Abstract for DFSMS Using the Interactive Storage Management Facility

This information supports z/OS® Version 2 (5650-ZOS) and contains information about DFSMSdfp and related features that are parts of z/OS.

Purpose of this information

The purpose of this information is to help the general user manage data sets and storage using the Interactive Storage Management Facility (ISMF). It contains information on the different types of ISMF options and provides information on how to use them. As a general introduction to ISMF, this book is meant to be used in conjunction with the ISMF help panels. The help panels provide reference information about specific commands and fields in ISMF panels; help panels supplement the material presented in this manual. Storage administrators should refer to z/OS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration Reference for information dealing with storage administration tasks.

Who should read this information

This information is intended to help the general user manage data sets and storage using the Interactive Storage Management Facility (ISMF). It contains information on the different types of ISMF options and provides information on how to use them.