for example, "&xxxxx"), use the ASASYMBM service to convert the symbolic value to a valid character string.
no Bitstring 1 VSAMREUS VSAM data set information
  1... ....     Data set has RACF discrete profile
  .1.. ....     Index component data set
  ..1. ....     Reusable data set
  ...1 ....     Erase specified (cluster only)
  .... xx..     Reserved
  .... ..1.     Swap space (cluster only)
  .... ...1     Page space (cluster only)
no Fixed 46 VSAMSTAT Statistics information for VSAM components.
    1   Percentage of free CIs in CA
    1   Percentage of bytes free in CI
    2   Number CIs/ CA
    4   Free CIs/ CA
    2   Free bytes/CI
    4   Number of logical records
    4   Number of deleted records
    4   Number of inserted records
    4   Number of updated records
    4   Number of retrieved records
    4   Bytes of free space in component. For non-extended addressability data sets, this field represents the actual amount of free space in the component. If the data set is extended addressable, the value in the field is the number of free CIs; the bytes of freespace can be obtained by multiplying the field value by the CI size.
    4   Number of CI splits
    4   Number of CA splits
    4   Number of EXCPs
no Bitstring 2 VSAMTYPE VSAM data set type information
  First Byte:      
  1... ....     KSDS=1, not KSDS=0
  .1.. ....     Write check
  ..1. ....     Imbed
  ...1 ....     Replicate
  .... x...     Reserved
  .... .1..     Key-range data set
  .... ..1.     RRDS
  .... ...1     Spanned records allowed
  Second Byte:      
  1... ....     Non-unique or unique keys allowed
  .x.. ....    
  ..1. ....     The data set was not closed properly and the recorded statistics are not accurate.
  .... .1..     LDS
  .... ...1     VRRDS
  ...x x.x.     Reserved
no Bitstring 2 VVRNFLGS Extended format flags
  First Byte:      
  1... ....     COMUDSIZ and UDATASIZ are invalid
  .1... ....     Block level compression
  ..xx xxxx     Reserved
  Second Byte:      
  1111 1111     Not defined
no Bitstring 1 XACIFLAG Extended attribute flags
  x... ....     Reserved, may be on
  .1.. ....     Data set can be greater than 4 GB
  ..xx ....     Reserved, may be on
yes Fixed 8 XHARBA High-allocated RBA
no Fixed 8 XHARBADS Data-set high-allocated RBA
yes Fixed 8 XHKRBA RBA of data control interval with high key
yes Fixed 8 XHURBA High-used RBA for the volume requested
no Fixed 8 XHURBADS Data-set high-used RBA
Start of changenoEnd of change Start of changeBitstring
00.. ...
1... ….
.1.. ….
..11 111
End of change
Start of change1End of change Start of changeZFSFLAGSEnd of change Start of changezFS data set flags
X'00'  - Not a zFS data set
X'80'  -  zFS data set initialized
X'40 - zFS data set indicated (Defined with ZFS parm)
Length returned is zero if attribute not applicable to entry
End of change
Note: If you attempt to retrieve a 4-byte RBA value (such as, HARBA, HURBA, HARBADS, HURBADS, or HKRBA) and the value will not fit in the 4-bytes provided, that length of that returned data will be zero as shown in Work Area Format Description. You can either change to always request the extended fields shown above, or request the setting of XACIFLAG and inspect bit 1 to determine whether or not RBAs can be greater than 4 bytes. If so, then request the fields with the names given here.