Removing libraries from LLA management

In CSVLLAxx, specify the REMOVE keyword for libraries that are to be removed dynamically from LLA management. If you issue the MODIFY LLA,UPDATE=xx command (selective refresh) to select a CSVLLAxx member that lists libraries on the REMOVE keyword, LLA no longer provides directory entries or staged modules for these libraries, regardless of whether the libraries are included in the LNKLST concatenation. (Note that you cannot use REMOVE to change the order or contents of the LNKLST concatenation itself.)

You can also use the MODIFY LLA,REFRESH command (complete refresh) to remove libraries from LLA management. This command rebuilds the entire LLA directory, rather than specified entries in LLA's directory. To limit the adverse effects on performance caused by an LLA refresh, whenever possible, use a selective refresh of LLA instead of a complete refresh, or stopping and restarting LLA.

In any case, when LLA directory entries are refreshed, LLA discards directory information of the associated module and causes VLF (if active) to remove the module from the VLF cache. This reduces LLA's performance benefit until LLA stages them again. Because LLA stages modules using the cached directory entries, you should refresh LLA whenever a change is made to an LLA-managed data set.

The MODIFY LLA command does not reload (or refresh) modules that are already loaded into virtual storage, such as modules in long-running or never-ending tasks.

For more information about specifying the REMOVE keyword, see the description of the CSVLLAxx member in z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.