Syntax Rules and Conventions

Common notations (rules) are used to define the syntax and format of EREP control statements and parameters. The following syntax rules define what is required for the specific report you are requesting.

Use the following alphanumeric characters and symbols when you write procedures that create EREP reports:
  • Code uppercase letters, numbers, and this set of symbols exactly as they are shown.
    * asterisk
    , comma
    = equal sign
    - hyphen
    ( ) parentheses
    . .
    A– Z alphabetic
    0–9 numeric
    $ # @ national
  • Substitute specific information for variables appearing as lowercase letters and other symbols.
    For example: If the variable serial appears in the parameter or control statement syntax, substitute a specific serial number value (such as 012345 or 503B) in the parameter or control statement.
  • Code a hyphen or a dash between two entries to indicate a range.
    For example:
    indicates a range of time.
    indicates a range of continuous addresses.