The ISPF Configuration Table

The ISPF Configuration table is a keyword-driven flat file. Each entry is in the format KEYWORD = value. A slash and asterisk (/*) in columns 1 and 2 indicate a comment line.

Use the ISPF Configuration table to change site-wide defaults and to indicate that installation exit routines are provided for some of the ISPF functions. The ISPF functions that allow installation-written exit routines are data set allocation, print utility, data set compression, the data set list utility, member list filter, and data set name change. ISPF checks the configuration table to determine, first, if exit routines are provided, and second, whether those routines are programs or CLISTs. If you specify both a CLIST and a program, ISPF uses the program.

A default configuration load module (ISPCFIG) is included with ISPF. It is used if you choose to make no customizations for your installation. If you do want to create your own configuration table, simply use the ISPF Configuration utility to create or modify the settings and regenerate the keyword file. You can then convert the keyword file into a configuration table load module called ISPCFIGU. Optionally, you can use the same file to create load module called ISPCFIGV for VSAM support. The converted load module must be placed in the standard MVS™ search sequence or allocated to ISPLLIB for ISPF to use the values specified. For more information about the ISPF Configuration utility, see The ISPF Configuration utility.

It is recommended that you always use the latest release as the common configuration, though older releases will work with the newest table. Newer releases will also work with an older table, but the ability to configure the settings added in the latest release is lost.

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